From 1eb761fcbb1b770ef90c1f944ca3c033c220a1d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chenc29 Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2021 09:21:29 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 1/9] added my work file for the new tab --- CopyOfapp.R | 1264 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 1264 insertions(+) create mode 100644 CopyOfapp.R diff --git a/CopyOfapp.R b/CopyOfapp.R new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fb4fdc96 --- /dev/null +++ b/CopyOfapp.R @@ -0,0 +1,1264 @@ +# Data Incite RPI Study Safe App using UI Template +# Uses Shinydashboard as a framework +# UI Template Created by Arielle Cerini, Brian Hotopp, Haoyu He, and James Young +# Edited by Kara Kniss +# Version: 26 Jan 2021 + +#document for reading in the relevant libraries, data, and cleaning +source('read_wapData.R') + +#LINK TO FEEDBACK SURVEY +survey_url <- tags$a("survey", href = "", style = 'color: #990000; background-color: #FAFAFA') + +#LINK TO USABILITY STUDY +usability_study_url <- tags$a("usability study", href = "", style = 'color: #990000; background-color: #FAFAFA') + + +ui <- dashboardPage(skin = "black", title = "RPI StudySafe", + + #HEADER + dashboardHeader(title = tags$div( + class = "title-text", + tags$style(".logo {max-width: 80%;}"), + tags$div(id = "logo_block", tags$img(class="logo", src="Rensselaer.png", id="Rensselear Polytechnic Institute Logo") )), + titleWidth = "340px" + ), + + #TOGGLED SIDEBAR + dashboardSidebar( + width = 320, + sidebarMenu(id = "tabs", collapsed = TRUE, + menuItem("Campus Map", tabName = "map", selected = TRUE), + menuItem("Find a Place To Study", tabName = "find"), + menuItem('Quick Compare', tabName='overview'), + menuItem("Activity Overview", tabName = "week_activity"), + menuItem("About", tabName = "about"), + tags$div(HTML("

")), + box(width= 12, collapsible = TRUE, title = tags$div(HTML("Feedback Forms")), + style = 'color: #54585a;', solidHeader=TRUE, + tagList("Have any comments? Please follow the link to", + tags$br(), + "this", survey_url, "and let us know if you have any", + tags$br(), + " issues, questions, or suggestions regarding", + tags$br(), + " the StudySafe app."), + tags$br(), tags$br(), + tagList("Help us make the app better! Take a few", + tags$br(), + "minutes to participate in our ",usability_study_url, ".") + ), + uiOutput("side_ctrl") + ) + ), + + #BODY WITH REACTIVE TABS + dashboardBody( + style = "background-color: #f7f7f7; height: 100%; min-height: 100vh;", + shinyjs::useShinyjs(), + tabItems( + + #ABOUT TAB + tabItem(tabName = "about", + uiOutput("about_body"), + tags$div(HTML("

")), + tags$div( + HTML("

About RPI StudySafe


RPI StudySafe is an app that reveals the anonymous usage of Wi-Fi access points and aggregations of wireless users on + the campus network at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, + Troy, New York. Analysis and visualizations are by students and staff of + The Rensselaer Institute for Data Exploration and Applications (IDEA). + This is an app associated with the COVID-19 contact tracing and campus network mapping projects.


RPI StudySafe is designed to present WAP data to on-campus users so they can make informed decisions on where to go for extended periods of time on campus. + The data can be interacted with in several ways, including selecting certain dates, times, locations, as well as through interactive geographical maps. + Geographic location and density of each WAP are combined by building, and the data is updated every two hours.




The \"Campus Map\" tab includes a map of the RPI campus, providing a succinct overview of its behavior. + Users can customize their searches using the following selections:

+ + +
  • Display Type: map or table
  • +
  • Date: Selecting which day to observe out of the past thirty days
  • +
  • Time: Selecting which time to observe on the selected date
  • +
  • Building: Selecting one building to stand out
  • +

    Based on the users selection the main panel will display either a geographic map or a table. + Color indicators are based on the percentage of calculated capacity.

    + +

    Find a Place to Study


    The \"Find a Place to Study\" is intended to be a go-to quicksearch of any building. + Users can customize their searches using the following selections:

    + + +
  • Date: Selecting which day to observe out of the past thirty days
  • +
  • Time: Selecting which time to observe on the selected date
  • +
  • Building: Selecting one building to observe
  • +

    Based on the users selection the main panel will display a graph, a recommendation, + and the summary of the analyses that led to that conclusion.

    + +

    Quick Compare


    The \"Quick Compare\" tab is intended to be a more in depth search, involving comparison of several locations on campus at once. + Users can customize their searches using the following selections:

    + + +
  • Date: Selecting which day to observe out of the past thirty days
  • +
  • Time: Selecting which time to observe on the selected date
  • +
  • Buildings: Selecting multiple buildings to observe and compare
  • +

    Based on the users selection the main panel will display graphs to display information about capacity limits, + and a concise comparitive analysis will be provided.




    Some of the information displayed is approximated and/or may not be 100% accurate as it is an approximation of imperfect data. + Improvements to this application will continue to be made.

    + + ") + ), + hr(), + HTML("") + + + + ), + + #FIND A PLACE TO STUDY TAB + tabItem(tabName="find", + uiOutput("find_body"), + tags$div(HTML("

    ")), + #wellPanel( + tags$div(HTML("

    Find a Place to Study

    ")), + fluidRow(column(12, box(collapsible = TRUE, width = '100%', title= tags$div(HTML(" How to Use: Find a Place to Study")), + style = 'color:#54585a; background-color: white', solidHeader=TRUE, + HTML(" +
  • Open and close the dashboard menu by clicking the hamburger icon
  • +
  • Select a building by using the drop-down selection or typing to search.
  • +
  • Then click “NOW!” or select a date and time to see the building’s user activity throughout the day
  • +
  • If you wish to see a different building or hour, change your selections and click “Update Graphs”
  • +
  • Note: Any number of users less than 10 is rounded to either 0 or 10
  • +
    ")))), + + + actionButton(inputId = "NOW_find", label = "NOW!", width = '100%', style = 'color: white; background-color: #990000; display:block; border-radius: 0%; border: 1px solid red;', + icon = icon("calendar"), block = TRUE), + inputPanel(dateInput('date', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Date")), value = max_date, min = min_date, max = max_date), + selectInput('time', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Time")), time), + fluidRow(column(pickerInput(inputId = 'building', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Building")), + options = list(`live-search` = TRUE), + choices = byCat_single), width = 12), + column(prettySwitch(inputId = 'find_byActivity', inline = TRUE, label= tags$div(HTML("List by Activity")), value = FALSE, status = "default", fill = TRUE, bigger = TRUE), width = 12)), + actionButton(inputId = "submit_find", label = "Update Graphs", icon = icon('refresh'), class = "btn-default btn-lg", style = ' color: #990000; background-color: white' ,block = TRUE) + ), + tags$div(HTML("

    ")), + fluidRow(column(plotOutput("OneBuildingPerHour"), width=12) ), + tags$div(HTML("

    ")), + fluidRow( + column(tags$div( + h3(tags$b(htmlOutput('title_summary'), style = 'text-transform: uppercase;')), + h3(htmlOutput('AboveBelowAvg1_summary'), style = 'font-size: 1.4em;'), + h3(htmlOutput('AboveBelowAvg2_summary'), style = 'font-size: 1.4em;'), + h3(htmlOutput('capacity_summary'), style = 'font-size: 1.4em;'), + h3(htmlOutput('trend_summary'), style = 'font-size: 1.4em;'), + h3(htmlOutput("SmileFrown_summary"), style = 'font-size: 1.4em;')), width=12, align = 'center'), + column(tags$div(img(imageOutput('SmileFrown_image')), style = 'text-align:center;'), width = 4, offset = 4), + column(actionButton(inputId= "jump_to_glance", label = "Compare", icon = icon('building'), + style = 'color: white; font-size:130%; background-color: #990000; display:block; height: 60px; width: 160px; border-radius: 0%; border: 1px solid red;', block = TRUE), + align = 'center', width = 12) + ), + + hr(), + HTML("") + + + #) + ), + + # "Google" Tab ################################################################################################################################################### + tabItem(tabName = "week_activity", + uiOutput("week_view"), + tags$div(HTML("

    ")), + tabsetPanel(id = "week_tab", + tabPanel("Sunday", br(), uiOutput("sun_info"), br(), plotOutput("sun_plot", click = "sun_click")), + tabPanel("Monday", br(), uiOutput("mon_info"), br(), plotOutput("mon_plot", click = "mon_click")), + tabPanel("Tuesday", br(), uiOutput("tue_info"), br(), plotOutput("tue_plot", click = "tue_click")), + tabPanel("Wednesday", br(), uiOutput("wed_info"), br(), plotOutput("wed_plot", click = "wed_click")), + tabPanel("Thursday", br(), uiOutput("thu_info", align = "center"), br(), plotOutput("thu_plot", click = "thu_click")), + tabPanel("Friday", br(), uiOutput("fri_info"), br(), plotOutput("fri_plot", click = "fri_click")), + tabPanel("Saturday", br(), uiOutput("sat_info"), br(), plotOutput("sat_plot", click = "sat_click")))), + + + #Quick Compare TAB + tabItem(tabName="overview", + uiOutput("overview_body"), + tags$div(HTML("

    ")), + #wellPanel( + tags$div( + HTML("

    Quick Compare

    ") + ), + fluidRow(column(12, box(collapsible = TRUE, width = '100%', title = tags$div(HTML(" How to Use: Quick Compare")), style = 'color:#54585a; background-color: white', solidHeader=TRUE, + HTML(' +
  • Open and close the dashboard menu by clicking the hamburger icon
  • +
  • Select several buildings using the “Choose Buildings” drop-down selection or type to search
  • +
  • Then click “NOW!” or select a date and time to compare the user activity in each building
  • +
  • If you wish to see different buildings or hour, change your selections and click "Update Graphs"
  • +
  • Note: Any number of users less than 10 is rounded to either 0 or 10
  • +
    ')))), + + + actionButton(inputId = "NOW_overview", label = "NOW!", width = '100%', style = 'color: white; background-color: #990000; display:block; border-radius: 0%; border: 1px solid red;', icon = icon("calendar"), block = TRUE), + inputPanel(dateInput('overview_date', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Date")), + value = max_date, min = min_date, max = max_date), + selectInput('overview_time', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Time")), time), + fluidRow(column(pickerInput(inputId = "buildingGraph", label = tags$div(HTML("Choose Buildings")), + choices = byCat_single, options = list(`live-search` = TRUE), multiple = TRUE), width = 12), + column(prettySwitch(inputId = 'overview_byActivity', inline = TRUE, label= tags$div(HTML("List by Activity")), value = FALSE, status = "default", fill = TRUE, bigger = TRUE), width = 12)), + actionButton(inputId = "submit_campus", label = "Update Graphs", icon = icon('refresh'), class = "btn-default btn-lg", style = ' color: #990000; background-color: white' ,block = TRUE) + + ), + tags$div(HTML("

    ")), + fluidRow(column(plotOutput('multipleBuildinghistogram'),width= 12)), + tags$div(HTML("

    ")), + fluidRow(column(plotOutput('multipleBuildingPerHour'),width= 12)), + hr(), + HTML("") + + + + #) + ), + + #CAMPUS MAP TAB + tabItem(tabName="map", + tags$div(HTML("

    ")), + + tags$div( + HTML("

    Campus Map

    ") + ), + fluidRow(column(12, box(collapsible = TRUE, width = '100%', title = tags$div(HTML(" How to Use: Campus Map")), style = 'color:#54585a; background-color: white', solidHeader=TRUE, + HTML(' +
  • Open and close the dashboard menu by clicking the hamburger icon
  • +
  • Click “NOW!” or select a date and time to see the RPI campus map
  • +
  • For more information on that building, click on the marker to visit the Find a Place to Study tab
  • +
  • If you wish to see a different hour, change your selections and click “Update Graphs”
  • +
  • Note: Any number of users less than 10 is rounded to either 0 or 10
  • +
    ')))), + + + actionButton(inputId = "NOW_map", label = "NOW!", width = '100%', style = 'color: white; background-color: #990000; display:block; border-radius: 0%; border: 1px solid red;', icon = icon("calendar"), block = TRUE), + inputPanel( + selectInput('displaySelect', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Display")), c('Map', 'Table')), + dateInput('map_date', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Date")), value = max_date, min = min_date, max = max_date), + selectInput('map_time', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Time")), time), + fluidRow( + column(pickerInput('map_building', inline = FALSE, label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Building")), + choices = byCat_multi, + selected = "None", multiple = FALSE, options = list(`live-search`=TRUE)), width = 12), + column(prettySwitch(inputId = 'map_byActivity', inline = TRUE, label= tags$div(HTML("List by Activity")), value = FALSE, status = "default", fill = TRUE, bigger = TRUE), width = 12)), + actionButton(inputId = "submit_map", inline = TRUE, label = "Update Graphs", icon = icon('refresh'), class = "btn-default btn-lg", style = ' color: #990000; background-color: white', block = TRUE) + ), + uiOutput("map_body"), + tags$div(HTML("

    ")), + fluidRow(column(h4(textOutput('MT_title_summary'), style = 'color: #d6001c'),width =12)), + tags$div(HTML("

    ")), + fluidRow(column(leafletOutput(outputId='mymap', width = "100%", height = 1000),width = 12)), + reactableOutput(outputId = 'mytable', width = '100%'), + hr(), + HTML("") + + + ) + ), + + #USING THE CSS FILE ARIELLE DEVELOPED + tags$script(HTML(' + $(document).ready(function() { + $(\'head\').append(\'\'); + $(\'head\').append(\'\'); + $("header").find("nav").append(\'


    \'); + // $(".sidebar-toggle").insertAfter(".tab-content"); + }) + ')), + + + ) +) + + +# Define server logic required +server <- function(input, output, session) { + + #CONSISTENT INPUT SELECTION ACROSS ALL TABS + #Activity Tagging Switch consistent across all tabs + + #Select Building choices dependent on Acitivity Tagging Switch + observe({ + if (input$find_byActivity == FALSE) { + updatePickerInput(session, inputId = "building", choices = byCat_single) + } else { + updatePickerInput(session, inputId = "building", choices = byAct_single) + } + }) + + observe({ + if (input$map_byActivity == FALSE) { + updatePickerInput(session, inputId = 'map_building', choices = byCat_multi) + } else { + updatePickerInput(session, inputId = 'map_building', choices = byAct_multi) + } + }) + + #Now button to current time + observeEvent(input$NOW_find, { + date_app$date <- max_date + time_app$time <- max_time_of_max_date-1 + updateDateInput(session, "date", value = max_date) + updateSelectInput(session, "time", choices = time[1:max_time_of_max_date], selected = max_time_of_max_date-1) + }) + + # Jump to "Quick Compare" + observeEvent(input$jump_to_glance, { + # Switch to "Quick Compare" + newtab <- switch(input$tabs, "find" = "overview","overview" = "find") + updateTabItems(session, "tabs", newtab) + + #Update everything (Date, time, and one of building multi-select) + updateDateInput(session, "overview_date", value = input$date) + updateSelectInput(session, "overview_time", choices = time, selected = input$time) + observe({ + if (input$overview_byActivity == FALSE){ + updatePickerInput(session, "buildingGraph", label = "Building Multiselect", + choices = byCat_single, + selected = input$building) + } else { + updatePickerInput(session, "buildingGraph", label = "Building Multiselect", + choices = byAct_single, + selected = input$building) + } + }) + }) + + observe({ + if (input$overview_byActivity == FALSE){ + updatePickerInput(session, "buildingGraph", label = "Building Multiselect", + choices = byCat_single, + selected = input$building) + } else { + updatePickerInput(session, "buildingGraph", label = "Building Multiselect", + choices = byAct_single, + selected = input$building) + } + }) + + observe({ + # Update the input in the "Find a Place to Study" tab consistently with the other tab + if (input$tabs == 'map' || input$tabs == 'overview') { + updateDateInput(session, "date", value = date_app$date) + updateSelectInput(session, "time", choices = time, selected = time_app$time) + } + # If user chooses minimum date we have, limit time selection range + if (input$date == min_date){ + updateSelectInput(session, "time", choices = time[min_time_of_min_date:length(time)], selected = time_app$time) + } + # If user chooses maximum date we have, limit time selection range + else if (input$date == max_date){ + updateSelectInput(session, "time", choices = time[1:max_time_of_max_date], selected = time_app$time) + } + # If user chooses date between maximum and minimum, then time should not be limited + else if (input$date != max_date & input$date != min_date){ + updateSelectInput(session, "time", choices = time, selected = time_app$time) + } + }) + + counter_find <- reactiveValues(number = -1) # Number of "Update Graphs" button being clicked + + #ABOUT TAB + output$about_body <- renderUI({}) + + #FIND A PLACE TO STUDY TAB + output$find_body <- renderUI({ + + # Observe whether "Update Graphs" button is clicked + observe({ + if (input$submit_find == counter_find$number + 1){ + date_app$date <- input$date + time_app$time <- input$time + building_selected$building <- input$building + counter_find$number <- counter_find$number + 1 + } + }) + + date_select <- date_app$date + time_select <- time_app$time + building_select <- building_selected$building + + + #QUICK SEARCH WELL PANEL + #Piping the data to only have selected building at the selected date and time + quick1_filtered <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(Date == date_select) %>% filter(Building == building_select) + + #Calculations for above or below average compared to the rest of the day for the selected building + aggdf <- aggregate(quick1_filtered$users, by=list(quick1_filtered$Hour),FUN=sum) + colnames(aggdf) <- c('Hour','users') + + aggdf$users[aggdf$users <= 5] <- 0 #making users per building under 5 exluding zero -> 0 + aggdf$users[aggdf$users > 5 & aggdf$users <10 ] <- 10 #making users per building over 5 and under 10 -> 10 + + aggdf$users_z <- round((aggdf$users - mean(aggdf$users))/sd(aggdf$users), 2) # compute normalized hits per wap + aggdf$users_type <- ifelse(aggdf$users_z < 0, "below", "above") # above / below avg flag + + #calculations for above/below average compared to the rest of the buildings at that time + quick2_filtered <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(Date == date_select) %>% filter(Hour == time_select) + aggdf2 <- aggregate(quick2_filtered$users, by=list(quick2_filtered$Building),FUN=sum) + colnames(aggdf2) <- c('Building','users') + + aggdf2$users[aggdf2$users <= 5] <- 0 #making users per building under 5 exluding zero -> 0 + aggdf2$users[aggdf2$users > 5 & aggdf2$users <10 ] <- 10 #making users per building over 5 and under 10 -> 10 + + aggdf2$users_z <- round((aggdf2$users - mean(aggdf2$users))/sd(aggdf2$users), 2) # compute normalized hits per wap + aggdf2$users_type <- ifelse(aggdf2$users_z < 0, "below", "above") # above / below avg flag + + #above/below average summary output + output$title_summary <- renderText({stringr::str_c('On', date_select, 'at',[$Time_num==time_select,]$Time_AMPM,',', building_select, ':', sep = " ")}) + output$AboveBelowAvg1_summary <- renderText({ + if($users))==TRUE){'Has no information about averages compared to earlier in the day at this time.'}else if(building_select %in% hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building & sd(aggdf$users) != 0 & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour)){ + stringr::str_c('Has', aggdf[aggdf$Hour == time_select,]$users_type, 'average users compared to earlier in the day', sep = " ") + }else if(building_select %in% hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building & sd(aggdf$users) == 0){'Has no change in users at all today.'}else{'Has no information about averages compared to earlier in the day at this time.'} + }) + output$AboveBelowAvg2_summary <- renderText({ + if($users))==TRUE){'Has no information about averages compared to the rest of campus at this time.'}else if(building_select %in% hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building & sd(aggdf2$users) != 0 & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour)){ + stringr::str_c('Has', aggdf2[aggdf2$Building==building_select,]$users_type, 'average users compared to the rest of campus.', sep = " ") + }else if(building_select %in% hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building & sd(aggdf2$users) == 0){'Is no different from the rest of campus.'}else{'Has no information about averages compared to the rest of campus at this time.'} + }) + + if((time_select %in% aggdf$Hour) & (time_select != 0) & ((as.integer(time_select)-1) %in% aggdf$Hour)){ + #Calculating trend by slope over 1 hour for that building at selected hour + trend1 <- aggdf[aggdf$Hour== as.integer(time_select),]$users + trend2 <- aggdf[aggdf$Hour== as.integer(time_select)-1,]$users + trend <- as.integer(trend1)-as.integer(trend2) + + #trend summary output + output$trend_summary <- renderText({ + if(trend>=10){stringr::str_c("Has increased by",abs(trend),"users in the past hour.", sep = " ")}else if(trend<=-10){ + stringr::str_c("Has decreased by",abs(trend),"users in the past hour.", sep = " ")}else{ + stringr::str_c("Has no significant change in the amount of users in the past hour.", sep = " ") + } + + }) + }else{output$trend_summary <- renderText("Has no information about trends at this time.")} + + #calculations for OneBuildingPerHour plot + quick_plot <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(Building == building_select ) %>% filter(Date == date_select) + aggdf3 <- aggregate(quick_plot$users, by=list(quick_plot$Hour, quick_plot$Building),FUN=sum) + colnames(aggdf3) <- c('Hour','Building','users') + aggdf3 <- aggdf3 %>% select(-Building) + + aggdf3$users[aggdf3$users <= 5] <- 0 #making users per building under 5 exluding zero -> 0 + aggdf3$users[aggdf3$users > 5 & aggdf3$users <10 ] <- 10 #making users per building over 5 and under 10 -> 10 + + + #predictions for OneBuildingPerHour plot + if(time_select != 23 & date_select == max_date){ + Hour <- c(max(aggdf3$Hour):23) + users <- rep(c(0), times = length(Hour)) + prediction.template <- data.frame(Hour,users, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) + prediction.template[prediction.template$Hour == max(aggdf3$Hour),]$users <- aggdf3[aggdf3$Hour == max(aggdf3$Hour),]$users + + avg.df <- weekly3_stats %>% filter(Building == building_select) %>% select(-Building) %>% filter(dayVal == wday(date_select)) %>% select(-dayVal) + colnames(avg.df) <- c('Hour', 'users') + + for(i in c(max(aggdf3$Hour):22)){ + prediction.template[prediction.template$Hour == (i+1),]$users <- round((prediction.template[prediction.template$Hour==(i),]$users+ avg.df[avg.df$Hour==(i+1),]$users)/2 ) + } + + }else{ + prediction.template <- data.frame(c(0:23), rep(c(0), times = length(c(0:23))), stringsAsFactors=FALSE) + colnames(prediction.template) <- c('Hour', 'users') + } + + #standard deviation bars + sd_calc <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(Building == building_select) %>% select(Hour,users) + + #shaded rectangles to improve legibility + rect_left <- c(0, 6, 12, 18) + rectangles <- data.frame( + xmin = rect_left, + xmax = rect_left + 3, + ymin = 0, + ymax = Inf + ) + + #OneBuildingPerHour plot output + output$OneBuildingPerHour <- renderPlot ({ + ggplot(aggdf3, aes(x=Hour, y=users))+ + + #Grey Time Blocks + geom_rect(data=rectangles, inherit.aes = F, aes(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax), fill='gray80', alpha=0.5) + + + #Line at 0 to help legibility + geom_segment(aes(x= 0 ,xend=23,y=0,yend=0), colour=lightcolor, size=2) + + + geom_histogram(stat="identity", fill = lightcolor, binwidth = .5) + + labs(title="Investigating Where to go", subtitle=stringr::str_c(building_select, " on ", date_select, " at ",[$Time_num==time_select,]$Time_AMPM ), y="Users", x = 'Time of Day',color=NULL) + + scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0, .1))) + + scale_x_continuous(breaks= seq(0,23,1),$Time_noLabel) + + + #Dark Blue Rectangle indicating selected Hour + geom_rect(fill = darkcolor, xmin = as.integer(time_select)-0.45, xmax = as.integer(time_select)+0.45, ymin = 0, ymax = aggdf3$users[as.integer(time_select)+1]) + + + #Line indicating Max users + geom_hline(yintercept = hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max[hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building==building_select,]$capacity, linetype = "dotted") + + annotate(geom="text", label= 'Max Users this Semester', x=11.5, y=hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max[hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building==building_select,]$capacity, colour = "gray30",vjust=-0.5) + + geom_vline(xintercept = as.integer(time_select), size = 1.25, colour = '#54585a') + + + #Adding bars of predicted data + geom_histogram(data = prediction.template[prediction.template$Hour>max(aggdf3$Hour),] , stat="identity", fill ="#FAFAFA", color = lightcolor, binwidth = .5) + + + #Adding standard deviation error bars to predictive data + geom_errorbar(data = prediction.template[prediction.template$Hour>max(aggdf3$Hour),], aes(x=Hour, y=users, ymin = users, + ymax=users+sd(sd_calc[sd_calc$Hour %in% Hour,]$users)), colour=lightcolor, alpha=1, size=.8) + + #Theme + theme_bw() + theme(plot.background = element_blank(), + plot.title = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'bold', lineheight = 6, size = 14, hjust = .5, color = '#d6001c', margin= margin( b = 8)), + plot.subtitle = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'plain', size = 12, hjust = .5, color = '#54585a'), + axis.title = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'plain', size = 12, hjust = .5, color = '#54585a') + ) + + }, bg="transparent") + + #is the building near capacity for the selected time calculations + capacities <- hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max %>% filter(Building==building_select) + cap_recommend <- aggdf + cap_recommend$users_action <- ifelse(cap_recommend$users <= .75*capacities$capacity, "below 75% maximum ", "near or above 75% maximum ") # above / below avg flag + cap_recommend$users_calc <- ifelse(cap_recommend$users <= .5*capacities$capacity, "below 50%", "above 50%") # above / below avg flag + + #near capacity test output statement + output$capacity_summary <- renderText({ + if(building_select %in% hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour) ){ + stringr::str_c('Is ', cap_recommend[cap_recommend$Hour==time_select,]$users_action, '(about ', round(100*(cap_recommend[cap_recommend$Hour==time_select,]$users)/ capacities[capacities$Building==building_select,]$capacity,2) ,'% full).',sep = "") + }else{'Has no information about capacity for this building at this time'} + }) + + #recommendation calculations + recnum <- 0 + if(building_select %in% hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building){ + + if(cap_recommend[cap_recommend$Hour==time_select,]$users_action=='below 75% maximum ' & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour)){recnum <- recnum + 1}else if(cap_recommend[cap_recommend$Hour==time_select,]$users_action=="near or above 75% maximum " & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour)){recnum <- recnum - 1}else{} + if(cap_recommend[cap_recommend$Hour==time_select,]$users_calc=='below 50%' & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour)){}else if(cap_recommend[cap_recommend$Hour==time_select,]$users_calc=="above 50%" & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour)){recnum <- recnum - 0.5}else{} + if($users))==TRUE){}else if(sd(aggdf$users)==0){recnum <- recnum}else if(aggdf[aggdf$Hour==time_select,]$users_type=='above' & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour)){recnum <- recnum - 0.75}else if(aggdf[aggdf$Hour==time_select,]$users_type=='below' & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour)){recnum <- recnum + 0.75}else{} + if($users))==TRUE){}else if(sd(aggdf2$users)==0){recnum <- recnum}else if(aggdf2[aggdf2$Building==building_select,]$users_type=='above' & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour)){recnum <- recnum - 0.25}else if(aggdf2[aggdf2$Building==building_select,]$users_type=='below' & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour)){recnum <- recnum + 0.25}else{} + + }else{} + + if((time_select %in% aggdf$Hour) & ((as.integer(time_select)-1) %in% aggdf$Hour) & (time_select != 0)){ + if(trend>=10){renum<-recnum - 0.5}else{recnum <- recnum + 0.5} + }else{} + + #recommendation text output + output$SmileFrown_summary <- renderText({ + if((time_select %in% aggdf$Hour) & recnum>1){ + "This might be a good spot!" + }else if((time_select %in% aggdf$Hour) & recnum<0){"This might not be a good spot right now."} + else{'This may or may not be a good spot, maybe consider somewhere else first!'} + }) + + #image output depending on reccommendation calculations + output$SmileFrown_image <- renderImage({ + if((time_select %in% aggdf$Hour) & recnum>1){ + filename <- normalizePath(file.path('images', paste('WithoutBlue', '.png', sep=''))) + }else if((time_select %in% aggdf$Hour) & recnum<0){ filename <- normalizePath(file.path('images', paste('WithoutRed2', '.png', sep='')))} + else{filename <- normalizePath(file.path('images', paste('WithoutOrange2', '.png', sep='')))} + + list(src = filename, + alt = "This is alternate text for the image (smile or frown) representing the reccommendation sentence") + },deleteFile = FALSE) + + + }) + + # "Google" Tab ################################################################################################################################################### + + observe({ + weekday_now <- weekdays(Sys.Date()) + updateTabsetPanel(session,"week_tab", selected = weekday_now) + }) + + output$week_view <- renderUI({ + time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) + weekday_now <- weekdays(Sys.Date()) + observe({ + building_selected$building <- input$building + }) + building_select <- building_selected$building + + sun_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Sunday") %>% filter(Building == building_select) + mon_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Monday") %>% filter(Building == building_select) + tue_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Tuesday") %>% filter(Building == building_select) + wed_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Wednesday") %>% filter(Building == building_select) + thu_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Thursday") %>% filter(Building == building_select) + fri_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Friday") %>% filter(Building == building_select) + sat_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Saturday") %>% filter(Building == building_select) + + busy_text <- function(dat, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max){ + building_select_cap <- subset(hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building == building_select) + cap <- dat$users / building_select_cap$capacity + if(cap < .25){ + busy_summary <- "usually not busy" + } else if(cap >= .25 & cap < .5){ + busy_summary <- "usually not too busy" + } else if(cap >= .5 & cap < .75){ + busy_summary <- "usually a bit busy" + } else { + busy_summary <- "usually as busy as it can get" + } + } + + all_time <- unique(sun_dat$Hour) + make_plot <- function(dat, time_now){ + ggplot(dat, aes(x=factor(Hour), y=users, fill=(Hour==time_now))) + + geom_bar(stat="identity") + + scale_fill_manual(values=c("skyblue3","mediumvioletred")) + + geom_vline(xintercept = as.integer(time_now)+1, linetype = "dotted") + + scale_x_discrete(labels= all_time) + + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), + panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), + panel.background = element_blank(), + plot.background = element_blank(), + axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), + axis.text.y=element_blank(), + axis.title.y=element_blank(), + axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), + axis.title.x=element_blank(), + legend.position="none") + } + + output$sun_plot <- renderPlot({ + ggplot(sun_dat, aes(x=Hour, y=users)) + + geom_histogram(stat="identity") + + scale_color_manual(values = c(time_now = "red")) + }) + + output$sun_info <- renderText({ + output_text <- busy_text(wed_dat, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + paste0(output_text) + }) + + output$mon_plot <- renderPlot({ + ggplot(mon_dat, aes(x=Hour, y=users)) + + geom_histogram(stat="identity") + + scale_color_manual(values = c(time_now = "red")) + }) + + output$mon_info <- renderText({ + output_text <- busy_text(wed_dat, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + paste0(output_text) + }) + + output$tue_plot <- renderPlot({ + ggplot(tue_dat, aes(x=Hour, y=users)) + + geom_histogram(stat="identity") + + scale_color_manual(values = c(time_now = "red")) + }) + + output$tue_info <- renderText({ + output_text <- busy_text(wed_dat, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + paste0(output_text) + }) + + observe({ + if (length(input$wed_click) > 0){ + pick_time <- as.numeric(input$wed_click$x) + output$wed_plot <- renderPlot({ + make_plot(wed_dat, pick_time) + }) + output$wed_info <- renderUI({ + point <- as.numeric(input$wed_click$x) + wed_hr_dat <- wed_dat[round(point)+1,] + if (nrow(wed_dat) == 0) return(NULL) + output_text <- busy_text(wed_hr_dat, wed_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + p("At", wed_hr_dat$Hour, ":00", "it is", output_text) + }) + } + output$wed_plot <- renderPlot({ + make_plot(wed_dat, time_now) + }) + output$wed_info <- renderUI({ + wed_hr_dat <- wed_dat[time_now,] + output_text <- busy_text(wed_hr_dat, wed_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + p("At", wed_hr_dat$Hour, ":00", "it is", output_text) + }) + }) + + observe({ + if (is.null(input$thu_click$x)){ + thu_hr_dat <- thu_dat[time_now,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(thu_dat, time_now) + output_text <- busy_text(thu_hr_dat, thu_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output$thu_plot <- renderPlot({ + hr_pick_plot + }, bg="transparent") + output$thu_info <- renderUI({ + p("At", thu_hr_dat$Hour, ":00", "it is", output_text) + }) + } else { + pick_time <- as.numeric(input$thu_click$x) + thu_hr_dat <- thu_dat[floor(pick_time),] + # browser() + output_text <- busy_text(thu_hr_dat, thu_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(thu_dat, pick_time) + output$thu_plot <- renderPlot({ + hr_pick_plot + }, bg="transparent") + output$thu_info <- renderUI({ + p("At", thu_hr_dat$Hour, ":00", "it is", output_text) + }) + } + }) + + + output$fri_plot <- renderPlot({ + ggplot(fri_dat, aes(x=Hour, y=users)) + + geom_histogram(stat="identity") + + scale_color_manual(values = c(time_now = "red")) + }) + + output$fri_info <- renderText({ + output_text <- busy_text(wed_dat, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + paste0(output_text) + }) + + output$sat_plot <- renderPlot({ + ggplot(sat_dat, aes(x=Hour, y=users)) + + geom_histogram(stat="identity") + + scale_color_manual(values = c(time_now = "red")) + }) + + output$sat_info <- renderText({ + output_text <- busy_text(wed_dat, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + paste0(output_text) + }) + + }) + + + #QUICK COMPARE TAB + #Now button to current time + observeEvent(input$NOW_overview, { + date_app$date <- max_date + time_app$time <- max_time_of_max_date-1 + updateDateInput(session, "overview_date", value = max_date) + updateSelectInput(session, "overview_time", choices = time, selected = max_time_of_max_date-1) + }) + + observeEvent(input$jump_to_glance, { + date_select = input$overview_date + time_select = input$overview_time + buildings_select = input$buildingGraph + }) + + observe({ + # Update the input in the "Quick Compare" tab consistently with the other tab + if (input$tabs == 'find' || input$tabs == 'map') { + updateDateInput(session, "overview_date", value = date_app$date) + updateSelectInput(session, "overview_time", choices = time, selected = time_app$time) + } + # If user chooses minimum date we have, restrict time selection range + if (input$overview_date == min_date){ + updateSelectInput(session, "overview_time", choices = time[min_time_of_min_date:length(time)], selected = date_app$date) + } + # If user chooses maximum date we have, restrict time selection range + else if (input$overview_date == max_date){ + updateSelectInput(session, "overview_time", choices = time[1:max_time_of_max_date], selected = time_app$time) + } + # If user chooses date between maximum and minimum, then time should not be constrained + else if (input$overview_date != max_date & input$overview_date != min_date){ + updateSelectInput(session, "overview_time", choices = time, selected = time_app$time) + } + }) + + #The remaining body + output$overview_body <-renderUI({ + + # When first open it, nothing to show + if (input$submit_campus == 0 & is.null(input$jump_to_glance)) + return(NULL) + + # Isolate updating inputs so that the graph will update only if user clicks "Update Graphs" + isolate({ + date_app$date <- input$overview_date + time_app$time <- input$overview_time + buildings_select <- input$buildingGraph + }) + + date_select <- date_app$date + time_select <- time_app$time + + #Wes Anderson "Darjeeling1" Palette + pal <- wes_palette("Darjeeling1", length(buildings_select), type = "continuous") + + #calculations for multipleBuildingPerHour plot + multi_plot <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(Building %in% buildings_select) %>% filter(Date == date_select) + aggdf4 <- aggregate(multi_plot$users, by=list(multi_plot$Hour, multi_plot$Building),FUN=sum) + colnames(aggdf4) <- c('Hour','Building','users') + + aggdf4$users[aggdf4$users <= 5] <- 0 #making users per building under 5 exluding zero -> 0 + aggdf4$users[aggdf4$users > 5 & aggdf4$users <10 ] <- 10 #making users per building over 5 and under 10 -> 10 + + + cap_select <- hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max %>% filter(Building %in% buildings_select) + aggdf4$percentage <- 0 + for(building in cap_select$Building){ + for(i in 0:23){ + aggdf4[aggdf4$Hour== i & aggdf4$Building==building, ]$percentage <- 100*(aggdf4[aggdf4$Hour== i & aggdf4$Building==building, ]$users/cap_select[cap_select$Building==building,]$capacity) + } + } + + #shaded rectangles to improve legibility + rect_left <- c(0, 6, 12, 18) + rectangles <- data.frame( + xmin = rect_left, + xmax = rect_left + 3, + ymin = 0, + ymax = Inf + ) + + #Multiple Building per Hour Plot + output$multipleBuildingPerHour <- renderPlot({ + ggplot(aggdf4, aes(x=Hour)) + + #Grey Time Blocks + geom_rect(data=rectangles, inherit.aes = F, + aes(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax), + fill='gray80', alpha=0.2) + + geom_line(aes(y=percentage, col=Building)) + scale_color_brewer(palette = "RdYlBu")+ + labs(title= "Investigating Where to Go", + subtitle=paste("Selected Buildings on", date_select, "at",[$Time_num==time_select,]$Time_AMPM ), + y="Percentage of Maximum Users", x = "Time of Day", + color=NULL) + scale_x_continuous(breaks= seq(0,23,1),$Time_noLabel) + scale_y_continuous(breaks= seq(0,100,5)) + + geom_vline(xintercept = as.integer(time_select), size = 1.25, colour = '#54585a') + + scale_color_manual(values = pal) + + + #Theme + theme_bw() + theme(plot.background = element_blank(), + plot.title = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'bold', lineheight = 6, size = 14, hjust = .5, color = '#d6001c', margin= margin( b = 8)), + plot.subtitle = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'plain', size = 12, hjust = .5, color = '#54585a'), + axis.title = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'plain', size = 12, hjust = .5, color = '#54585a'), + legend.background = element_blank(), + legend.position = "bottom", + legend.text = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'plain', color = '#54585a') + ) + }, bg = "transparent") + + + # Select the specific hour (user input) data out + Builings_specific_hour2 <- aggdf4[aggdf4$Hour == time_select,] + + # The data frame of maximum urses of every building for this semester + Buildings_selected_capacity <- hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max[hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building %in% Builings_specific_hour2$Building,] + + # Combine maximum urses(capacity here) of each building and the data we have + Builings_specific_hour <- cbind(Builings_specific_hour2, capacity = rep(0,nrow(Builings_specific_hour2))) + Builings_specific_hour$capacity[Builings_specific_hour$Building %in% Buildings_selected_capacity$Building] <- Buildings_selected_capacity$capacity + + # Split into two data frames in order to draw two histograms(one is capacity, the other is number of users now) in one graph + true_users <- data.frame(Building = Builings_specific_hour$Building, users = Builings_specific_hour$users) + max_capacity <- data.frame(Building = Builings_specific_hour$Building, users = Builings_specific_hour$capacity) + + # Plot the histogram graph + output$multipleBuildinghistogram <- renderPlot({ + + ggplot(Builings_specific_hour,aes(x = Building, y = users, color = as.factor(Building), fill = as.factor(Building))) + + geom_histogram(data = true_users, stat='identity', alpha=0.6) + geom_histogram(data = max_capacity, fill = 'white', stat='identity', alpha=0.6, label = TRUE) + + geom_text(aes(label = percent(users/capacity)), position = position_stack(vjust = 1), size=5) + + labs(title="Investigating Where to Go", + subtitle=paste("Selected Buildings on", date_select, "at",[$Time_num==time_select,]$Time_AMPM ), + y="Users Compared to Maximum", x = "Selected Buildings", + color = 'Buildings', + fill = 'Buildings' + ) + + scale_color_manual(values = pal) + scale_fill_manual(values = pal) + + + #Theme + theme_bw() + theme(plot.background = element_blank(), + plot.title = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'bold', lineheight = 6, size = 14, hjust = .5, color = '#d6001c', margin= margin( b = 8)), + plot.subtitle = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'plain', size = 12, hjust = .5, color = '#54585a'), + axis.title = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'plain', size = 12, hjust = .5, color = '#54585a'), + legend.background = element_blank(), + legend.position = "bottom", + legend.text = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'plain', color = '#54585a'), + legend.title = element_blank() + ) + }, bg = "transparent") + + }) + + + #MAP TAB BODY + counter_map <- reactiveValues(number = -1) # Number of "Update Graphs" button being clicked + + #Now button to current time + observeEvent(input$NOW_map, { + date_app$date <- max_date + time_app$time <- max_time_of_max_date-1 + updateDateInput(session, "map_date", value = max_date) + updateSelectInput(session, "map_time", choices = time[1:max_time_of_max_date], selected = max_time_of_max_date-1) + }) + + observe({ + # Update the input in the "Map" tab consistently with the other tab + if (input$tabs == 'find' || input$tabs == 'overview') { + updateDateInput(session, "map_date", value = date_app$date) + updateSelectInput(session, "map_time", choices = time, selected = time_app$time) + } + # If user chooses minimum date we have, restrict time selection range + if (input$map_date == min_date){ + updateSelectInput(session, "map_time", choices = time[min_time_of_min_date:length(time)], selected = time_app$time) + } + # If user chooses maximum date we have, restrict time selection range + else if (input$map_date == max_date){ + updateSelectInput(session, "map_time", choices = time[1:max_time_of_max_date], selected = time_app$time) + } + # If user chooses date between maximum and minimum, then time should not be constrained + else if (input$map_date != max_date & input$map_date != min_date){ + updateSelectInput(session, "map_time", choices = time, selected = time_app$time) + } + }) + + #The remaining body + jump_find <- 'no' # Jump to "Find a Place to Study" when this jump = 'yes' + building_map <- reactiveValues(building = 'none') # Temporarily remember the name of building that is clicked + + output$map_body <- renderUI({ + + # Observe whether "Update Graphs" button is clicked + observe({ + if (input$submit_map == counter_map$number + 1){ + + date_app$date <- input$map_date + time_app$time <- input$map_time + counter_map$number <- counter_map$number + 1 + } + }) + + date_select <- date_app$date + time_select <- time_app$time + MTpreference <- input$displaySelect + + #Title output + output$MT_title_summary <- renderText({ + stringr::str_c("RPI on ", date_select,' at ',[$Time_num==time_select,]$Time_AMPM) + }) + + #Creating a data set for the map and table + map_merge_filtered <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(Date == date_select) %>% filter(Hour==time_select) %>% + select(lat, lng, BuildingType,Building, users) %>% group_by(lat, lng, BuildingType,Building) %>% dplyr::summarise(totalusers = sum(users)) + + map_merge_filtered$totalusers[map_merge_filtered$totalusers <= 5] <- 0 #making users per building under 5 exluding zero -> 0 + map_merge_filtered$totalusers[map_merge_filtered$totalusers > 5 & map_merge_filtered$totalusers <10 ] <- 10 #making users per building over 5 and under 10 -> 10 + + # Combine our data with capacity + map_merge_filtered2 <- merge(map_merge_filtered, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max, by.x= "Building", by.y="Building") + map_merge_filteredT <- map_merge_filtered2 + + # If user select a building, then remember info of that building as building_map_select and delete it from map_merge_filtered2 + if (input$map_building != 'None'){ + building_map_select <- map_merge_filtered2[map_merge_filtered2$Building == input$map_building,] + map_merge_filtered2 <- map_merge_filtered2[-c(which(map_merge_filtered2$Building == input$map_building)),] + } + + # Get color of marker according to percentage of "capacity" + getColor <- function(map_merge_filtered2) { + mapply(function(totalusers, capacity) { + if(totalusers <= 0.25*capacity) { + "lightblue" + #"#1f6798" #light blue + } else if(totalusers <= 0.5*capacity) { + "beige" + #"#00205b" #dark blue + } else if(totalusers <= 0.75*capacity) { + "lightred" + #"#333366" #purple + }else { + "red" + #"#990000" #red + } }, map_merge_filtered2$totalusers, map_merge_filtered2$capacity + ) + } + + icons <- awesomeIcons( + icon = 'ios-close', + iconColor = 'black', + library = 'ion', + markerColor = getColor(map_merge_filtered2) + ) + + #Hiding whichever display is not selected, map or table + observeEvent(MTpreference, { + if(MTpreference=='Map'){ + hideElement(id = 'mytable', anim = FALSE) + showElement(id = 'mymap') + }else if(MTpreference == 'Table'){ + hideElement(id = 'mymap', anim = FALSE) + showElement(id = 'mytable') + } + }) + + #creating table + #Add percentage column + map_merge_filteredT$percentage <- percent(map_merge_filteredT$totalusers/map_merge_filteredT$capacity) + + # Copy the dataframe map_merge_filteredT to another dataframe map_merge_filteredT_2 + map_merge_filteredT_2 <- map_merge_filteredT + + # shinyInput function to make action links + shinyInput <- function(FUN, len, id, label, ...) { + inputs <- character(len) + + for (i in seq_len(len)) { + label <- map_merge_filteredT$Building[i] + inputs[i] <- as.character(FUN(paste0(id, i),label=label, ...)) + } + inputs + } + + # Add action links to Buildings' name + map_merge_filteredT <- map_merge_filteredT %>% + mutate(Building = shinyInput(actionLink, nrow(map_merge_filteredT), 'button_', label = Building, onclick = 'Shiny.onInputChange(\"jump_to_find_table\",' )) + + output$mytable <- renderReactable({ + reactable( + map_merge_filteredT, + #groupBy = "BuildingType", + pagination = FALSE, + height = 750, + #paginationType = "jump", + #showPageSizeOptions = TRUE, + #pageSizeOptions = c(5, 10, 25, 50, 100), + highlight = TRUE, + outlined = TRUE, + bordered = TRUE, + striped = TRUE, + compact = TRUE, + wrap = TRUE, + showSortable = TRUE, + resizable = TRUE, + searchable = TRUE, + style = 'color: black; background-color:#FAFAFA; font-family: Source Sans Pro;', + defaultSortOrder = "desc", + + #highlighting a row if searched using input select + rowStyle = function(index) { + if (map_merge_filteredT_2[index, "Building"] == input$map_building) { + list(background = '#9ea2a2')}}, + + #listing BuildingType under Building names + columns = list( + + Building = colDef( + + style = 'text-align: left;', + # Show BuildingType under Building names + cell = JS("function(cellInfo) { + var BuildingType = cellInfo.row['BuildingType'] || 'Unknown' + return ( + '
    ' + cellInfo.value + '
    ' + + '
    ' + BuildingType + '
    ' + )}"),html = TRUE), + + lat = colDef(show = FALSE), + lng = colDef(show = FALSE), + BuildingType = colDef(show = FALSE), + totalusers = colDef(name = "Total Number of Users", align = 'left', style = 'text-align: right;'), + capacity = colDef(show = FALSE), + percentage = colDef(name = "Percentage of Max", format = colFormat(percent = TRUE), align = 'right', style = 'text-align: right;') + ), + + columnGroups = list( + colGroup(name = '', columns = c("Building", "BuildingType", "totalusers", "capacity", "percentage"), + headerStyle = 'color: white; background-color: black;')) + + + ) + + + }) + + # When the action link(building's name) is clicked, jump to "Find a Place to Study" + observeEvent(input$jump_to_find_table, { + + # The index of row that is clicked by the user + selectedRow <- as.numeric(strsplit(input$jump_to_find_table, "_")[[1]][2]) + + # To make sure that if user go back to map after jumping to "Find a Place to Study", system will not jump back to "Find a Place to Study" + if(map_merge_filteredT_2[selectedRow,]$Building != building_selected$building){ + # Switch to "Find a Place to Study" + newtab <- switch(input$tabs, "map" = "find","find" = "map") + updateTabItems(session, "tabs", newtab) + + # Update building selected of "Find a Place to Study" + updateSelectInput(session, "building", + choices = byCat_single, + selected = map_merge_filteredT_2[selectedRow,]$Building) + building_selected$building <- map_merge_filteredT_2[selectedRow,]$Building + } + }) + + #displaying the resulting map + map <- leaflet(map_merge_filtered2) %>% + addAwesomeMarkers(icon=icons,popup = ~paste0("Building: ", map_merge_filtered2$Building, "
    ", "Total number of Users: ", map_merge_filtered2$totalusers, "
    ", + "Percentage of Capacity: ", percent(map_merge_filtered2$totalusers/map_merge_filtered2$capacity),"
    ", "Learn more about ", "", map_merge_filtered2$Building, "", + " click ", actionLink(inputId = "jump_to_find", label = "here", onclick = 'Shiny.setInputValue(\"link1\",, {priority: \"event\"})'))) %>% + addTiles() %>%setView( lng = -73.6789, lat = 42.7298, zoom = 16 ) %>% + #%>% addControl(map_title, position = "topright", className="map-title") %>% + addLegend(position = "topleft", colors = c("#00BFFF", "orange", "#FF6347", "red"), labels = c("0% ~ 25%", "25% ~ 50%", "50% ~ 75%", "75% ~ 100%")) + + # If user selects a building, then add star icon at that building's position and star legend + if (input$map_building != 'None') { + + # Using different color of star as icon and legend according to percentage of capacity + if (building_map_select$totalusers <= 0.25*building_map_select$capacity){ + icon_url <- "images/blue_star.png" + html_legend <- " Place of Selection
    " + } + else if (building_map_select$totalusers <= 0.5*building_map_select$capacity){ + icon_url <- "images/beige_star.png" + html_legend <- " Place of Selection
    " + } + else if (building_map_select$totalusers <= 0.75*building_map_select$capacity){ + icon_url <- "images/lightred_star.png" + html_legend <- " Place of Selection
    " + } + else { + icon_url <- "images/darkred_star.png" + html_legend <- " Place of Selection
    " + } + + # Make star icon + star_icon <- makeIcon( + iconUrl = icon_url, + iconWidth = 40, iconHeight= 40, iconAnchorX= 33*215/230/2, iconAnchorY = 16 + ) + + # Add icon and legend + map <- map %>% addMarkers(icon=star_icon,lng = building_map_select$lng, lat = building_map_select$lat,popup = ~paste0("Building: ", building_map_select$Building, "
    ", "Total number of Users: ", building_map_select$totalusers, "
    ", + "Percentage of Capacity: ", percent(building_map_select$totalusers/building_map_select$capacity),"
    ", "Learn more about ", "", building_map_select$Building, "", + " click ", actionLink(inputId = "jump_to_find", label = "here", onclick = 'Shiny.setInputValue(\"link1\",, {priority: \"event\"})'))) %>% + addControl(html = html_legend, position = "topleft") + } + + output$mymap <- renderLeaflet({map}) + + + + # If the action link is not clicked, return nothing + if (is.null(input$link1)) + return() + # Isolate everything so that they just excute when user clicks the link + isolate({ + + # To determine name of building that is clicked + marker_info <- input$mymap_marker_click + + # marker_info just has latitude and longitude so we need to pair them with our data to find the name of building + marker_building <- map_merge_filtered[map_merge_filtered$lat == marker_info$lat,] + marker_building <- marker_building[marker_building$lng == marker_info$lng,] + + # To make sure that if user go back to map after jumping to "Find a Place to Study", system will not jump back to "Find a Place to Study" + if(building_map$building != marker_building$Building) + { + jump_find <- 'yes' + building_map$building <- marker_building$Building + } + }) + + # If jump$find = yes, jump to "Find a Place to Study" and update everything + if (jump_find == 'yes') { + # Switch to "Find a Place to Study" + newtab <- switch(input$tabs, "map" = "find","find" = "map") + updateTabItems(session, "tabs", newtab) + + # Update building selected of "Find a Place to Study" + updateSelectInput(session, "building", + choices = byCat_single, + selected = marker_building$Building) + building_selected$building <- marker_building$Building + + jump_find <- 'no' + } + + }) + + ##INITIAL POP-UP WARNING + # Content of modal dialog + query_modal <- modalDialog( + title = tags$div(HTML("

    Welcome to RPI StudySafe

    ")), + tags$div(HTML(" +

    WARNING: The StudySafe application represents experimental, student-created work. Reasonable + effort has been made to provide a safe, informative, enjoyable user experience, but + some StudySafe application features may not comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). + Use at your own risk.

    ")), + easyClose = F, + footer = tagList( + actionButton("run", "Continue to StudySafe", style = ' color: white; background-color:#990000') + ) + ) + + # Creates modal dialog + showModal(query_modal) + + # Removes modal + observeEvent(input$run, { + removeModal() + }) + + + + +} + +# Run the application +shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) \ No newline at end of file From 0e201ce04da25d559cbf91b6665455316eb06d28 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chenc29 Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2021 15:21:56 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 2/9] fix debounce issue --- CopyOfapp.R | 229 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 160 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-) diff --git a/CopyOfapp.R b/CopyOfapp.R index fb4fdc96..4072e508 100644 --- a/CopyOfapp.R +++ b/CopyOfapp.R @@ -207,13 +207,13 @@ ui <- dashboardPage(skin = "black", title = "RPI StudySafe", uiOutput("week_view"), tags$div(HTML("

    ")), tabsetPanel(id = "week_tab", - tabPanel("Sunday", br(), uiOutput("sun_info"), br(), plotOutput("sun_plot", click = "sun_click")), - tabPanel("Monday", br(), uiOutput("mon_info"), br(), plotOutput("mon_plot", click = "mon_click")), - tabPanel("Tuesday", br(), uiOutput("tue_info"), br(), plotOutput("tue_plot", click = "tue_click")), - tabPanel("Wednesday", br(), uiOutput("wed_info"), br(), plotOutput("wed_plot", click = "wed_click")), + tabPanel("Sunday", br(), uiOutput("sun_info", align = "center"), br(), plotOutput("sun_plot", click = "sun_click")), + tabPanel("Monday", br(), uiOutput("mon_info", align = "center"), br(), plotOutput("mon_plot", click = "mon_click")), + tabPanel("Tuesday", br(), uiOutput("tue_info", align = "center"), br(), plotOutput("tue_plot", click = "tue_click")), + tabPanel("Wednesday", br(), uiOutput("wed_info", align = "center"), br(), plotOutput("wed_plot", click = "wed_click")), tabPanel("Thursday", br(), uiOutput("thu_info", align = "center"), br(), plotOutput("thu_plot", click = "thu_click")), - tabPanel("Friday", br(), uiOutput("fri_info"), br(), plotOutput("fri_plot", click = "fri_click")), - tabPanel("Saturday", br(), uiOutput("sat_info"), br(), plotOutput("sat_plot", click = "sat_click")))), + tabPanel("Friday", br(), uiOutput("fri_info", align = "center"), br(), plotOutput("fri_plot", click = "fri_click")), + tabPanel("Saturday", br(), uiOutput("sat_info", align = "center"), br(), plotOutput("sat_plot", click = "sat_click")))), #Quick Compare TAB @@ -628,7 +628,6 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { }) output$week_view <- renderUI({ - time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) weekday_now <- weekdays(Sys.Date()) observe({ building_selected$building <- input$building @@ -676,65 +675,121 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { legend.position="none") } - output$sun_plot <- renderPlot({ - ggplot(sun_dat, aes(x=Hour, y=users)) + - geom_histogram(stat="identity") + - scale_color_manual(values = c(time_now = "red")) - }) + # Sunday Tab + sun_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) - output$sun_info <- renderText({ - output_text <- busy_text(wed_dat, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - paste0(output_text) + observeEvent(input$sun_click, { + click <- as.numeric(input$sun_click$x) - as.numeric(input$sun_click$domain$left) + sun_react_click$Clicks <- click }) - output$mon_plot <- renderPlot({ - ggplot(mon_dat, aes(x=Hour, y=users)) + - geom_histogram(stat="identity") + - scale_color_manual(values = c(time_now = "red")) + observe({ + time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) + if (is.null(sun_react_click$Clicks)){ + sun_hr_dat <- sun_dat[time_now,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(sun_dat, time_now) + output_text <- busy_text(sun_hr_dat, sun_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output$sun_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$sun_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(sun_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text)}) + } else { + sun_hr_dat <- sun_dat[floor(sun_react_click$Clicks),] + output_text <- busy_text(sun_hr_dat, sun_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + time_now <- as.integer(sun_react_click$Clicks) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(sun_dat, time_now) + output$sun_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$sun_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(sun_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text)}) + } }) - output$mon_info <- renderText({ - output_text <- busy_text(wed_dat, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - paste0(output_text) + # Monday Tab + mon_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) + + observeEvent(input$mon_click, { + click <- as.numeric(input$mon_click$x) - as.numeric(input$mon_click$domain$left) + mon_react_click$Clicks <- click }) - output$tue_plot <- renderPlot({ - ggplot(tue_dat, aes(x=Hour, y=users)) + - geom_histogram(stat="identity") + - scale_color_manual(values = c(time_now = "red")) + observe({ + time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) + if (is.null(mon_react_click$Clicks)){ + mon_hr_dat <- mon_dat[time_now,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(mon_dat, time_now) + output_text <- busy_text(mon_hr_dat, mon_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output$mon_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$mon_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(mon_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text)}) + } else { + mon_hr_dat <- mon_dat[floor(mon_react_click$Clicks),] + output_text <- busy_text(mon_hr_dat, mon_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + time_now <- as.integer(mon_react_click$Clicks) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(mon_dat, time_now) + output$mon_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$mon_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(mon_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text)}) + } }) - output$tue_info <- renderText({ - output_text <- busy_text(wed_dat, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - paste0(output_text) + # Tuesday Tab + tue_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) + + observeEvent(input$tue_click, { + click <- as.numeric(input$tue_click$x) - as.numeric(input$tue_click$domain$left) + tue_react_click$Clicks <- click }) observe({ - if (length(input$wed_click) > 0){ - pick_time <- as.numeric(input$wed_click$x) - output$wed_plot <- renderPlot({ - make_plot(wed_dat, pick_time) - }) - output$wed_info <- renderUI({ - point <- as.numeric(input$wed_click$x) - wed_hr_dat <- wed_dat[round(point)+1,] - if (nrow(wed_dat) == 0) return(NULL) - output_text <- busy_text(wed_hr_dat, wed_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - p("At", wed_hr_dat$Hour, ":00", "it is", output_text) - }) + time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) + if (is.null(tue_react_click$Clicks)){ + tue_hr_dat <- tue_dat[time_now,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(tue_dat, time_now) + output_text <- busy_text(tue_hr_dat, tue_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output$tue_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$tue_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(tue_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text)}) + } else { + tue_hr_dat <- tue_dat[floor(tue_react_click$Clicks),] + output_text <- busy_text(tue_hr_dat, tue_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + time_now <- as.integer(tue_react_click$Clicks) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(tue_dat, time_now) + output$tue_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$tue_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(tue_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text)}) } - output$wed_plot <- renderPlot({ - make_plot(wed_dat, time_now) - }) - output$wed_info <- renderUI({ + }) + + # Wednesday Tab + wed_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) + + observeEvent(input$wed_click, { + click <- as.numeric(input$wed_click$x) - as.numeric(input$wed_click$domain$left) + wed_react_click$Clicks <- click + }) + + observe({ + time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) + if (is.null(wed_react_click$Clicks)){ wed_hr_dat <- wed_dat[time_now,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(wed_dat, time_now) output_text <- busy_text(wed_hr_dat, wed_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - p("At", wed_hr_dat$Hour, ":00", "it is", output_text) - }) + output$wed_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$wed_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(wed_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text)}) + } else { + wed_hr_dat <- wed_dat[floor(wed_react_click$Clicks),] + output_text <- busy_text(wed_hr_dat, wed_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + time_now <- as.integer(wed_react_click$Clicks) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(wed_dat, time_now) + output$wed_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$wed_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(wed_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text)}) + } + }) + + # Thursday Tab + thu_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) + + observeEvent(input$thu_click, { + click <- as.numeric(input$thu_click$x) - as.numeric(input$thu_click$domain$left) + thu_react_click$Clicks <- click }) observe({ - if (is.null(input$thu_click$x)){ + time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) + if (is.null(thu_react_click$Clicks)){ thu_hr_dat <- thu_dat[time_now,] hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(thu_dat, time_now) output_text <- busy_text(thu_hr_dat, thu_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) @@ -742,44 +797,80 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { hr_pick_plot }, bg="transparent") output$thu_info <- renderUI({ - p("At", thu_hr_dat$Hour, ":00", "it is", output_text) + p("At", as.numeric(thu_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text) }) } else { - pick_time <- as.numeric(input$thu_click$x) - thu_hr_dat <- thu_dat[floor(pick_time),] - # browser() + thu_hr_dat <- thu_dat[floor(thu_react_click$Clicks),] output_text <- busy_text(thu_hr_dat, thu_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(thu_dat, pick_time) + time_now <- as.integer(thu_react_click$Clicks) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(thu_dat, time_now) output$thu_plot <- renderPlot({ hr_pick_plot }, bg="transparent") output$thu_info <- renderUI({ - p("At", thu_hr_dat$Hour, ":00", "it is", output_text) + p("At", as.numeric(thu_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text) }) } }) - - output$fri_plot <- renderPlot({ - ggplot(fri_dat, aes(x=Hour, y=users)) + - geom_histogram(stat="identity") + - scale_color_manual(values = c(time_now = "red")) + # Friday Tab + fri_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) + + observeEvent(input$fri_click, { + click <- as.numeric(input$fri_click$x) - as.numeric(input$fri_click$domain$left) + fri_react_click$Clicks <- click }) - output$fri_info <- renderText({ - output_text <- busy_text(wed_dat, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - paste0(output_text) + observe({ + time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) + if (is.null(fri_react_click$Clicks)){ + fri_hr_dat <- fri_dat[time_now,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(fri_dat, time_now) + output_text <- busy_text(fri_hr_dat, fri_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output$fri_plot <- renderPlot({ + hr_pick_plot + }, bg="transparent") + output$fri_info <- renderUI({ + p("At", as.numeric(fri_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text) + }) + } else { + fri_hr_dat <- fri_dat[floor(fri_react_click$Clicks),] + output_text <- busy_text(fri_hr_dat, fri_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + time_now <- as.integer(fri_react_click$Clicks) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(fri_dat, time_now) + output$fri_plot <- renderPlot({ + hr_pick_plot + }, bg="transparent") + output$fri_info <- renderUI({ + p("At", as.numeric(fri_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text) + }) + } }) - output$sat_plot <- renderPlot({ - ggplot(sat_dat, aes(x=Hour, y=users)) + - geom_histogram(stat="identity") + - scale_color_manual(values = c(time_now = "red")) + # Saturday Tab + sat_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) + + observeEvent(input$sat_click, { + click <- as.numeric(input$sat_click$x) - as.numeric(input$sat_click$domain$left) + sat_react_click$Clicks <- click }) - output$sat_info <- renderText({ - output_text <- busy_text(wed_dat, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - paste0(output_text) + observe({ + time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) + if (is.null(sat_react_click$Clicks)){ + sat_hr_dat <- sat_dat[time_now,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(sat_dat, time_now) + output_text <- busy_text(sat_hr_dat, sat_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output$sat_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$sat_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(sat_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text)}) + } else { + sat_hr_dat <- sat_dat[floor(sat_react_click$Clicks),] + output_text <- busy_text(sat_hr_dat, sat_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + time_now <- as.integer(sat_react_click$Clicks) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(sat_dat, time_now) + output$sat_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$sat_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(sat_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text)}) + } }) }) From e89e62697e354c8667f72b9262cbc4a55e8682e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chenc29 Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2021 16:25:00 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 3/9] fixed bugs, added capacity line --- CopyOfapp.R | 125 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- 1 file changed, 61 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-) diff --git a/CopyOfapp.R b/CopyOfapp.R index 4072e508..6aa6a601 100644 --- a/CopyOfapp.R +++ b/CopyOfapp.R @@ -657,18 +657,30 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { } all_time <- unique(sun_dat$Hour) - make_plot <- function(dat, time_now){ + + capacity_intercept <- function(capacity){ + c1 <- capacity * .25 + c2 <- capacity * .5 + c3 <- capacity * .75 + cut <- c(c1, c2, c3, capacity) + } + + make_plot <- function(dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max){ + building_select_cap <- subset(hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building == building_select) + cap_line <- capacity_intercept(building_select_cap$capacity) ggplot(dat, aes(x=factor(Hour), y=users, fill=(Hour==time_now))) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + scale_fill_manual(values=c("skyblue3","mediumvioletred")) + geom_vline(xintercept = as.integer(time_now)+1, linetype = "dotted") + + geom_hline(yintercept = cap_line, linetype = "dotted") + scale_x_discrete(labels= all_time) + + scale_y_continuous(breaks = cap_line, labels = c("25% capacity", "50% capacity", "75% capacity", "100% capacity")) + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank(), plot.background = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), - axis.text.y=element_blank(), + # axis.text.y=element_blank(), axis.title.y=element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), axis.title.x=element_blank(), @@ -686,18 +698,18 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { observe({ time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) if (is.null(sun_react_click$Clicks)){ - sun_hr_dat <- sun_dat[time_now,] - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(sun_dat, time_now) + sun_hr_dat <- sun_dat[time_now+1,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(sun_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) output_text <- busy_text(sun_hr_dat, sun_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) output$sun_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$sun_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(sun_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text)}) + output$sun_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(sun_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) } else { - sun_hr_dat <- sun_dat[floor(sun_react_click$Clicks),] + sun_hr_dat <- sun_dat[floor(sun_react_click$Clicks)+1,] output_text <- busy_text(sun_hr_dat, sun_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) time_now <- as.integer(sun_react_click$Clicks) - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(sun_dat, time_now) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(sun_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) output$sun_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$sun_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(sun_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text)}) + output$sun_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(sun_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) } }) @@ -712,18 +724,18 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { observe({ time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) if (is.null(mon_react_click$Clicks)){ - mon_hr_dat <- mon_dat[time_now,] - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(mon_dat, time_now) + mon_hr_dat <- mon_dat[time_now+1,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(mon_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) output_text <- busy_text(mon_hr_dat, mon_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) output$mon_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$mon_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(mon_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text)}) + output$mon_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(mon_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) } else { - mon_hr_dat <- mon_dat[floor(mon_react_click$Clicks),] + mon_hr_dat <- mon_dat[floor(mon_react_click$Clicks)+1,] output_text <- busy_text(mon_hr_dat, mon_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) time_now <- as.integer(mon_react_click$Clicks) - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(mon_dat, time_now) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(mon_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) output$mon_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$mon_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(mon_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text)}) + output$mon_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(mon_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) } }) @@ -738,18 +750,18 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { observe({ time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) if (is.null(tue_react_click$Clicks)){ - tue_hr_dat <- tue_dat[time_now,] - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(tue_dat, time_now) + tue_hr_dat <- tue_dat[time_now+1,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(tue_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) output_text <- busy_text(tue_hr_dat, tue_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) output$tue_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$tue_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(tue_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text)}) + output$tue_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(tue_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) } else { - tue_hr_dat <- tue_dat[floor(tue_react_click$Clicks),] + tue_hr_dat <- tue_dat[floor(tue_react_click$Clicks)+1,] output_text <- busy_text(tue_hr_dat, tue_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) time_now <- as.integer(tue_react_click$Clicks) - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(tue_dat, time_now) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(tue_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) output$tue_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$tue_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(tue_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text)}) + output$tue_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(tue_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) } }) @@ -764,18 +776,18 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { observe({ time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) if (is.null(wed_react_click$Clicks)){ - wed_hr_dat <- wed_dat[time_now,] - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(wed_dat, time_now) + wed_hr_dat <- wed_dat[time_now+1,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(wed_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) output_text <- busy_text(wed_hr_dat, wed_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) output$wed_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$wed_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(wed_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text)}) + output$wed_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(wed_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) } else { - wed_hr_dat <- wed_dat[floor(wed_react_click$Clicks),] + wed_hr_dat <- wed_dat[floor(wed_react_click$Clicks)+1,] output_text <- busy_text(wed_hr_dat, wed_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) time_now <- as.integer(wed_react_click$Clicks) - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(wed_dat, time_now) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(wed_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) output$wed_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$wed_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(wed_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text)}) + output$wed_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(wed_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) } }) @@ -790,26 +802,19 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { observe({ time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) if (is.null(thu_react_click$Clicks)){ - thu_hr_dat <- thu_dat[time_now,] - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(thu_dat, time_now) + thu_hr_dat <- thu_dat[time_now+1,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(thu_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) output_text <- busy_text(thu_hr_dat, thu_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output$thu_plot <- renderPlot({ - hr_pick_plot - }, bg="transparent") - output$thu_info <- renderUI({ - p("At", as.numeric(thu_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text) - }) + output$thu_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$thu_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(thu_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) } else { - thu_hr_dat <- thu_dat[floor(thu_react_click$Clicks),] + thu_hr_dat <- thu_dat[floor(thu_react_click$Clicks)+1,] output_text <- busy_text(thu_hr_dat, thu_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) time_now <- as.integer(thu_react_click$Clicks) - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(thu_dat, time_now) - output$thu_plot <- renderPlot({ - hr_pick_plot - }, bg="transparent") - output$thu_info <- renderUI({ - p("At", as.numeric(thu_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text) - }) + # browser() + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(thu_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output$thu_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$thu_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(thu_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) } }) @@ -824,26 +829,18 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { observe({ time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) if (is.null(fri_react_click$Clicks)){ - fri_hr_dat <- fri_dat[time_now,] - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(fri_dat, time_now) + fri_hr_dat <- fri_dat[time_now+1,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(fri_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) output_text <- busy_text(fri_hr_dat, fri_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output$fri_plot <- renderPlot({ - hr_pick_plot - }, bg="transparent") - output$fri_info <- renderUI({ - p("At", as.numeric(fri_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text) - }) + output$fri_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$fri_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(fri_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) } else { - fri_hr_dat <- fri_dat[floor(fri_react_click$Clicks),] + fri_hr_dat <- fri_dat[floor(fri_react_click$Clicks)+1,] output_text <- busy_text(fri_hr_dat, fri_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) time_now <- as.integer(fri_react_click$Clicks) - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(fri_dat, time_now) - output$fri_plot <- renderPlot({ - hr_pick_plot - }, bg="transparent") - output$fri_info <- renderUI({ - p("At", as.numeric(fri_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text) - }) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(fri_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output$fri_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$fri_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(fri_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) } }) @@ -858,18 +855,18 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { observe({ time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) if (is.null(sat_react_click$Clicks)){ - sat_hr_dat <- sat_dat[time_now,] - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(sat_dat, time_now) + sat_hr_dat <- sat_dat[time_now+1,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(sat_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) output_text <- busy_text(sat_hr_dat, sat_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) output$sat_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$sat_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(sat_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text)}) + output$sat_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(sat_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) } else { - sat_hr_dat <- sat_dat[floor(sat_react_click$Clicks),] + sat_hr_dat <- sat_dat[floor(sat_react_click$Clicks)+1,] output_text <- busy_text(sat_hr_dat, sat_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) time_now <- as.integer(sat_react_click$Clicks) - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(sat_dat, time_now) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(sat_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) output$sat_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$sat_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(sat_hr_dat$Hour)+1, ":00", "it is", output_text)}) + output$sat_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(sat_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) } }) From 5414cbceb6795adb56b7ca0ae80929771cfdfda4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chenc29 Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2021 16:21:04 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 4/9] work-in-progress --- CopyOfnewApp.R | 774 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 774 insertions(+) create mode 100644 CopyOfnewApp.R diff --git a/CopyOfnewApp.R b/CopyOfnewApp.R new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1d61aba1 --- /dev/null +++ b/CopyOfnewApp.R @@ -0,0 +1,774 @@ +# Data Incite RPI Study Safe App using UI Template +# Uses Shinydashboard as a framework +# UI Template Created by Arielle Cerini, Brian Hotopp, Haoyu He, and James Young +# Edited by Kara Kniss +# Version: 26 Jan 2021 + +#document for reading in the relevant libraries, data, and cleaning +source('read_wapData.R') + +#LINK TO FEEDBACK SURVEY +survey_url <- tags$a("survey", href = "", style = 'color: #990000; background-color: #FAFAFA') + +#LINK TO USABILITY STUDY +usability_study_url <- tags$a("usability study", href = "", style = 'color: #990000; background-color: #FAFAFA') + + +ui <- dashboardPage(skin = "black", title = "RPI StudySafe", + + #HEADER + dashboardHeader(title = tags$div( + class = "title-text", + tags$style(".logo {max-width: 80%;}"), + tags$div(id = "logo_block", tags$img(class="logo", src="Rensselaer.png", id="Rensselear Polytechnic Institute Logo") )), + titleWidth = "340px" + ), + + #TOGGLED SIDEBAR + dashboardSidebar( + width = 320, + sidebarMenu(id = "tabs", collapsed = TRUE, + menuItem("Activity Overview", tabName = "week_activity"), + menuItem("About", tabName = "about"), + tags$div(HTML("

    ")), + box(width= 12, collapsible = TRUE, title = tags$div(HTML("Feedback Forms")), + style = 'color: #54585a;', solidHeader=TRUE, + tagList("Have any comments? Please follow the link to", + tags$br(), + "this", survey_url, "and let us know if you have any", + tags$br(), + " issues, questions, or suggestions regarding", + tags$br(), + " the StudySafe app."), + tags$br(), tags$br(), + tagList("Help us make the app better! Take a few", + tags$br(), + "minutes to participate in our ",usability_study_url, ".") + ), + uiOutput("side_ctrl") + ) + ), + + #BODY WITH REACTIVE TABS + dashboardBody( + style = "background-color: #f7f7f7; height: 100%; min-height: 100vh;", + shinyjs::useShinyjs(), + tabItems( + + #ABOUT TAB + tabItem(tabName = "about", + uiOutput("about_body"), + tags$div(HTML("

    ")), + tags$div( + HTML("

    About RPI StudySafe


    RPI StudySafe is an app that reveals the anonymous usage of Wi-Fi access points and aggregations of wireless users on + the campus network at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, + Troy, New York. Analysis and visualizations are by students and staff of + The Rensselaer Institute for Data Exploration and Applications (IDEA). + This is an app associated with the COVID-19 contact tracing and campus network mapping projects.


    RPI StudySafe is designed to present WAP data to on-campus users so they can make informed decisions on where to go for extended periods of time on campus. + The data can be interacted with in several ways, including selecting certain dates, times, locations, as well as through interactive geographical maps. + Geographic location and density of each WAP are combined by building, and the data is updated every two hours.




    The \"Campus Map\" tab includes a map of the RPI campus, providing a succinct overview of its behavior. + Users can customize their searches using the following selections:

    + + +
  • Display Type: map or table
  • +
  • Date: Selecting which day to observe out of the past thirty days
  • +
  • Time: Selecting which time to observe on the selected date
  • +
  • Building: Selecting one building to stand out
  • +

    Based on the users selection the main panel will display either a geographic map or a table. + Color indicators are based on the percentage of calculated capacity.

    + +

    Find a Place to Study


    The \"Find a Place to Study\" is intended to be a go-to quicksearch of any building. + Users can customize their searches using the following selections:

    + + +
  • Date: Selecting which day to observe out of the past thirty days
  • +
  • Time: Selecting which time to observe on the selected date
  • +
  • Building: Selecting one building to observe
  • +

    Based on the users selection the main panel will display a graph, a recommendation, + and the summary of the analyses that led to that conclusion.

    + +

    Quick Compare


    The \"Quick Compare\" tab is intended to be a more in depth search, involving comparison of several locations on campus at once. + Users can customize their searches using the following selections:

    + + +
  • Date: Selecting which day to observe out of the past thirty days
  • +
  • Time: Selecting which time to observe on the selected date
  • +
  • Buildings: Selecting multiple buildings to observe and compare
  • +

    Based on the users selection the main panel will display graphs to display information about capacity limits, + and a concise comparitive analysis will be provided.




    Some of the information displayed is approximated and/or may not be 100% accurate as it is an approximation of imperfect data. + Improvements to this application will continue to be made.

    + + ") + ), + hr(), + HTML("") + ), + + # "Google" Tab ################################################################################################################################################### + tabItem(tabName = "week_activity", + uiOutput("week_view"), + tags$div(HTML("

    ")), + tabsetPanel(id = "week_tab", + tabPanel("Sunday", tabName="sunday", br(), + tags$style(type = "text/css", "#sunMap {height: calc(100vh - 80px) !important;}"), + leafletOutput("sunMap"), br(), + absolutePanel(id = "controls", class = "panel panel-default", fixed = TRUE, + draggable = TRUE, top = 60, left = "auto", right = 20, bottom = "auto", + width = "30vw", height = "auto", + h2("Find a Place to Study"), + pickerInput(inputId = 'sun_selected', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Building")), + options = list(`live-search` = TRUE), + choices = byCat_single), + prettySwitch(inputId = 'byActivity', inline = TRUE, + label= tags$div(HTML("List by Activity")), + value = FALSE, status = "default", fill = TRUE, bigger = TRUE), + uiOutput("sun_info", align = "center"), + br(), plotOutput("sun_plot", click = "sun_click"))), + tabPanel("Monday", tabName="monday", br(), + tags$style(type = "text/css", "#monMap {height: calc(100vh - 80px) !important;}"), + leafletOutput("monMap"), br(), + absolutePanel(id = "controls", class = "panel panel-default", fixed = TRUE, + draggable = TRUE, top = 60, left = "auto", right = 20, bottom = "auto", + width = "30vw", height = "auto", + h2("Find a Place to Study"), + pickerInput(inputId = 'mon_selected', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Building")), + options = list(`live-search` = TRUE), + choices = byCat_single), + prettySwitch(inputId = 'byActivity', inline = TRUE, + label= tags$div(HTML("List by Activity")), + value = FALSE, status = "default", fill = TRUE, bigger = TRUE), + uiOutput("mon_info", align = "center"), + br(), plotOutput("mon_plot", click = "mon_click"))), + tabPanel("Tuesday", tabName="tuesday", br(), + tags$style(type = "text/css", "#tueMap {height: calc(100vh - 80px) !important;}"), + leafletOutput("tueMap"), br(), + absolutePanel(id = "controls", class = "panel panel-default", fixed = TRUE, + draggable = TRUE, top = 60, left = "auto", right = 20, bottom = "auto", + width = "30vw", height = "auto", + h2("Find a Place to Study"), + pickerInput(inputId = 'tue_selected', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Building")), + options = list(`live-search` = TRUE), + choices = byCat_single), + prettySwitch(inputId = 'byActivity', inline = TRUE, + label= tags$div(HTML("List by Activity")), + value = FALSE, status = "default", fill = TRUE, bigger = TRUE), + uiOutput("tue_info", align = "center"), + br(), plotOutput("tue_plot", click = "tue_click"))), + tabPanel("Wednesday", tabName="wednesday", br(), + tags$style(type = "text/css", "#wedMap {height: calc(100vh - 80px) !important;}"), + leafletOutput("wedMap"), br(), + absolutePanel(id = "controls", class = "panel panel-default", fixed = TRUE, + draggable = TRUE, top = 60, left = "auto", right = 20, bottom = "auto", + width = "30vw", height = "auto", + h2("Find a Place to Study"), + pickerInput(inputId = 'wed_selected', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Building")), + options = list(`live-search` = TRUE), + choices = byCat_single), + prettySwitch(inputId = 'byActivity', inline = TRUE, + label= tags$div(HTML("List by Activity")), + value = FALSE, status = "default", fill = TRUE, bigger = TRUE), + uiOutput("wed_info", align = "center"), + br(), plotOutput("wed_plot", click = "wed_click"))), + tabPanel("Thursday", tabName="thursday", br(), + tags$style(type = "text/css", "#thuMap {height: calc(100vh - 80px) !important;}"), + leafletOutput("thuMap"), br(), + absolutePanel(id = "controls", class = "panel panel-default", fixed = TRUE, + draggable = TRUE, top = 60, left = "auto", right = 20, bottom = "auto", + width = "30vw", height = "auto", + h2("Find a Place to Study"), + pickerInput(inputId = 'thu_selected', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Building")), + options = list(`live-search` = TRUE), + choices = byCat_single), + prettySwitch(inputId = 'byActivity', inline = TRUE, + label= tags$div(HTML("List by Activity")), + value = FALSE, status = "default", fill = TRUE, bigger = TRUE), + uiOutput("thu_info", align = "center"), + br(), plotOutput("thu_plot", click = "thu_click"))), + tabPanel("Friday", tabName="friday", br(), + tags$style(type = "text/css", "#friMap {height: calc(100vh - 80px) !important;}"), + leafletOutput("friMap"), br(), + absolutePanel(id = "controls", class = "panel panel-default", fixed = TRUE, + draggable = TRUE, top = 60, left = "auto", right = 20, bottom = "auto", + width = "30vw", height = "auto", + h2("Find a Place to Study"), + pickerInput(inputId = 'building_selected', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Building")), + options = list(`live-search` = TRUE), + choices = byCat_single), + prettySwitch(inputId = 'byActivity', inline = TRUE, + label= tags$div(HTML("List by Activity")), + value = FALSE, status = "default", fill = TRUE, bigger = TRUE), + uiOutput("fri_info", align = "center"), + br(), plotOutput("fri_plot", click = "fri_click"))), + tabPanel("Saturday", tabName="saturday", br(), + tags$style(type = "text/css", "#friMap {height: calc(100vh - 80px) !important;}"), + leafletOutput("satMap"), br(), + absolutePanel(id = "controls", class = "panel panel-default", fixed = TRUE, + draggable = TRUE, top = 60, left = "auto", right = 20, bottom = "auto", + width = "30vw", height = "auto", + h2("Find a Place to Study"), + pickerInput(inputId = 'sat_selected', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Building")), + options = list(`live-search` = TRUE), + choices = byCat_single), + prettySwitch(inputId = 'byActivity', inline = TRUE, + label= tags$div(HTML("List by Activity")), + value = FALSE, status = "default", fill = TRUE, bigger = TRUE), + uiOutput("sat_info", align = "center"), + br(), plotOutput("sat_plot", click = "sat_click"))))) + ), + + #USING THE CSS FILE ARIELLE DEVELOPED + tags$script(HTML(' + $(document).ready(function() { + $(\'head\').append(\'\'); + $(\'head\').append(\'\'); + $("header").find("nav").append(\'


    \'); + // $(".sidebar-toggle").insertAfter(".tab-content"); + }) + ')), + + + ) +) + + +# Define server logic required +server <- function(input, output, session) { + + #ABOUT TAB + output$about_body <- renderUI({}) + + + # "Google" Tab ################################################################################################################################################### + # Set default tab to today's weekday + observe({ + weekday_now <- weekdays(Sys.Date()) + updateTabsetPanel(session,"week_tab", selected = weekday_now) + }) + + #Activity Tagging Switch consistent across all tabs - NOT WORKING YET, WILL IMPLEMENT LATER + observe({ + if (input$byActivity == FALSE) { + updatePickerInput(session, inputId = "building", choices = byCat_single) + } else { + updatePickerInput(session, inputId = "building", choices = byAct_single) + } + }) + + output$week_view <- renderUI({ + + weekday_now <- weekdays(Sys.Date()) + + # Store building selected into a reactive value + observe({ + sun_building_selected$building <- input$sun_selected + mon_building_selected$building <- input$mon_selected + tue_building_selected$building <- input$tue_selected + wed_building_selected$building <- input$wed_selected + thu_building_selected$building <- input$thu_selected + fri_building_selected$building <- input$fri_selected + sat_building_selected$building <- input$sat_selected + }) + + sun_select <- sun_building_selected$building + mon_select <- mon_building_selected$building + tue_select <- tue_building_selected$building + wed_select <- wed_building_selected$building + thu_select <- thu_building_selected$building + fri_select <- fri_building_selected$building + sat_select <- sat_building_selected$building + + sun_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Sunday") + mon_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Monday") + tue_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Tuesday") + wed_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Wednesday") + thu_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Thursday") + fri_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Friday") + sat_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Saturday") + + # Function to get map information for leaflet map + get_map_info <- function(dat, hour, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) { + map_info <- dat %>% filter(Hour==hour) %>% + select(lat, lng, BuildingType,Building, users) %>% + group_by(lat, lng, BuildingType,Building) %>% + dplyr::summarise(totalusers = sum(users)) + map_info <- merge(map_info, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max, by.x= "Building", by.y="Building") + } + + # Function to get marker color on leaflet map + getColor <- function(dat) { + mapply(function(totalusers, capacity) { + if(totalusers <= 0.25*capacity) {"darkblue"} + else if(totalusers <= 0.5*capacity) {"lightblue"} + else if(totalusers <= 0.75*capacity) {"lightred"} + else {"red"}}, + dat$totalusers, dat$capacity) + } + + # Function to create icon on leaflet map + getIcon <- function(dat){ + icons <- awesomeIcons( + icon = 'ios-close', + iconColor = 'black', + library = 'ion', + markerColor = getColor(dat)) + } + + # Function to generate leaflet map + get_map <- function(dat) { + leaf_map <- leaflet(dat) %>% + addAwesomeMarkers(icon=getIcon(dat)) %>% + addTiles() %>%setView( lng = -73.6789, lat = 42.7298, zoom = 16 ) %>% + addLegend(position = "topleft", colors = c("#235878", "#65b7de", "#f28e80", "#c44130"), labels = c("0% ~ 25%", "25% ~ 50%", "50% ~ 75%", "75% ~ 100%")) + } + + # Function to generate comments on how busy the building is + busy_text <- function(dat, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max){ + building_select_cap <- subset(hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building == building_select) + cap <- dat$users / building_select_cap$capacity + if(cap <= .25){busy_summary <- "usually not busy"} + else if(cap <= .5 & cap > .25){busy_summary <- "usually not too busy"} + else if(cap <= .75 & cap > .5){busy_summary <- "usually a bit busy"} + else {busy_summary <- "usually as busy as it can get"} + } + + all_time <- unique(sun_dat$Hour) + + # Function to generate capacity line on bar plot + capacity_intercept <- function(capacity){ + c1 <- capacity * .25 + c2 <- capacity * .5 + c3 <- capacity * .75 + cut <- c(c1, c2, c3, capacity) + } + + # Function to make bar plot + make_plot <- function(dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max){ + building_select_cap <- subset(hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building == building_select) + cap_line <- capacity_intercept(building_select_cap$capacity) + ggplot(dat, aes(x=factor(Hour), y=users, fill=(Hour==time_now))) + + geom_bar(stat="identity") + + scale_fill_manual(values=c("skyblue3","mediumvioletred")) + + geom_vline(xintercept = as.integer(time_now)+1, linetype = "dotted") + + geom_hline(yintercept = cap_line, linetype = "dotted") + + scale_x_discrete(labels= all_time) + + scale_y_continuous(breaks = cap_line, labels = c("25%", "50%", "75%", "100%")) + + ylab("Building Capacity") + + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), + panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), + panel.background = element_blank(), + plot.background = element_blank(), + axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), + axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), + axis.title.x=element_blank(), + legend.position="none") + } + + # Sunday Tab + sun_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) + observeEvent(input$sun_click, { + click <- as.numeric(input$sun_click$x) - as.numeric(input$sun_click$domain$left) + sun_react_click$Clicks <- click + }) + + # If click a marker on leaflet map, update the marker color to green and the building selection on the side panel + observeEvent(input$sunMap_marker_click,{ + req(input$sunMap_marker_click) + clicks <- data.frame(input$sunMap_marker_click[3:4]) + icon <- awesomeIcons(icon = 'ios-close', iconColor="black", library='ion', markerColor="green") + leafletProxy("sunMap") %>% clearGroup(group="selected") %>% addAwesomeMarkers(icon= icon, data = clicks, group="selected") + building_select <- sun_dat %>% filter(lng==clicks[,2], lat==clicks[,1]) %>% select(Building) + building_select <- unique(building_select) + updatePickerInput(session, inputId="sun_selected", selected=building_select) + }) + + # If change the building selection on the side panel, update the marker on the map to green + observeEvent(input$sun_selected,{ + clicks <- sun_dat %>% filter(Building==sun_select) %>% select(lat,lng) + clicks <- clicks[1,1:2] + icon <- awesomeIcons(icon = 'ios-close', iconColor="black", library='ion', markerColor="green") + leafletProxy("sunMap") %>% clearGroup(group="selected") %>% addAwesomeMarkers(icon= icon, data = clicks, group="selected") + }) + + # Create the leaflet map and bar plot + observe({ + time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) + sun_select_dat <- sun_dat %>% filter(Building == sun_select) + # If nothing is clicked, the bar plot by default will use the current time + if (is.null(sun_react_click$Clicks)){ + sun_hr_dat <- sun_select_dat[time_now+1,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(sun_select_dat, time_now, sun_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output_text <- busy_text(sun_hr_dat, sun_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + sun_map_info <- get_map_info(sun_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + leaf_map <- get_map(sun_map_info) + output$sunMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) + output$sun_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$sun_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(sun_hr_dat$Hour), ":00,",sun_select, "is", output_text)}) + } else { + sun_hr_dat <- sun_select_dat[floor(sun_react_click$Clicks)+1,] + output_text <- busy_text(sun_hr_dat, sun_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + time_now <- as.integer(sun_react_click$Clicks) + sun_map_info <- get_map_info(sun_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + leaf_map <- get_map(sun_map_info) + output$sunMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(sun_select_dat, time_now, sun_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output$sun_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$sun_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(sun_hr_dat$Hour), ":00,", sun_select,"is", output_text)}) + } + }) + + # Monday Tab + mon_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) + observeEvent(input$mon_click, { + click <- as.numeric(input$mon_click$x) - as.numeric(input$mon_click$domain$left) + mon_react_click$Clicks <- click + }) + + observeEvent(input$monMap_marker_click,{ + req(input$monMap_marker_click) + clicks <- data.frame(input$monMap_marker_click[3:4]) + icon <- awesomeIcons(icon = 'ios-close', iconColor="black", library='ion', markerColor="green") + leafletProxy("monMap") %>% clearGroup(group="selected") %>% addAwesomeMarkers(icon= icon, data = clicks, group="selected") + building_select <- mon_dat %>% filter(lng==clicks[,2], lat==clicks[,1]) %>% select(Building) + building_select <- unique(building_select) + updatePickerInput(session, inputId="mon_selected", selected=building_select) + }) + + observeEvent(input$mon_selected,{ + clicks <- mon_dat %>% filter(Building==mon_select) %>% select(lat,lng) + clicks <- clicks[1,1:2] + icon <- awesomeIcons(icon = 'ios-close', iconColor="black", library='ion', markerColor="green") + leafletProxy("monMap") %>% clearGroup(group="selected") %>% addAwesomeMarkers(icon= icon, data = clicks, group="selected") + }) + + observe({ + time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) + mon_select_dat <- mon_dat %>% filter(Building == mon_select) + if (is.null(mon_react_click$Clicks)){ + mon_hr_dat <- mon_select_dat[time_now+1,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(mon_select_dat, time_now, mon_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output_text <- busy_text(mon_hr_dat, mon_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + mon_map_info <- get_map_info(mon_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + leaf_map <- get_map(mon_map_info) + output$monMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) + output$mon_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$mon_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(mon_hr_dat$Hour), ":00,",mon_select, "is", output_text)}) + } else { + mon_hr_dat <- mon_select_dat[floor(mon_react_click$Clicks)+1,] + output_text <- busy_text(mon_hr_dat, mon_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + time_now <- as.integer(sat_react_click$Clicks) + mon_map_info <- get_map_info(mon_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + leaf_map <- get_map(mon_map_info) + output$monMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(mon_select_dat, time_now, mon_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output$mon_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$mon_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(mon_hr_dat$Hour), ":00,", mon_select,"is", output_text)}) + } + }) + + # Tuesday Tab + tue_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) + observeEvent(input$tue_click, { + click <- as.numeric(input$tue_click$x) - as.numeric(input$tue_click$domain$left) + tue_react_click$Clicks <- click + }) + + observeEvent(input$tueMap_marker_click,{ + req(input$tueMap_marker_click) + clicks <- data.frame(input$tueMap_marker_click[3:4]) + icon <- awesomeIcons(icon = 'ios-close', iconColor="black", library='ion', markerColor="green") + leafletProxy("tueMap") %>% clearGroup(group="selected") %>% addAwesomeMarkers(icon= icon, data = clicks, group="selected") + building_select <- tue_dat %>% filter(lng==clicks[,2], lat==clicks[,1]) %>% select(Building) + building_select <- unique(building_select) + updatePickerInput(session, inputId="tue_selected", selected=building_select) + }) + + observeEvent(input$tue_selected,{ + clicks <- tue_dat %>% filter(Building==tue_select) %>% select(lat,lng) + clicks <- clicks[1,1:2] + icon <- awesomeIcons(icon = 'ios-close', iconColor="black", library='ion', markerColor="green") + leafletProxy("tueMap") %>% clearGroup(group="selected") %>% addAwesomeMarkers(icon= icon, data = clicks, group="selected") + }) + + observe({ + time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) + tue_select_dat <- tue_dat %>% filter(Building == tue_select) + if (is.null(tue_react_click$Clicks)){ + tue_hr_dat <- tue_select_dat[time_now+1,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(tue_select_dat, time_now, tue_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output_text <- busy_text(tue_hr_dat, tue_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + tue_map_info <- get_map_info(tue_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + leaf_map <- get_map(tue_map_info) + output$tueMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) + output$tue_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$tue_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(tue_hr_dat$Hour), ":00,",tue_select, "is", output_text)}) + } else { + tue_hr_dat <- tue_select_dat[floor(tue_react_click$Clicks)+1,] + output_text <- busy_text(tue_hr_dat, tue_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + time_now <- as.integer(tue_react_click$Clicks) + tue_map_info <- get_map_info(tue_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + leaf_map <- get_map(tue_map_info) + output$tueMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(stue_select_dat, time_now, tue_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output$tue_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$tue_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(tue_hr_dat$Hour), ":00,", tue_select,"is", output_text)}) + } + }) + + # Wednesday Tab + wed_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) + observeEvent(input$wed_click, { + click <- as.numeric(input$wed_click$x) - as.numeric(input$wed_click$domain$left) + wed_react_click$Clicks <- click + }) + + observeEvent(input$wedMap_marker_click,{ + req(input$wedMap_marker_click) + clicks <- data.frame(input$wedMap_marker_click[3:4]) + icon <- awesomeIcons(icon = 'ios-close', iconColor="black", library='ion', markerColor="green") + leafletProxy("wedMap") %>% clearGroup(group="selected") %>% addAwesomeMarkers(icon= icon, data = clicks, group="selected") + building_select <- wed_dat %>% filter(lng==clicks[,2], lat==clicks[,1]) %>% select(Building) + building_select <- unique(building_select) + updatePickerInput(session, inputId="wed_selected", selected=building_select) + }) + + observeEvent(input$wed_selected,{ + clicks <- wed_dat %>% filter(Building==wed_select) %>% select(lat,lng) + clicks <- clicks[1,1:2] + icon <- awesomeIcons(icon = 'ios-close', iconColor="black", library='ion', markerColor="green") + leafletProxy("wedMap") %>% clearGroup(group="selected") %>% addAwesomeMarkers(icon= icon, data = clicks, group="selected") + }) + + observe({ + time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) + wed_select_dat <- wed_dat %>% filter(Building == wed_select) + if (is.null(wed_react_click$Clicks)){ + wed_hr_dat <- wed_select_dat[time_now+1,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(wed_select_dat, time_now, wed_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output_text <- busy_text(wed_hr_dat, wed_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + wed_map_info <- get_map_info(wed_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + leaf_map <- get_map(wed_map_info) + output$wedMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) + output$wed_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$wed_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(wed_hr_dat$Hour), ":00,",wed_select, "is", output_text)}) + } else { + wed_hr_dat <- wed_select_dat[floor(wed_react_click$Clicks)+1,] + output_text <- busy_text(wed_hr_dat, wed_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + time_now <- as.integer(wed_react_click$Clicks) + wed_map_info <- get_map_info(wed_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + leaf_map <- get_map(wed_map_info) + output$wedMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(wed_select_dat, time_now, wed_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output$wed_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$wed_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(wed_hr_dat$Hour), ":00,", wed_select,"is", output_text)}) + } + }) + + # Thursday Tab + thu_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) + + observeEvent(input$thu_click, { + click <- as.numeric(input$thu_click$x) - as.numeric(input$thu_click$domain$left) + thu_react_click$Clicks <- click + }) + + observeEvent(input$thuMap_marker_click,{ + req(input$thuMap_marker_click) + clicks <- data.frame(input$thuMap_marker_click[3:4]) + icon <- awesomeIcons(icon = 'ios-close', iconColor="black", library='ion', markerColor="green") + leafletProxy("thuMap") %>% clearGroup(group="selected") %>% addAwesomeMarkers(icon= icon, data = clicks, group="selected") + building_select <- thu_dat %>% filter(lng==clicks[,2], lat==clicks[,1]) %>% select(Building) + building_select <- unique(building_select) + updatePickerInput(session, inputId="thu_selected", selected=building_select) + }) + + observeEvent(input$thu_selected,{ + clicks <- thu_dat %>% filter(Building==thu_select) %>% select(lat,lng) + clicks <- clicks[1,1:2] + icon <- awesomeIcons(icon = 'ios-close', iconColor="black", library='ion', markerColor="green") + leafletProxy("thuMap") %>% clearGroup(group="selected") %>% addAwesomeMarkers(icon= icon, data = clicks, group="selected") + }) + + observe({ + time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) + thu_select_dat <- thu_dat %>% filter(Building == thu_select) + if (is.null(thu_react_click$Clicks)){ + thu_hr_dat <- thu_select_dat[time_now+1,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(thu_select_dat, time_now, thu_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output_text <- busy_text(thu_hr_dat, thu_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + thu_map_info <- get_map_info(thu_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + leaf_map <- get_map(thu_map_info) + output$thuMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) + output$thu_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$thu_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(thu_hr_dat$Hour), ":00,",thu_select, "is", output_text)}) + } else { + thu_hr_dat <- thu_select_dat[floor(thu_react_click$Clicks)+1,] + output_text <- busy_text(thu_hr_dat, thu_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + time_now <- as.integer(thu_react_click$Clicks) + thu_map_info <- get_map_info(thu_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + leaf_map <- get_map(thu_map_info) + output$thuMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(thu_select_dat, time_now, thu_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output$thu_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$thu_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(thu_hr_dat$Hour), ":00,", thu_select,"is", output_text)}) + } + }) + + # Friday Tab + fri_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) + observeEvent(input$fri_click, { + click <- as.numeric(input$fri_click$x) - as.numeric(input$fri_click$domain$left) + fri_react_click$Clicks <- click + }) + + observeEvent(input$friMap_marker_click,{ + req(input$friMap_marker_click) + clicks <- data.frame(input$friMap_marker_click[3:4]) + icon <- awesomeIcons(icon = 'ios-close', iconColor="black", library='ion', markerColor="green") + leafletProxy("friMap") %>% clearGroup(group="selected") %>% addAwesomeMarkers(icon= icon, data = clicks, group="selected") + building_select <- fri_dat %>% filter(lng==clicks[,2], lat==clicks[,1]) %>% select(Building) + building_select <- unique(building_select) + updatePickerInput(session, inputId="building_selected", selected=building_select) + }) + + observeEvent(input$fri_selected,{ + clicks <- fri_dat %>% filter(Building==fri_select) %>% select(lat,lng) + clicks <- clicks[1,1:2] + icon <- awesomeIcons(icon = 'ios-close', iconColor="black", library='ion', markerColor="green") + leafletProxy("friMap") %>% clearGroup(group="selected") %>% addAwesomeMarkers(icon= icon, data = clicks, group="selected") + }) + + observe({ + time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) + fri_select_dat <- fri_dat %>% filter(Building == fri_select) + if (is.null(fri_react_click$Clicks)){ + fri_hr_dat <- fri_select_dat[time_now+1,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(fri_select_dat, time_now, fri_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output_text <- busy_text(fri_hr_dat, fri_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + fri_map_info <- get_map_info(fri_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + leaf_map <- get_map(fri_map_info) + output$friMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) + output$fri_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$fri_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(fri_hr_dat$Hour), ":00,",fri_select, "is", output_text)}) + } else { + fri_hr_dat <- fri_select_dat[floor(fri_react_click$Clicks)+1,] + output_text <- busy_text(fri_hr_dat, fri_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + time_now <- as.integer(fri_react_click$Clicks) + fri_map_info <- get_map_info(fri_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + leaf_map <- get_map(fri_map_info) + output$friMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(fri_select_dat, time_now, fri_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output$fri_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$fri_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(fri_hr_dat$Hour), ":00,", fri_select,"is", output_text)}) + } + }) + + # Saturday Tab + sat_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) + observeEvent(input$sat_click, { + click <- as.numeric(input$sat_click$x) - as.numeric(input$sat_click$domain$left) + sat_react_click$Clicks <- click + }) + + observeEvent(input$satMap_marker_click,{ + req(input$satMap_marker_click) + clicks <- data.frame(input$satMap_marker_click[3:4]) + icon <- awesomeIcons(icon = 'ios-close', iconColor="black", library='ion', markerColor="green") + leafletProxy("satMap") %>% clearGroup(group="selected") %>% addAwesomeMarkers(icon= icon, data = clicks, group="selected") + building_select <- sat_dat %>% filter(lng==clicks[,2], lat==clicks[,1]) %>% select(Building) + building_select <- unique(building_select) + updatePickerInput(session, inputId="sat_selected", selected=building_select) + }) + + observeEvent(input$sat_selected,{ + clicks <- sat_dat %>% filter(Building==sat_select) %>% select(lat,lng) + clicks <- clicks[1,1:2] + icon <- awesomeIcons(icon = 'ios-close', iconColor="black", library='ion', markerColor="green") + leafletProxy("satMap") %>% clearGroup(group="selected") %>% addAwesomeMarkers(icon= icon, data = clicks, group="selected") + }) + + observe({ + time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) + sat_select_dat <- sat_dat %>% filter(Building == sat_select) + if (is.null(sat_react_click$Clicks)){ + sat_hr_dat <- sat_select_dat[time_now+1,] + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(sat_select_dat, time_now, sat_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output_text <- busy_text(sat_hr_dat, sat_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + sat_map_info <- get_map_info(sat_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + leaf_map <- get_map(sat_map_info) + output$satMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) + output$sat_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$sat_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(sat_hr_dat$Hour), ":00,",sat_select, "is", output_text)}) + } else { + sat_hr_dat <- sat_select_dat[floor(sat_react_click$Clicks)+1,] + output_text <- busy_text(sat_hr_dat, sat_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + time_now <- as.integer(sat_react_click$Clicks) + sat_map_info <- get_map_info(sat_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + leaf_map <- get_map(sat_map_info) + output$satMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(sat_select_dat, time_now, sat_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + output$sat_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") + output$sat_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(sat_hr_dat$Hour), ":00,", sat_select,"is", output_text)}) + } + }) + }) + + ##INITIAL POP-UP WARNING + # Content of modal dialog + query_modal <- modalDialog( + title = tags$div(HTML("

    Welcome to RPI StudySafe

    ")), + tags$div(HTML(" +

    WARNING: The StudySafe application represents experimental, student-created work. Reasonable + effort has been made to provide a safe, informative, enjoyable user experience, but + some StudySafe application features may not comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). + Use at your own risk.

    ")), + easyClose = F, + footer = tagList( + actionButton("run", "Continue to StudySafe", style = ' color: white; background-color:#990000') + ) + ) + + # Creates modal dialog + showModal(query_modal) + + # Removes modal + observeEvent(input$run, { + removeModal() + }) +} + +# Run the application +shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) \ No newline at end of file From 90dcf10dbd2f4282d0488346d6f1972ae7c897d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chenc29 Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2021 10:21:46 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 5/9] added additional variables --- read_wapData.R | 10 +++++++++- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/read_wapData.R b/read_wapData.R index db45584a..453cbc1c 100644 --- a/read_wapData.R +++ b/read_wapData.R @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ library(plotly) library(wesanderson) library(reactable) library(DT) +library(dplyr) ################################################################################################################ ###READING IN NECESSARY FILES @@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ rpi_wap_last7 <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% group_by(Building, Date, Hour, latitude, long colnames(rpi_wap_last7) <- c('Building', 'Date', 'Hour','lat','lng', 'BuildingType', 'users' ) rpi_wap_last7 <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(BuildingType != "housing" & BuildingType != "greek") %>% filter(!(Building %in% remove_list)) +rpi_wap_last7$weekday <- weekdays(rpi_wap_last7$Date) #bldgs(getting buildings to append to devnames): devname, Building bldgs <- rpi_wap_raw %>% filter(Date == min(rpi_wap_last7$Date)+1) %>% filter(Hour==12) %>% select(devname, Building) @@ -99,7 +101,13 @@ min_time_of_min_date <- min(rpi_wap_last7[rpi_wap_last7$Date == min(rpi_wap_last date_app <- reactiveValues(date = max_date) # Remember the input date for future use time_app <- reactiveValues(time = 0) # Remember the input time for future use -building_selected <- reactiveValues(building = 'Amos Eaton') # Remember the name of selected building for future use +sun_building_selected <- reactiveValues(building = 'Amos Eaton') # Remember the name of selected building for future use +mon_building_selected <- reactiveValues(building = 'Amos Eaton') +tue_building_selected <- reactiveValues(building = 'Amos Eaton') +wed_building_selected <- reactiveValues(building = 'Amos Eaton') +thu_building_selected <- reactiveValues(building = 'Amos Eaton') +fri_building_selected <- reactiveValues(building = 'Amos Eaton') +sat_building_selected <- reactiveValues(building = 'Amos Eaton') #weekday information #getting selected weekday From 998214b0ae33a6cb3793aff6fac4c33ca0d4c349 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chenc29 Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2021 11:03:12 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 6/9] fixed bug --- CopyOfnewApp.R | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/CopyOfnewApp.R b/CopyOfnewApp.R index 1d61aba1..63ab0bbf 100644 --- a/CopyOfnewApp.R +++ b/CopyOfnewApp.R @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ ui <- dashboardPage(skin = "black", title = "RPI StudySafe", draggable = TRUE, top = 60, left = "auto", right = 20, bottom = "auto", width = "30vw", height = "auto", h2("Find a Place to Study"), - pickerInput(inputId = 'building_selected', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Building")), + pickerInput(inputId = 'fri_selected', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Building")), options = list(`live-search` = TRUE), choices = byCat_single), prettySwitch(inputId = 'byActivity', inline = TRUE, From c51097f32a5a74ef7c338212afe7fabc51c185c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chenc29 Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2021 11:21:01 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 7/9] fixed bug --- CopyOfnewApp.R | 25 ++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/CopyOfnewApp.R b/CopyOfnewApp.R index 63ab0bbf..e5cc3b49 100644 --- a/CopyOfnewApp.R +++ b/CopyOfnewApp.R @@ -439,7 +439,8 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { } else { sun_hr_dat <- sun_select_dat[floor(sun_react_click$Clicks)+1,] output_text <- busy_text(sun_hr_dat, sun_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - time_now <- as.integer(sun_react_click$Clicks) + # time_now <- as.integer(sun_react_click$Clicks) + time_now <- sun_hr_dat$Hour sun_map_info <- get_map_info(sun_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) leaf_map <- get_map(sun_map_info) output$sunMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) @@ -488,7 +489,8 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { } else { mon_hr_dat <- mon_select_dat[floor(mon_react_click$Clicks)+1,] output_text <- busy_text(mon_hr_dat, mon_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - time_now <- as.integer(sat_react_click$Clicks) + # time_now <- as.integer(sat_react_click$Clicks) + time_now <- mon_hr_dat$Hour mon_map_info <- get_map_info(mon_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) leaf_map <- get_map(mon_map_info) output$monMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) @@ -537,11 +539,12 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { } else { tue_hr_dat <- tue_select_dat[floor(tue_react_click$Clicks)+1,] output_text <- busy_text(tue_hr_dat, tue_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - time_now <- as.integer(tue_react_click$Clicks) + # time_now <- as.integer(tue_react_click$Clicks) + time_now <- tue_hr_dat$Hour tue_map_info <- get_map_info(tue_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) leaf_map <- get_map(tue_map_info) output$tueMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(stue_select_dat, time_now, tue_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) + hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(tue_select_dat, time_now, tue_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) output$tue_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") output$tue_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(tue_hr_dat$Hour), ":00,", tue_select,"is", output_text)}) } @@ -586,7 +589,8 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { } else { wed_hr_dat <- wed_select_dat[floor(wed_react_click$Clicks)+1,] output_text <- busy_text(wed_hr_dat, wed_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - time_now <- as.integer(wed_react_click$Clicks) + # time_now <- as.integer(wed_react_click$Clicks) + time_now <- wed_hr_dat$Hour wed_map_info <- get_map_info(wed_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) leaf_map <- get_map(wed_map_info) output$wedMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) @@ -636,7 +640,8 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { } else { thu_hr_dat <- thu_select_dat[floor(thu_react_click$Clicks)+1,] output_text <- busy_text(thu_hr_dat, thu_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - time_now <- as.integer(thu_react_click$Clicks) + # time_now <- as.integer(thu_react_click$Clicks) + time_now <- thu_hr_dat$Hour thu_map_info <- get_map_info(thu_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) leaf_map <- get_map(thu_map_info) output$thuMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) @@ -660,7 +665,7 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { leafletProxy("friMap") %>% clearGroup(group="selected") %>% addAwesomeMarkers(icon= icon, data = clicks, group="selected") building_select <- fri_dat %>% filter(lng==clicks[,2], lat==clicks[,1]) %>% select(Building) building_select <- unique(building_select) - updatePickerInput(session, inputId="building_selected", selected=building_select) + updatePickerInput(session, inputId="fri_selected", selected=building_select) }) observeEvent(input$fri_selected,{ @@ -685,7 +690,8 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { } else { fri_hr_dat <- fri_select_dat[floor(fri_react_click$Clicks)+1,] output_text <- busy_text(fri_hr_dat, fri_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - time_now <- as.integer(fri_react_click$Clicks) + # time_now <- as.integer(fri_react_click$Clicks) + time_now <- fri_hr_dat$Hour fri_map_info <- get_map_info(fri_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) leaf_map <- get_map(fri_map_info) output$friMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) @@ -734,7 +740,8 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { } else { sat_hr_dat <- sat_select_dat[floor(sat_react_click$Clicks)+1,] output_text <- busy_text(sat_hr_dat, sat_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - time_now <- as.integer(sat_react_click$Clicks) + # time_now <- as.integer(sat_react_click$Clicks) + time_now <- sat_hr_dat$Hour sat_map_info <- get_map_info(sat_dat, time_now, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) leaf_map <- get_map(sat_map_info) output$satMap <- renderLeaflet({leaf_map}) From 20d1d35feda691d2033436483d8b471ab73e60a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chenc29 Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2021 11:27:07 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 8/9] fixed bug --- CopyOfnewApp.R | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/CopyOfnewApp.R b/CopyOfnewApp.R index e5cc3b49..ff4d762e 100644 --- a/CopyOfnewApp.R +++ b/CopyOfnewApp.R @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ ui <- dashboardPage(skin = "black", title = "RPI StudySafe", uiOutput("fri_info", align = "center"), br(), plotOutput("fri_plot", click = "fri_click"))), tabPanel("Saturday", tabName="saturday", br(), - tags$style(type = "text/css", "#friMap {height: calc(100vh - 80px) !important;}"), + tags$style(type = "text/css", "#satMap {height: calc(100vh - 80px) !important;}"), leafletOutput("satMap"), br(), absolutePanel(id = "controls", class = "panel panel-default", fixed = TRUE, draggable = TRUE, top = 60, left = "auto", right = 20, bottom = "auto", From db2232736f559710318cf1497b7e4e81cc0b68d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Chen, Tracy" Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2021 12:23:06 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 9/9] Delete CopyOfapp.R --- CopyOfapp.R | 1352 --------------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 1352 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 CopyOfapp.R diff --git a/CopyOfapp.R b/CopyOfapp.R deleted file mode 100644 index 6aa6a601..00000000 --- a/CopyOfapp.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1352 +0,0 @@ -# Data Incite RPI Study Safe App using UI Template -# Uses Shinydashboard as a framework -# UI Template Created by Arielle Cerini, Brian Hotopp, Haoyu He, and James Young -# Edited by Kara Kniss -# Version: 26 Jan 2021 - -#document for reading in the relevant libraries, data, and cleaning -source('read_wapData.R') - -#LINK TO FEEDBACK SURVEY -survey_url <- tags$a("survey", href = "", style = 'color: #990000; background-color: #FAFAFA') - -#LINK TO USABILITY STUDY -usability_study_url <- tags$a("usability study", href = "", style = 'color: #990000; background-color: #FAFAFA') - - -ui <- dashboardPage(skin = "black", title = "RPI StudySafe", - - #HEADER - dashboardHeader(title = tags$div( - class = "title-text", - tags$style(".logo {max-width: 80%;}"), - tags$div(id = "logo_block", tags$img(class="logo", src="Rensselaer.png", id="Rensselear Polytechnic Institute Logo") )), - titleWidth = "340px" - ), - - #TOGGLED SIDEBAR - dashboardSidebar( - width = 320, - sidebarMenu(id = "tabs", collapsed = TRUE, - menuItem("Campus Map", tabName = "map", selected = TRUE), - menuItem("Find a Place To Study", tabName = "find"), - menuItem('Quick Compare', tabName='overview'), - menuItem("Activity Overview", tabName = "week_activity"), - menuItem("About", tabName = "about"), - tags$div(HTML("

    ")), - box(width= 12, collapsible = TRUE, title = tags$div(HTML("Feedback Forms")), - style = 'color: #54585a;', solidHeader=TRUE, - tagList("Have any comments? Please follow the link to", - tags$br(), - "this", survey_url, "and let us know if you have any", - tags$br(), - " issues, questions, or suggestions regarding", - tags$br(), - " the StudySafe app."), - tags$br(), tags$br(), - tagList("Help us make the app better! Take a few", - tags$br(), - "minutes to participate in our ",usability_study_url, ".") - ), - uiOutput("side_ctrl") - ) - ), - - #BODY WITH REACTIVE TABS - dashboardBody( - style = "background-color: #f7f7f7; height: 100%; min-height: 100vh;", - shinyjs::useShinyjs(), - tabItems( - - #ABOUT TAB - tabItem(tabName = "about", - uiOutput("about_body"), - tags$div(HTML("

    ")), - tags$div( - HTML("

    About RPI StudySafe


    RPI StudySafe is an app that reveals the anonymous usage of Wi-Fi access points and aggregations of wireless users on - the campus network at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, - Troy, New York. Analysis and visualizations are by students and staff of - The Rensselaer Institute for Data Exploration and Applications (IDEA). - This is an app associated with the COVID-19 contact tracing and campus network mapping projects.


    RPI StudySafe is designed to present WAP data to on-campus users so they can make informed decisions on where to go for extended periods of time on campus. - The data can be interacted with in several ways, including selecting certain dates, times, locations, as well as through interactive geographical maps. - Geographic location and density of each WAP are combined by building, and the data is updated every two hours.




    The \"Campus Map\" tab includes a map of the RPI campus, providing a succinct overview of its behavior. - Users can customize their searches using the following selections:

    - - -
  • Display Type: map or table
  • -
  • Date: Selecting which day to observe out of the past thirty days
  • -
  • Time: Selecting which time to observe on the selected date
  • -
  • Building: Selecting one building to stand out
  • -

    Based on the users selection the main panel will display either a geographic map or a table. - Color indicators are based on the percentage of calculated capacity.

    - -

    Find a Place to Study


    The \"Find a Place to Study\" is intended to be a go-to quicksearch of any building. - Users can customize their searches using the following selections:

    - - -
  • Date: Selecting which day to observe out of the past thirty days
  • -
  • Time: Selecting which time to observe on the selected date
  • -
  • Building: Selecting one building to observe
  • -

    Based on the users selection the main panel will display a graph, a recommendation, - and the summary of the analyses that led to that conclusion.

    - -

    Quick Compare


    The \"Quick Compare\" tab is intended to be a more in depth search, involving comparison of several locations on campus at once. - Users can customize their searches using the following selections:

    - - -
  • Date: Selecting which day to observe out of the past thirty days
  • -
  • Time: Selecting which time to observe on the selected date
  • -
  • Buildings: Selecting multiple buildings to observe and compare
  • -

    Based on the users selection the main panel will display graphs to display information about capacity limits, - and a concise comparitive analysis will be provided.




    Some of the information displayed is approximated and/or may not be 100% accurate as it is an approximation of imperfect data. - Improvements to this application will continue to be made.

    - - ") - ), - hr(), - HTML("") - - - - ), - - #FIND A PLACE TO STUDY TAB - tabItem(tabName="find", - uiOutput("find_body"), - tags$div(HTML("

    ")), - #wellPanel( - tags$div(HTML("

    Find a Place to Study

    ")), - fluidRow(column(12, box(collapsible = TRUE, width = '100%', title= tags$div(HTML(" How to Use: Find a Place to Study")), - style = 'color:#54585a; background-color: white', solidHeader=TRUE, - HTML(" -
  • Open and close the dashboard menu by clicking the hamburger icon
  • -
  • Select a building by using the drop-down selection or typing to search.
  • -
  • Then click “NOW!” or select a date and time to see the building’s user activity throughout the day
  • -
  • If you wish to see a different building or hour, change your selections and click “Update Graphs”
  • -
  • Note: Any number of users less than 10 is rounded to either 0 or 10
  • -
    ")))), - - - actionButton(inputId = "NOW_find", label = "NOW!", width = '100%', style = 'color: white; background-color: #990000; display:block; border-radius: 0%; border: 1px solid red;', - icon = icon("calendar"), block = TRUE), - inputPanel(dateInput('date', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Date")), value = max_date, min = min_date, max = max_date), - selectInput('time', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Time")), time), - fluidRow(column(pickerInput(inputId = 'building', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Building")), - options = list(`live-search` = TRUE), - choices = byCat_single), width = 12), - column(prettySwitch(inputId = 'find_byActivity', inline = TRUE, label= tags$div(HTML("List by Activity")), value = FALSE, status = "default", fill = TRUE, bigger = TRUE), width = 12)), - actionButton(inputId = "submit_find", label = "Update Graphs", icon = icon('refresh'), class = "btn-default btn-lg", style = ' color: #990000; background-color: white' ,block = TRUE) - ), - tags$div(HTML("

    ")), - fluidRow(column(plotOutput("OneBuildingPerHour"), width=12) ), - tags$div(HTML("

    ")), - fluidRow( - column(tags$div( - h3(tags$b(htmlOutput('title_summary'), style = 'text-transform: uppercase;')), - h3(htmlOutput('AboveBelowAvg1_summary'), style = 'font-size: 1.4em;'), - h3(htmlOutput('AboveBelowAvg2_summary'), style = 'font-size: 1.4em;'), - h3(htmlOutput('capacity_summary'), style = 'font-size: 1.4em;'), - h3(htmlOutput('trend_summary'), style = 'font-size: 1.4em;'), - h3(htmlOutput("SmileFrown_summary"), style = 'font-size: 1.4em;')), width=12, align = 'center'), - column(tags$div(img(imageOutput('SmileFrown_image')), style = 'text-align:center;'), width = 4, offset = 4), - column(actionButton(inputId= "jump_to_glance", label = "Compare", icon = icon('building'), - style = 'color: white; font-size:130%; background-color: #990000; display:block; height: 60px; width: 160px; border-radius: 0%; border: 1px solid red;', block = TRUE), - align = 'center', width = 12) - ), - - hr(), - HTML("") - - - #) - ), - - # "Google" Tab ################################################################################################################################################### - tabItem(tabName = "week_activity", - uiOutput("week_view"), - tags$div(HTML("

    ")), - tabsetPanel(id = "week_tab", - tabPanel("Sunday", br(), uiOutput("sun_info", align = "center"), br(), plotOutput("sun_plot", click = "sun_click")), - tabPanel("Monday", br(), uiOutput("mon_info", align = "center"), br(), plotOutput("mon_plot", click = "mon_click")), - tabPanel("Tuesday", br(), uiOutput("tue_info", align = "center"), br(), plotOutput("tue_plot", click = "tue_click")), - tabPanel("Wednesday", br(), uiOutput("wed_info", align = "center"), br(), plotOutput("wed_plot", click = "wed_click")), - tabPanel("Thursday", br(), uiOutput("thu_info", align = "center"), br(), plotOutput("thu_plot", click = "thu_click")), - tabPanel("Friday", br(), uiOutput("fri_info", align = "center"), br(), plotOutput("fri_plot", click = "fri_click")), - tabPanel("Saturday", br(), uiOutput("sat_info", align = "center"), br(), plotOutput("sat_plot", click = "sat_click")))), - - - #Quick Compare TAB - tabItem(tabName="overview", - uiOutput("overview_body"), - tags$div(HTML("

    ")), - #wellPanel( - tags$div( - HTML("

    Quick Compare

    ") - ), - fluidRow(column(12, box(collapsible = TRUE, width = '100%', title = tags$div(HTML(" How to Use: Quick Compare")), style = 'color:#54585a; background-color: white', solidHeader=TRUE, - HTML(' -
  • Open and close the dashboard menu by clicking the hamburger icon
  • -
  • Select several buildings using the “Choose Buildings” drop-down selection or type to search
  • -
  • Then click “NOW!” or select a date and time to compare the user activity in each building
  • -
  • If you wish to see different buildings or hour, change your selections and click "Update Graphs"
  • -
  • Note: Any number of users less than 10 is rounded to either 0 or 10
  • -
    ')))), - - - actionButton(inputId = "NOW_overview", label = "NOW!", width = '100%', style = 'color: white; background-color: #990000; display:block; border-radius: 0%; border: 1px solid red;', icon = icon("calendar"), block = TRUE), - inputPanel(dateInput('overview_date', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Date")), - value = max_date, min = min_date, max = max_date), - selectInput('overview_time', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Time")), time), - fluidRow(column(pickerInput(inputId = "buildingGraph", label = tags$div(HTML("Choose Buildings")), - choices = byCat_single, options = list(`live-search` = TRUE), multiple = TRUE), width = 12), - column(prettySwitch(inputId = 'overview_byActivity', inline = TRUE, label= tags$div(HTML("List by Activity")), value = FALSE, status = "default", fill = TRUE, bigger = TRUE), width = 12)), - actionButton(inputId = "submit_campus", label = "Update Graphs", icon = icon('refresh'), class = "btn-default btn-lg", style = ' color: #990000; background-color: white' ,block = TRUE) - - ), - tags$div(HTML("

    ")), - fluidRow(column(plotOutput('multipleBuildinghistogram'),width= 12)), - tags$div(HTML("

    ")), - fluidRow(column(plotOutput('multipleBuildingPerHour'),width= 12)), - hr(), - HTML("") - - - - #) - ), - - #CAMPUS MAP TAB - tabItem(tabName="map", - tags$div(HTML("

    ")), - - tags$div( - HTML("

    Campus Map

    ") - ), - fluidRow(column(12, box(collapsible = TRUE, width = '100%', title = tags$div(HTML(" How to Use: Campus Map")), style = 'color:#54585a; background-color: white', solidHeader=TRUE, - HTML(' -
  • Open and close the dashboard menu by clicking the hamburger icon
  • -
  • Click “NOW!” or select a date and time to see the RPI campus map
  • -
  • For more information on that building, click on the marker to visit the Find a Place to Study tab
  • -
  • If you wish to see a different hour, change your selections and click “Update Graphs”
  • -
  • Note: Any number of users less than 10 is rounded to either 0 or 10
  • -
    ')))), - - - actionButton(inputId = "NOW_map", label = "NOW!", width = '100%', style = 'color: white; background-color: #990000; display:block; border-radius: 0%; border: 1px solid red;', icon = icon("calendar"), block = TRUE), - inputPanel( - selectInput('displaySelect', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Display")), c('Map', 'Table')), - dateInput('map_date', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Date")), value = max_date, min = min_date, max = max_date), - selectInput('map_time', label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Time")), time), - fluidRow( - column(pickerInput('map_building', inline = FALSE, label = tags$div(HTML("Choose a Building")), - choices = byCat_multi, - selected = "None", multiple = FALSE, options = list(`live-search`=TRUE)), width = 12), - column(prettySwitch(inputId = 'map_byActivity', inline = TRUE, label= tags$div(HTML("List by Activity")), value = FALSE, status = "default", fill = TRUE, bigger = TRUE), width = 12)), - actionButton(inputId = "submit_map", inline = TRUE, label = "Update Graphs", icon = icon('refresh'), class = "btn-default btn-lg", style = ' color: #990000; background-color: white', block = TRUE) - ), - uiOutput("map_body"), - tags$div(HTML("

    ")), - fluidRow(column(h4(textOutput('MT_title_summary'), style = 'color: #d6001c'),width =12)), - tags$div(HTML("

    ")), - fluidRow(column(leafletOutput(outputId='mymap', width = "100%", height = 1000),width = 12)), - reactableOutput(outputId = 'mytable', width = '100%'), - hr(), - HTML("") - - - ) - ), - - #USING THE CSS FILE ARIELLE DEVELOPED - tags$script(HTML(' - $(document).ready(function() { - $(\'head\').append(\'\'); - $(\'head\').append(\'\'); - $("header").find("nav").append(\'


    \'); - // $(".sidebar-toggle").insertAfter(".tab-content"); - }) - ')), - - - ) -) - - -# Define server logic required -server <- function(input, output, session) { - - #CONSISTENT INPUT SELECTION ACROSS ALL TABS - #Activity Tagging Switch consistent across all tabs - - #Select Building choices dependent on Acitivity Tagging Switch - observe({ - if (input$find_byActivity == FALSE) { - updatePickerInput(session, inputId = "building", choices = byCat_single) - } else { - updatePickerInput(session, inputId = "building", choices = byAct_single) - } - }) - - observe({ - if (input$map_byActivity == FALSE) { - updatePickerInput(session, inputId = 'map_building', choices = byCat_multi) - } else { - updatePickerInput(session, inputId = 'map_building', choices = byAct_multi) - } - }) - - #Now button to current time - observeEvent(input$NOW_find, { - date_app$date <- max_date - time_app$time <- max_time_of_max_date-1 - updateDateInput(session, "date", value = max_date) - updateSelectInput(session, "time", choices = time[1:max_time_of_max_date], selected = max_time_of_max_date-1) - }) - - # Jump to "Quick Compare" - observeEvent(input$jump_to_glance, { - # Switch to "Quick Compare" - newtab <- switch(input$tabs, "find" = "overview","overview" = "find") - updateTabItems(session, "tabs", newtab) - - #Update everything (Date, time, and one of building multi-select) - updateDateInput(session, "overview_date", value = input$date) - updateSelectInput(session, "overview_time", choices = time, selected = input$time) - observe({ - if (input$overview_byActivity == FALSE){ - updatePickerInput(session, "buildingGraph", label = "Building Multiselect", - choices = byCat_single, - selected = input$building) - } else { - updatePickerInput(session, "buildingGraph", label = "Building Multiselect", - choices = byAct_single, - selected = input$building) - } - }) - }) - - observe({ - if (input$overview_byActivity == FALSE){ - updatePickerInput(session, "buildingGraph", label = "Building Multiselect", - choices = byCat_single, - selected = input$building) - } else { - updatePickerInput(session, "buildingGraph", label = "Building Multiselect", - choices = byAct_single, - selected = input$building) - } - }) - - observe({ - # Update the input in the "Find a Place to Study" tab consistently with the other tab - if (input$tabs == 'map' || input$tabs == 'overview') { - updateDateInput(session, "date", value = date_app$date) - updateSelectInput(session, "time", choices = time, selected = time_app$time) - } - # If user chooses minimum date we have, limit time selection range - if (input$date == min_date){ - updateSelectInput(session, "time", choices = time[min_time_of_min_date:length(time)], selected = time_app$time) - } - # If user chooses maximum date we have, limit time selection range - else if (input$date == max_date){ - updateSelectInput(session, "time", choices = time[1:max_time_of_max_date], selected = time_app$time) - } - # If user chooses date between maximum and minimum, then time should not be limited - else if (input$date != max_date & input$date != min_date){ - updateSelectInput(session, "time", choices = time, selected = time_app$time) - } - }) - - counter_find <- reactiveValues(number = -1) # Number of "Update Graphs" button being clicked - - #ABOUT TAB - output$about_body <- renderUI({}) - - #FIND A PLACE TO STUDY TAB - output$find_body <- renderUI({ - - # Observe whether "Update Graphs" button is clicked - observe({ - if (input$submit_find == counter_find$number + 1){ - date_app$date <- input$date - time_app$time <- input$time - building_selected$building <- input$building - counter_find$number <- counter_find$number + 1 - } - }) - - date_select <- date_app$date - time_select <- time_app$time - building_select <- building_selected$building - - - #QUICK SEARCH WELL PANEL - #Piping the data to only have selected building at the selected date and time - quick1_filtered <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(Date == date_select) %>% filter(Building == building_select) - - #Calculations for above or below average compared to the rest of the day for the selected building - aggdf <- aggregate(quick1_filtered$users, by=list(quick1_filtered$Hour),FUN=sum) - colnames(aggdf) <- c('Hour','users') - - aggdf$users[aggdf$users <= 5] <- 0 #making users per building under 5 exluding zero -> 0 - aggdf$users[aggdf$users > 5 & aggdf$users <10 ] <- 10 #making users per building over 5 and under 10 -> 10 - - aggdf$users_z <- round((aggdf$users - mean(aggdf$users))/sd(aggdf$users), 2) # compute normalized hits per wap - aggdf$users_type <- ifelse(aggdf$users_z < 0, "below", "above") # above / below avg flag - - #calculations for above/below average compared to the rest of the buildings at that time - quick2_filtered <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(Date == date_select) %>% filter(Hour == time_select) - aggdf2 <- aggregate(quick2_filtered$users, by=list(quick2_filtered$Building),FUN=sum) - colnames(aggdf2) <- c('Building','users') - - aggdf2$users[aggdf2$users <= 5] <- 0 #making users per building under 5 exluding zero -> 0 - aggdf2$users[aggdf2$users > 5 & aggdf2$users <10 ] <- 10 #making users per building over 5 and under 10 -> 10 - - aggdf2$users_z <- round((aggdf2$users - mean(aggdf2$users))/sd(aggdf2$users), 2) # compute normalized hits per wap - aggdf2$users_type <- ifelse(aggdf2$users_z < 0, "below", "above") # above / below avg flag - - #above/below average summary output - output$title_summary <- renderText({stringr::str_c('On', date_select, 'at',[$Time_num==time_select,]$Time_AMPM,',', building_select, ':', sep = " ")}) - output$AboveBelowAvg1_summary <- renderText({ - if($users))==TRUE){'Has no information about averages compared to earlier in the day at this time.'}else if(building_select %in% hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building & sd(aggdf$users) != 0 & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour)){ - stringr::str_c('Has', aggdf[aggdf$Hour == time_select,]$users_type, 'average users compared to earlier in the day', sep = " ") - }else if(building_select %in% hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building & sd(aggdf$users) == 0){'Has no change in users at all today.'}else{'Has no information about averages compared to earlier in the day at this time.'} - }) - output$AboveBelowAvg2_summary <- renderText({ - if($users))==TRUE){'Has no information about averages compared to the rest of campus at this time.'}else if(building_select %in% hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building & sd(aggdf2$users) != 0 & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour)){ - stringr::str_c('Has', aggdf2[aggdf2$Building==building_select,]$users_type, 'average users compared to the rest of campus.', sep = " ") - }else if(building_select %in% hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building & sd(aggdf2$users) == 0){'Is no different from the rest of campus.'}else{'Has no information about averages compared to the rest of campus at this time.'} - }) - - if((time_select %in% aggdf$Hour) & (time_select != 0) & ((as.integer(time_select)-1) %in% aggdf$Hour)){ - #Calculating trend by slope over 1 hour for that building at selected hour - trend1 <- aggdf[aggdf$Hour== as.integer(time_select),]$users - trend2 <- aggdf[aggdf$Hour== as.integer(time_select)-1,]$users - trend <- as.integer(trend1)-as.integer(trend2) - - #trend summary output - output$trend_summary <- renderText({ - if(trend>=10){stringr::str_c("Has increased by",abs(trend),"users in the past hour.", sep = " ")}else if(trend<=-10){ - stringr::str_c("Has decreased by",abs(trend),"users in the past hour.", sep = " ")}else{ - stringr::str_c("Has no significant change in the amount of users in the past hour.", sep = " ") - } - - }) - }else{output$trend_summary <- renderText("Has no information about trends at this time.")} - - #calculations for OneBuildingPerHour plot - quick_plot <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(Building == building_select ) %>% filter(Date == date_select) - aggdf3 <- aggregate(quick_plot$users, by=list(quick_plot$Hour, quick_plot$Building),FUN=sum) - colnames(aggdf3) <- c('Hour','Building','users') - aggdf3 <- aggdf3 %>% select(-Building) - - aggdf3$users[aggdf3$users <= 5] <- 0 #making users per building under 5 exluding zero -> 0 - aggdf3$users[aggdf3$users > 5 & aggdf3$users <10 ] <- 10 #making users per building over 5 and under 10 -> 10 - - - #predictions for OneBuildingPerHour plot - if(time_select != 23 & date_select == max_date){ - Hour <- c(max(aggdf3$Hour):23) - users <- rep(c(0), times = length(Hour)) - prediction.template <- data.frame(Hour,users, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) - prediction.template[prediction.template$Hour == max(aggdf3$Hour),]$users <- aggdf3[aggdf3$Hour == max(aggdf3$Hour),]$users - - avg.df <- weekly3_stats %>% filter(Building == building_select) %>% select(-Building) %>% filter(dayVal == wday(date_select)) %>% select(-dayVal) - colnames(avg.df) <- c('Hour', 'users') - - for(i in c(max(aggdf3$Hour):22)){ - prediction.template[prediction.template$Hour == (i+1),]$users <- round((prediction.template[prediction.template$Hour==(i),]$users+ avg.df[avg.df$Hour==(i+1),]$users)/2 ) - } - - }else{ - prediction.template <- data.frame(c(0:23), rep(c(0), times = length(c(0:23))), stringsAsFactors=FALSE) - colnames(prediction.template) <- c('Hour', 'users') - } - - #standard deviation bars - sd_calc <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(Building == building_select) %>% select(Hour,users) - - #shaded rectangles to improve legibility - rect_left <- c(0, 6, 12, 18) - rectangles <- data.frame( - xmin = rect_left, - xmax = rect_left + 3, - ymin = 0, - ymax = Inf - ) - - #OneBuildingPerHour plot output - output$OneBuildingPerHour <- renderPlot ({ - ggplot(aggdf3, aes(x=Hour, y=users))+ - - #Grey Time Blocks - geom_rect(data=rectangles, inherit.aes = F, aes(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax), fill='gray80', alpha=0.5) + - - #Line at 0 to help legibility - geom_segment(aes(x= 0 ,xend=23,y=0,yend=0), colour=lightcolor, size=2) + - - geom_histogram(stat="identity", fill = lightcolor, binwidth = .5) + - labs(title="Investigating Where to go", subtitle=stringr::str_c(building_select, " on ", date_select, " at ",[$Time_num==time_select,]$Time_AMPM ), y="Users", x = 'Time of Day',color=NULL) + - scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0, .1))) + - scale_x_continuous(breaks= seq(0,23,1),$Time_noLabel) + - - #Dark Blue Rectangle indicating selected Hour - geom_rect(fill = darkcolor, xmin = as.integer(time_select)-0.45, xmax = as.integer(time_select)+0.45, ymin = 0, ymax = aggdf3$users[as.integer(time_select)+1]) + - - #Line indicating Max users - geom_hline(yintercept = hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max[hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building==building_select,]$capacity, linetype = "dotted") + - annotate(geom="text", label= 'Max Users this Semester', x=11.5, y=hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max[hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building==building_select,]$capacity, colour = "gray30",vjust=-0.5) + - geom_vline(xintercept = as.integer(time_select), size = 1.25, colour = '#54585a') + - - #Adding bars of predicted data - geom_histogram(data = prediction.template[prediction.template$Hour>max(aggdf3$Hour),] , stat="identity", fill ="#FAFAFA", color = lightcolor, binwidth = .5) + - - #Adding standard deviation error bars to predictive data - geom_errorbar(data = prediction.template[prediction.template$Hour>max(aggdf3$Hour),], aes(x=Hour, y=users, ymin = users, - ymax=users+sd(sd_calc[sd_calc$Hour %in% Hour,]$users)), colour=lightcolor, alpha=1, size=.8) + - #Theme - theme_bw() + theme(plot.background = element_blank(), - plot.title = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'bold', lineheight = 6, size = 14, hjust = .5, color = '#d6001c', margin= margin( b = 8)), - plot.subtitle = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'plain', size = 12, hjust = .5, color = '#54585a'), - axis.title = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'plain', size = 12, hjust = .5, color = '#54585a') - ) - - }, bg="transparent") - - #is the building near capacity for the selected time calculations - capacities <- hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max %>% filter(Building==building_select) - cap_recommend <- aggdf - cap_recommend$users_action <- ifelse(cap_recommend$users <= .75*capacities$capacity, "below 75% maximum ", "near or above 75% maximum ") # above / below avg flag - cap_recommend$users_calc <- ifelse(cap_recommend$users <= .5*capacities$capacity, "below 50%", "above 50%") # above / below avg flag - - #near capacity test output statement - output$capacity_summary <- renderText({ - if(building_select %in% hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour) ){ - stringr::str_c('Is ', cap_recommend[cap_recommend$Hour==time_select,]$users_action, '(about ', round(100*(cap_recommend[cap_recommend$Hour==time_select,]$users)/ capacities[capacities$Building==building_select,]$capacity,2) ,'% full).',sep = "") - }else{'Has no information about capacity for this building at this time'} - }) - - #recommendation calculations - recnum <- 0 - if(building_select %in% hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building){ - - if(cap_recommend[cap_recommend$Hour==time_select,]$users_action=='below 75% maximum ' & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour)){recnum <- recnum + 1}else if(cap_recommend[cap_recommend$Hour==time_select,]$users_action=="near or above 75% maximum " & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour)){recnum <- recnum - 1}else{} - if(cap_recommend[cap_recommend$Hour==time_select,]$users_calc=='below 50%' & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour)){}else if(cap_recommend[cap_recommend$Hour==time_select,]$users_calc=="above 50%" & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour)){recnum <- recnum - 0.5}else{} - if($users))==TRUE){}else if(sd(aggdf$users)==0){recnum <- recnum}else if(aggdf[aggdf$Hour==time_select,]$users_type=='above' & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour)){recnum <- recnum - 0.75}else if(aggdf[aggdf$Hour==time_select,]$users_type=='below' & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour)){recnum <- recnum + 0.75}else{} - if($users))==TRUE){}else if(sd(aggdf2$users)==0){recnum <- recnum}else if(aggdf2[aggdf2$Building==building_select,]$users_type=='above' & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour)){recnum <- recnum - 0.25}else if(aggdf2[aggdf2$Building==building_select,]$users_type=='below' & (time_select %in% aggdf$Hour)){recnum <- recnum + 0.25}else{} - - }else{} - - if((time_select %in% aggdf$Hour) & ((as.integer(time_select)-1) %in% aggdf$Hour) & (time_select != 0)){ - if(trend>=10){renum<-recnum - 0.5}else{recnum <- recnum + 0.5} - }else{} - - #recommendation text output - output$SmileFrown_summary <- renderText({ - if((time_select %in% aggdf$Hour) & recnum>1){ - "This might be a good spot!" - }else if((time_select %in% aggdf$Hour) & recnum<0){"This might not be a good spot right now."} - else{'This may or may not be a good spot, maybe consider somewhere else first!'} - }) - - #image output depending on reccommendation calculations - output$SmileFrown_image <- renderImage({ - if((time_select %in% aggdf$Hour) & recnum>1){ - filename <- normalizePath(file.path('images', paste('WithoutBlue', '.png', sep=''))) - }else if((time_select %in% aggdf$Hour) & recnum<0){ filename <- normalizePath(file.path('images', paste('WithoutRed2', '.png', sep='')))} - else{filename <- normalizePath(file.path('images', paste('WithoutOrange2', '.png', sep='')))} - - list(src = filename, - alt = "This is alternate text for the image (smile or frown) representing the reccommendation sentence") - },deleteFile = FALSE) - - - }) - - # "Google" Tab ################################################################################################################################################### - - observe({ - weekday_now <- weekdays(Sys.Date()) - updateTabsetPanel(session,"week_tab", selected = weekday_now) - }) - - output$week_view <- renderUI({ - weekday_now <- weekdays(Sys.Date()) - observe({ - building_selected$building <- input$building - }) - building_select <- building_selected$building - - sun_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Sunday") %>% filter(Building == building_select) - mon_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Monday") %>% filter(Building == building_select) - tue_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Tuesday") %>% filter(Building == building_select) - wed_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Wednesday") %>% filter(Building == building_select) - thu_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Thursday") %>% filter(Building == building_select) - fri_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Friday") %>% filter(Building == building_select) - sat_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Saturday") %>% filter(Building == building_select) - - busy_text <- function(dat, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max){ - building_select_cap <- subset(hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building == building_select) - cap <- dat$users / building_select_cap$capacity - if(cap < .25){ - busy_summary <- "usually not busy" - } else if(cap >= .25 & cap < .5){ - busy_summary <- "usually not too busy" - } else if(cap >= .5 & cap < .75){ - busy_summary <- "usually a bit busy" - } else { - busy_summary <- "usually as busy as it can get" - } - } - - all_time <- unique(sun_dat$Hour) - - capacity_intercept <- function(capacity){ - c1 <- capacity * .25 - c2 <- capacity * .5 - c3 <- capacity * .75 - cut <- c(c1, c2, c3, capacity) - } - - make_plot <- function(dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max){ - building_select_cap <- subset(hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building == building_select) - cap_line <- capacity_intercept(building_select_cap$capacity) - ggplot(dat, aes(x=factor(Hour), y=users, fill=(Hour==time_now))) + - geom_bar(stat="identity") + - scale_fill_manual(values=c("skyblue3","mediumvioletred")) + - geom_vline(xintercept = as.integer(time_now)+1, linetype = "dotted") + - geom_hline(yintercept = cap_line, linetype = "dotted") + - scale_x_discrete(labels= all_time) + - scale_y_continuous(breaks = cap_line, labels = c("25% capacity", "50% capacity", "75% capacity", "100% capacity")) + - theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), - panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), - panel.background = element_blank(), - plot.background = element_blank(), - axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), - # axis.text.y=element_blank(), - axis.title.y=element_blank(), - axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), - axis.title.x=element_blank(), - legend.position="none") - } - - # Sunday Tab - sun_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) - - observeEvent(input$sun_click, { - click <- as.numeric(input$sun_click$x) - as.numeric(input$sun_click$domain$left) - sun_react_click$Clicks <- click - }) - - observe({ - time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) - if (is.null(sun_react_click$Clicks)){ - sun_hr_dat <- sun_dat[time_now+1,] - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(sun_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output_text <- busy_text(sun_hr_dat, sun_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output$sun_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$sun_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(sun_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) - } else { - sun_hr_dat <- sun_dat[floor(sun_react_click$Clicks)+1,] - output_text <- busy_text(sun_hr_dat, sun_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - time_now <- as.integer(sun_react_click$Clicks) - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(sun_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output$sun_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$sun_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(sun_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) - } - }) - - # Monday Tab - mon_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) - - observeEvent(input$mon_click, { - click <- as.numeric(input$mon_click$x) - as.numeric(input$mon_click$domain$left) - mon_react_click$Clicks <- click - }) - - observe({ - time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) - if (is.null(mon_react_click$Clicks)){ - mon_hr_dat <- mon_dat[time_now+1,] - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(mon_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output_text <- busy_text(mon_hr_dat, mon_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output$mon_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$mon_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(mon_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) - } else { - mon_hr_dat <- mon_dat[floor(mon_react_click$Clicks)+1,] - output_text <- busy_text(mon_hr_dat, mon_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - time_now <- as.integer(mon_react_click$Clicks) - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(mon_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output$mon_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$mon_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(mon_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) - } - }) - - # Tuesday Tab - tue_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) - - observeEvent(input$tue_click, { - click <- as.numeric(input$tue_click$x) - as.numeric(input$tue_click$domain$left) - tue_react_click$Clicks <- click - }) - - observe({ - time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) - if (is.null(tue_react_click$Clicks)){ - tue_hr_dat <- tue_dat[time_now+1,] - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(tue_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output_text <- busy_text(tue_hr_dat, tue_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output$tue_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$tue_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(tue_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) - } else { - tue_hr_dat <- tue_dat[floor(tue_react_click$Clicks)+1,] - output_text <- busy_text(tue_hr_dat, tue_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - time_now <- as.integer(tue_react_click$Clicks) - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(tue_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output$tue_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$tue_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(tue_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) - } - }) - - # Wednesday Tab - wed_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) - - observeEvent(input$wed_click, { - click <- as.numeric(input$wed_click$x) - as.numeric(input$wed_click$domain$left) - wed_react_click$Clicks <- click - }) - - observe({ - time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) - if (is.null(wed_react_click$Clicks)){ - wed_hr_dat <- wed_dat[time_now+1,] - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(wed_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output_text <- busy_text(wed_hr_dat, wed_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output$wed_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$wed_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(wed_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) - } else { - wed_hr_dat <- wed_dat[floor(wed_react_click$Clicks)+1,] - output_text <- busy_text(wed_hr_dat, wed_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - time_now <- as.integer(wed_react_click$Clicks) - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(wed_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output$wed_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$wed_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(wed_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) - } - }) - - # Thursday Tab - thu_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) - - observeEvent(input$thu_click, { - click <- as.numeric(input$thu_click$x) - as.numeric(input$thu_click$domain$left) - thu_react_click$Clicks <- click - }) - - observe({ - time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) - if (is.null(thu_react_click$Clicks)){ - thu_hr_dat <- thu_dat[time_now+1,] - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(thu_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output_text <- busy_text(thu_hr_dat, thu_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output$thu_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$thu_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(thu_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) - } else { - thu_hr_dat <- thu_dat[floor(thu_react_click$Clicks)+1,] - output_text <- busy_text(thu_hr_dat, thu_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - time_now <- as.integer(thu_react_click$Clicks) - # browser() - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(thu_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output$thu_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$thu_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(thu_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) - } - }) - - # Friday Tab - fri_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) - - observeEvent(input$fri_click, { - click <- as.numeric(input$fri_click$x) - as.numeric(input$fri_click$domain$left) - fri_react_click$Clicks <- click - }) - - observe({ - time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) - if (is.null(fri_react_click$Clicks)){ - fri_hr_dat <- fri_dat[time_now+1,] - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(fri_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output_text <- busy_text(fri_hr_dat, fri_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output$fri_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$fri_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(fri_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) - } else { - fri_hr_dat <- fri_dat[floor(fri_react_click$Clicks)+1,] - output_text <- busy_text(fri_hr_dat, fri_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - time_now <- as.integer(fri_react_click$Clicks) - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(fri_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output$fri_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$fri_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(fri_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) - } - }) - - # Saturday Tab - sat_react_click <- reactiveValues(Clicks=NULL) - - observeEvent(input$sat_click, { - click <- as.numeric(input$sat_click$x) - as.numeric(input$sat_click$domain$left) - sat_react_click$Clicks <- click - }) - - observe({ - time_now <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H")) - if (is.null(sat_react_click$Clicks)){ - sat_hr_dat <- sat_dat[time_now+1,] - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(sat_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output_text <- busy_text(sat_hr_dat, sat_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output$sat_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$sat_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(sat_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) - } else { - sat_hr_dat <- sat_dat[floor(sat_react_click$Clicks)+1,] - output_text <- busy_text(sat_hr_dat, sat_hr_dat$Building, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - time_now <- as.integer(sat_react_click$Clicks) - hr_pick_plot <- make_plot(sat_dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) - output$sat_plot <- renderPlot({hr_pick_plot}, bg="transparent") - output$sat_info <- renderUI({p("At", as.numeric(sat_hr_dat$Hour), ":00", "it is", output_text)}) - } - }) - - }) - - - #QUICK COMPARE TAB - #Now button to current time - observeEvent(input$NOW_overview, { - date_app$date <- max_date - time_app$time <- max_time_of_max_date-1 - updateDateInput(session, "overview_date", value = max_date) - updateSelectInput(session, "overview_time", choices = time, selected = max_time_of_max_date-1) - }) - - observeEvent(input$jump_to_glance, { - date_select = input$overview_date - time_select = input$overview_time - buildings_select = input$buildingGraph - }) - - observe({ - # Update the input in the "Quick Compare" tab consistently with the other tab - if (input$tabs == 'find' || input$tabs == 'map') { - updateDateInput(session, "overview_date", value = date_app$date) - updateSelectInput(session, "overview_time", choices = time, selected = time_app$time) - } - # If user chooses minimum date we have, restrict time selection range - if (input$overview_date == min_date){ - updateSelectInput(session, "overview_time", choices = time[min_time_of_min_date:length(time)], selected = date_app$date) - } - # If user chooses maximum date we have, restrict time selection range - else if (input$overview_date == max_date){ - updateSelectInput(session, "overview_time", choices = time[1:max_time_of_max_date], selected = time_app$time) - } - # If user chooses date between maximum and minimum, then time should not be constrained - else if (input$overview_date != max_date & input$overview_date != min_date){ - updateSelectInput(session, "overview_time", choices = time, selected = time_app$time) - } - }) - - #The remaining body - output$overview_body <-renderUI({ - - # When first open it, nothing to show - if (input$submit_campus == 0 & is.null(input$jump_to_glance)) - return(NULL) - - # Isolate updating inputs so that the graph will update only if user clicks "Update Graphs" - isolate({ - date_app$date <- input$overview_date - time_app$time <- input$overview_time - buildings_select <- input$buildingGraph - }) - - date_select <- date_app$date - time_select <- time_app$time - - #Wes Anderson "Darjeeling1" Palette - pal <- wes_palette("Darjeeling1", length(buildings_select), type = "continuous") - - #calculations for multipleBuildingPerHour plot - multi_plot <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(Building %in% buildings_select) %>% filter(Date == date_select) - aggdf4 <- aggregate(multi_plot$users, by=list(multi_plot$Hour, multi_plot$Building),FUN=sum) - colnames(aggdf4) <- c('Hour','Building','users') - - aggdf4$users[aggdf4$users <= 5] <- 0 #making users per building under 5 exluding zero -> 0 - aggdf4$users[aggdf4$users > 5 & aggdf4$users <10 ] <- 10 #making users per building over 5 and under 10 -> 10 - - - cap_select <- hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max %>% filter(Building %in% buildings_select) - aggdf4$percentage <- 0 - for(building in cap_select$Building){ - for(i in 0:23){ - aggdf4[aggdf4$Hour== i & aggdf4$Building==building, ]$percentage <- 100*(aggdf4[aggdf4$Hour== i & aggdf4$Building==building, ]$users/cap_select[cap_select$Building==building,]$capacity) - } - } - - #shaded rectangles to improve legibility - rect_left <- c(0, 6, 12, 18) - rectangles <- data.frame( - xmin = rect_left, - xmax = rect_left + 3, - ymin = 0, - ymax = Inf - ) - - #Multiple Building per Hour Plot - output$multipleBuildingPerHour <- renderPlot({ - ggplot(aggdf4, aes(x=Hour)) + - #Grey Time Blocks - geom_rect(data=rectangles, inherit.aes = F, - aes(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax), - fill='gray80', alpha=0.2) + - geom_line(aes(y=percentage, col=Building)) + scale_color_brewer(palette = "RdYlBu")+ - labs(title= "Investigating Where to Go", - subtitle=paste("Selected Buildings on", date_select, "at",[$Time_num==time_select,]$Time_AMPM ), - y="Percentage of Maximum Users", x = "Time of Day", - color=NULL) + scale_x_continuous(breaks= seq(0,23,1),$Time_noLabel) + scale_y_continuous(breaks= seq(0,100,5)) + - geom_vline(xintercept = as.integer(time_select), size = 1.25, colour = '#54585a') + - scale_color_manual(values = pal) + - - #Theme - theme_bw() + theme(plot.background = element_blank(), - plot.title = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'bold', lineheight = 6, size = 14, hjust = .5, color = '#d6001c', margin= margin( b = 8)), - plot.subtitle = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'plain', size = 12, hjust = .5, color = '#54585a'), - axis.title = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'plain', size = 12, hjust = .5, color = '#54585a'), - legend.background = element_blank(), - legend.position = "bottom", - legend.text = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'plain', color = '#54585a') - ) - }, bg = "transparent") - - - # Select the specific hour (user input) data out - Builings_specific_hour2 <- aggdf4[aggdf4$Hour == time_select,] - - # The data frame of maximum urses of every building for this semester - Buildings_selected_capacity <- hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max[hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building %in% Builings_specific_hour2$Building,] - - # Combine maximum urses(capacity here) of each building and the data we have - Builings_specific_hour <- cbind(Builings_specific_hour2, capacity = rep(0,nrow(Builings_specific_hour2))) - Builings_specific_hour$capacity[Builings_specific_hour$Building %in% Buildings_selected_capacity$Building] <- Buildings_selected_capacity$capacity - - # Split into two data frames in order to draw two histograms(one is capacity, the other is number of users now) in one graph - true_users <- data.frame(Building = Builings_specific_hour$Building, users = Builings_specific_hour$users) - max_capacity <- data.frame(Building = Builings_specific_hour$Building, users = Builings_specific_hour$capacity) - - # Plot the histogram graph - output$multipleBuildinghistogram <- renderPlot({ - - ggplot(Builings_specific_hour,aes(x = Building, y = users, color = as.factor(Building), fill = as.factor(Building))) + - geom_histogram(data = true_users, stat='identity', alpha=0.6) + geom_histogram(data = max_capacity, fill = 'white', stat='identity', alpha=0.6, label = TRUE) + - geom_text(aes(label = percent(users/capacity)), position = position_stack(vjust = 1), size=5) + - labs(title="Investigating Where to Go", - subtitle=paste("Selected Buildings on", date_select, "at",[$Time_num==time_select,]$Time_AMPM ), - y="Users Compared to Maximum", x = "Selected Buildings", - color = 'Buildings', - fill = 'Buildings' - ) + - scale_color_manual(values = pal) + scale_fill_manual(values = pal) + - - #Theme - theme_bw() + theme(plot.background = element_blank(), - plot.title = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'bold', lineheight = 6, size = 14, hjust = .5, color = '#d6001c', margin= margin( b = 8)), - plot.subtitle = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'plain', size = 12, hjust = .5, color = '#54585a'), - axis.title = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'plain', size = 12, hjust = .5, color = '#54585a'), - legend.background = element_blank(), - legend.position = "bottom", - legend.text = element_text(family = 'Source Sans Pro', face = 'plain', color = '#54585a'), - legend.title = element_blank() - ) - }, bg = "transparent") - - }) - - - #MAP TAB BODY - counter_map <- reactiveValues(number = -1) # Number of "Update Graphs" button being clicked - - #Now button to current time - observeEvent(input$NOW_map, { - date_app$date <- max_date - time_app$time <- max_time_of_max_date-1 - updateDateInput(session, "map_date", value = max_date) - updateSelectInput(session, "map_time", choices = time[1:max_time_of_max_date], selected = max_time_of_max_date-1) - }) - - observe({ - # Update the input in the "Map" tab consistently with the other tab - if (input$tabs == 'find' || input$tabs == 'overview') { - updateDateInput(session, "map_date", value = date_app$date) - updateSelectInput(session, "map_time", choices = time, selected = time_app$time) - } - # If user chooses minimum date we have, restrict time selection range - if (input$map_date == min_date){ - updateSelectInput(session, "map_time", choices = time[min_time_of_min_date:length(time)], selected = time_app$time) - } - # If user chooses maximum date we have, restrict time selection range - else if (input$map_date == max_date){ - updateSelectInput(session, "map_time", choices = time[1:max_time_of_max_date], selected = time_app$time) - } - # If user chooses date between maximum and minimum, then time should not be constrained - else if (input$map_date != max_date & input$map_date != min_date){ - updateSelectInput(session, "map_time", choices = time, selected = time_app$time) - } - }) - - #The remaining body - jump_find <- 'no' # Jump to "Find a Place to Study" when this jump = 'yes' - building_map <- reactiveValues(building = 'none') # Temporarily remember the name of building that is clicked - - output$map_body <- renderUI({ - - # Observe whether "Update Graphs" button is clicked - observe({ - if (input$submit_map == counter_map$number + 1){ - - date_app$date <- input$map_date - time_app$time <- input$map_time - counter_map$number <- counter_map$number + 1 - } - }) - - date_select <- date_app$date - time_select <- time_app$time - MTpreference <- input$displaySelect - - #Title output - output$MT_title_summary <- renderText({ - stringr::str_c("RPI on ", date_select,' at ',[$Time_num==time_select,]$Time_AMPM) - }) - - #Creating a data set for the map and table - map_merge_filtered <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(Date == date_select) %>% filter(Hour==time_select) %>% - select(lat, lng, BuildingType,Building, users) %>% group_by(lat, lng, BuildingType,Building) %>% dplyr::summarise(totalusers = sum(users)) - - map_merge_filtered$totalusers[map_merge_filtered$totalusers <= 5] <- 0 #making users per building under 5 exluding zero -> 0 - map_merge_filtered$totalusers[map_merge_filtered$totalusers > 5 & map_merge_filtered$totalusers <10 ] <- 10 #making users per building over 5 and under 10 -> 10 - - # Combine our data with capacity - map_merge_filtered2 <- merge(map_merge_filtered, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max, by.x= "Building", by.y="Building") - map_merge_filteredT <- map_merge_filtered2 - - # If user select a building, then remember info of that building as building_map_select and delete it from map_merge_filtered2 - if (input$map_building != 'None'){ - building_map_select <- map_merge_filtered2[map_merge_filtered2$Building == input$map_building,] - map_merge_filtered2 <- map_merge_filtered2[-c(which(map_merge_filtered2$Building == input$map_building)),] - } - - # Get color of marker according to percentage of "capacity" - getColor <- function(map_merge_filtered2) { - mapply(function(totalusers, capacity) { - if(totalusers <= 0.25*capacity) { - "lightblue" - #"#1f6798" #light blue - } else if(totalusers <= 0.5*capacity) { - "beige" - #"#00205b" #dark blue - } else if(totalusers <= 0.75*capacity) { - "lightred" - #"#333366" #purple - }else { - "red" - #"#990000" #red - } }, map_merge_filtered2$totalusers, map_merge_filtered2$capacity - ) - } - - icons <- awesomeIcons( - icon = 'ios-close', - iconColor = 'black', - library = 'ion', - markerColor = getColor(map_merge_filtered2) - ) - - #Hiding whichever display is not selected, map or table - observeEvent(MTpreference, { - if(MTpreference=='Map'){ - hideElement(id = 'mytable', anim = FALSE) - showElement(id = 'mymap') - }else if(MTpreference == 'Table'){ - hideElement(id = 'mymap', anim = FALSE) - showElement(id = 'mytable') - } - }) - - #creating table - #Add percentage column - map_merge_filteredT$percentage <- percent(map_merge_filteredT$totalusers/map_merge_filteredT$capacity) - - # Copy the dataframe map_merge_filteredT to another dataframe map_merge_filteredT_2 - map_merge_filteredT_2 <- map_merge_filteredT - - # shinyInput function to make action links - shinyInput <- function(FUN, len, id, label, ...) { - inputs <- character(len) - - for (i in seq_len(len)) { - label <- map_merge_filteredT$Building[i] - inputs[i] <- as.character(FUN(paste0(id, i),label=label, ...)) - } - inputs - } - - # Add action links to Buildings' name - map_merge_filteredT <- map_merge_filteredT %>% - mutate(Building = shinyInput(actionLink, nrow(map_merge_filteredT), 'button_', label = Building, onclick = 'Shiny.onInputChange(\"jump_to_find_table\",' )) - - output$mytable <- renderReactable({ - reactable( - map_merge_filteredT, - #groupBy = "BuildingType", - pagination = FALSE, - height = 750, - #paginationType = "jump", - #showPageSizeOptions = TRUE, - #pageSizeOptions = c(5, 10, 25, 50, 100), - highlight = TRUE, - outlined = TRUE, - bordered = TRUE, - striped = TRUE, - compact = TRUE, - wrap = TRUE, - showSortable = TRUE, - resizable = TRUE, - searchable = TRUE, - style = 'color: black; background-color:#FAFAFA; font-family: Source Sans Pro;', - defaultSortOrder = "desc", - - #highlighting a row if searched using input select - rowStyle = function(index) { - if (map_merge_filteredT_2[index, "Building"] == input$map_building) { - list(background = '#9ea2a2')}}, - - #listing BuildingType under Building names - columns = list( - - Building = colDef( - - style = 'text-align: left;', - # Show BuildingType under Building names - cell = JS("function(cellInfo) { - var BuildingType = cellInfo.row['BuildingType'] || 'Unknown' - return ( - '
    ' + cellInfo.value + '
    ' + - '
    ' + BuildingType + '
    ' - )}"),html = TRUE), - - lat = colDef(show = FALSE), - lng = colDef(show = FALSE), - BuildingType = colDef(show = FALSE), - totalusers = colDef(name = "Total Number of Users", align = 'left', style = 'text-align: right;'), - capacity = colDef(show = FALSE), - percentage = colDef(name = "Percentage of Max", format = colFormat(percent = TRUE), align = 'right', style = 'text-align: right;') - ), - - columnGroups = list( - colGroup(name = '', columns = c("Building", "BuildingType", "totalusers", "capacity", "percentage"), - headerStyle = 'color: white; background-color: black;')) - - - ) - - - }) - - # When the action link(building's name) is clicked, jump to "Find a Place to Study" - observeEvent(input$jump_to_find_table, { - - # The index of row that is clicked by the user - selectedRow <- as.numeric(strsplit(input$jump_to_find_table, "_")[[1]][2]) - - # To make sure that if user go back to map after jumping to "Find a Place to Study", system will not jump back to "Find a Place to Study" - if(map_merge_filteredT_2[selectedRow,]$Building != building_selected$building){ - # Switch to "Find a Place to Study" - newtab <- switch(input$tabs, "map" = "find","find" = "map") - updateTabItems(session, "tabs", newtab) - - # Update building selected of "Find a Place to Study" - updateSelectInput(session, "building", - choices = byCat_single, - selected = map_merge_filteredT_2[selectedRow,]$Building) - building_selected$building <- map_merge_filteredT_2[selectedRow,]$Building - } - }) - - #displaying the resulting map - map <- leaflet(map_merge_filtered2) %>% - addAwesomeMarkers(icon=icons,popup = ~paste0("Building: ", map_merge_filtered2$Building, "
    ", "Total number of Users: ", map_merge_filtered2$totalusers, "
    ", - "Percentage of Capacity: ", percent(map_merge_filtered2$totalusers/map_merge_filtered2$capacity),"
    ", "Learn more about ", "", map_merge_filtered2$Building, "", - " click ", actionLink(inputId = "jump_to_find", label = "here", onclick = 'Shiny.setInputValue(\"link1\",, {priority: \"event\"})'))) %>% - addTiles() %>%setView( lng = -73.6789, lat = 42.7298, zoom = 16 ) %>% - #%>% addControl(map_title, position = "topright", className="map-title") %>% - addLegend(position = "topleft", colors = c("#00BFFF", "orange", "#FF6347", "red"), labels = c("0% ~ 25%", "25% ~ 50%", "50% ~ 75%", "75% ~ 100%")) - - # If user selects a building, then add star icon at that building's position and star legend - if (input$map_building != 'None') { - - # Using different color of star as icon and legend according to percentage of capacity - if (building_map_select$totalusers <= 0.25*building_map_select$capacity){ - icon_url <- "images/blue_star.png" - html_legend <- " Place of Selection
    " - } - else if (building_map_select$totalusers <= 0.5*building_map_select$capacity){ - icon_url <- "images/beige_star.png" - html_legend <- " Place of Selection
    " - } - else if (building_map_select$totalusers <= 0.75*building_map_select$capacity){ - icon_url <- "images/lightred_star.png" - html_legend <- " Place of Selection
    " - } - else { - icon_url <- "images/darkred_star.png" - html_legend <- " Place of Selection
    " - } - - # Make star icon - star_icon <- makeIcon( - iconUrl = icon_url, - iconWidth = 40, iconHeight= 40, iconAnchorX= 33*215/230/2, iconAnchorY = 16 - ) - - # Add icon and legend - map <- map %>% addMarkers(icon=star_icon,lng = building_map_select$lng, lat = building_map_select$lat,popup = ~paste0("Building: ", building_map_select$Building, "
    ", "Total number of Users: ", building_map_select$totalusers, "
    ", - "Percentage of Capacity: ", percent(building_map_select$totalusers/building_map_select$capacity),"
    ", "Learn more about ", "", building_map_select$Building, "", - " click ", actionLink(inputId = "jump_to_find", label = "here", onclick = 'Shiny.setInputValue(\"link1\",, {priority: \"event\"})'))) %>% - addControl(html = html_legend, position = "topleft") - } - - output$mymap <- renderLeaflet({map}) - - - - # If the action link is not clicked, return nothing - if (is.null(input$link1)) - return() - # Isolate everything so that they just excute when user clicks the link - isolate({ - - # To determine name of building that is clicked - marker_info <- input$mymap_marker_click - - # marker_info just has latitude and longitude so we need to pair them with our data to find the name of building - marker_building <- map_merge_filtered[map_merge_filtered$lat == marker_info$lat,] - marker_building <- marker_building[marker_building$lng == marker_info$lng,] - - # To make sure that if user go back to map after jumping to "Find a Place to Study", system will not jump back to "Find a Place to Study" - if(building_map$building != marker_building$Building) - { - jump_find <- 'yes' - building_map$building <- marker_building$Building - } - }) - - # If jump$find = yes, jump to "Find a Place to Study" and update everything - if (jump_find == 'yes') { - # Switch to "Find a Place to Study" - newtab <- switch(input$tabs, "map" = "find","find" = "map") - updateTabItems(session, "tabs", newtab) - - # Update building selected of "Find a Place to Study" - updateSelectInput(session, "building", - choices = byCat_single, - selected = marker_building$Building) - building_selected$building <- marker_building$Building - - jump_find <- 'no' - } - - }) - - ##INITIAL POP-UP WARNING - # Content of modal dialog - query_modal <- modalDialog( - title = tags$div(HTML("

    Welcome to RPI StudySafe

    ")), - tags$div(HTML(" -

    WARNING: The StudySafe application represents experimental, student-created work. Reasonable - effort has been made to provide a safe, informative, enjoyable user experience, but - some StudySafe application features may not comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). - Use at your own risk.

    ")), - easyClose = F, - footer = tagList( - actionButton("run", "Continue to StudySafe", style = ' color: white; background-color:#990000') - ) - ) - - # Creates modal dialog - showModal(query_modal) - - # Removes modal - observeEvent(input$run, { - removeModal() - }) - - - - -} - -# Run the application -shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) \ No newline at end of file