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import json
import pandas as pd
import ast
import statistics
import argparse
from metrics.iou import IoU
def load_excel_data(excel_file):
Load data from the Excel file.
DataFrame: The data from the Excel file.
df = pd.read_excel(excel_file)
return df
def load_json_data(json_file):
Load data from the JSON file.
list: The data from the JSON file.
with open(json_file, 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
return data
def get_spans_from_row(row):
Extract spans from a row in the DataFrame.
list of tuples: List of spans.
# Assuming 'citation_spans_bound' is a column in the DataFrame containing spans as strings
# For example: "[(start1, end1), (start2, end2), ...]"
spans = ast.literal_eval(row['citation_spans_bound']) if row['citation_spans_bound'] else []
return spans
def get_spans_from_json(doc_item):
Extract spans from a document item in the JSON data.
list of tuples: List of spans.
grouped_spans = []
# 'citation_spans' is assumed to be in the structure as per the given JSON
# Adjust the parsing logic based on the exact structure
for span_group in doc_item:
spans = []
for span in span_group:
spans.append((span['start'], span['end']))
return grouped_spans
def parse_args():
Parse command line arguments.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Compute IoU scores between Excel and JSON data')
parser.add_argument('--pred', type=str,
help='Path to the JSON file containing the predicted spans', default='./eli5_salsa_sample.json')
parser.add_argument('--gt', type=str,
help='Path to the JSON file containing the ground truth annotations', default='./eli5_eval_bm25_top100_reranked_oracle_spans_generated_llama31_70B_joek_8502.json')
parser.add_argument('--output', type=str, help='Path to save the output to a JSON file (optional)', default='./eli5_salsa_sample_iou.json')
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
# Parse command line arguments
args = parse_args()
# Load both JSON files
pred_data = load_json_data(args.pred)
gt_data = load_json_data(
#TODO: Remove this once we have the full dataset!
pred_data = pred_data[50:]
gt_data = gt_data[50:]
# Initialize IoU metric
iou_metric = IoU()
dataset_citation_scores = []
dataset_conflict_scores = []
# Iterate through the data
for i, (pred_item, gt_item) in enumerate(zip(pred_data, gt_data)):
# Get spans from both JSONs
for pred_sentence, gt_sentence in zip(pred_item['answer_sentences'], gt_item['answer_sentences']):
# if pred_sentence['sentence'].strip() != gt_sentence['sentence'].strip():
# print(f"Sentence mismatch: {pred_sentence['sentence']} != {gt_sentence['sentence']}")
# continue
doc_scores = []
for pred_doc, gt_doc in zip(pred_sentence['citation_spans'], gt_sentence['citation_spans']):
# Handle citation spans
grouped_pred_spans = get_spans_from_json(pred_doc)
grouped_true_spans = get_spans_from_json(gt_doc)
# grouped_pred_spans and grouped_true_spans are lists of lists of tuples
pred_spans = grouped_pred_spans[0] if grouped_pred_spans else []
# Compute IoU
iou_score = iou_metric.compute(pred_spans, grouped_true_spans)
if iou_score is not None:
# Handle conflict spans similarly
conflict_scores = []
for pred_doc, gt_doc in zip(pred_sentence['conflict_spans'], gt_sentence['conflict_spans']):
grouped_pred_spans = get_spans_from_json(pred_doc)
grouped_true_spans = get_spans_from_json(gt_doc)
pred_spans = grouped_pred_spans[0] if grouped_pred_spans else []
# Compute IoU for conflicts
conflict_iou = iou_metric.compute(pred_spans, grouped_true_spans)
if conflict_iou is not None:
# Store both scores in the prediction
pred_sentence['citation_iou_scores'] = doc_scores
pred_sentence['conflict_iou_scores'] = conflict_scores
# Calculate mean scores if there are any valid scores
pred_sentence['mean_citation_iou'] = statistics.mean(doc_scores) if doc_scores else 1.0 # If no IoU score is computed, we assume it is 1.0 because the means that there are no citations
# for that sentence in both the prediction and the ground truth
pred_sentence['mean_conflict_iou'] = statistics.mean(conflict_scores) if conflict_scores else 1.0
# Save the augmented predictions if output path is provided
if args.output:
with open(args.output, 'w') as f:
json.dump(pred_data, f, indent=2)
print(f"Augmented predictions saved to: {args.output}")
# Print summary statistics
valid_citation_scores = [score for score in dataset_citation_scores if score is not None]
valid_conflict_scores = [score for score in dataset_conflict_scores if score is not None]
print(f"\nSummary Statistics:")
print(f"Number of samples: {len(valid_citation_scores)}")
if valid_citation_scores:
print(f"Average IoU Score: {sum(valid_citation_scores) / len(valid_citation_scores):.4f}")
print(f"Median IoU Score: {statistics.median(valid_citation_scores):.4f}")
print(f"Standard Deviation: {statistics.stdev(valid_citation_scores):.4f}")
if valid_conflict_scores:
print(f"Average Conflict IoU Score: {sum(valid_conflict_scores) / len(valid_conflict_scores):.4f}")
print(f"Median Conflict IoU Score: {statistics.median(valid_conflict_scores):.4f}")
print(f"Standard Deviation: {statistics.stdev(valid_conflict_scores):.4f}")
print("No valid IoU scores to compute statistics.")
if __name__ == "__main__":