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# This R script takes as input the pdb_id of a pdb you'd like to run PCA on.
# This code assumes there is a folder './'+pdb_id+'_aligned' which contains many pdb files to use for the PCA.
# Additionally, we need values from a csv file named './CSP_'+pdb_id+'.csv' which contains a metric value to color the points on the PCA by.
library('MASS') # For Mahalanobis distance
CSP_Rank_Scores <- './CSP_Rank_Scores/'
experimental_structures <- paste0(PDB_FILES, 'experimental_structures/')
computational_structures <- paste0(PDB_FILES, 'computational_structures/')
CS_Lists <- './CS_Lists/'
CS_Predictions <- './CS_Predictions/'
get_matrix <- function(pdb_id, chain) {
dir_path <- paste0(PDB_FILES, pdb_id, "_aligned")
path_to_pdb_files <- dir_path#paste0("./", pdb_id, "_aligned")
alt_dir_path <- paste0(PDB_FILES, pdb_id, "_alt_aligned")
path_to_alt_pdb_files <- alt_dir_path#paste0("./", pdb_id, "_alt_aligned")
pdb_files <- list.files(path = dir_path, pattern = "\\.pdb$")
alt_pdb_files <- list.files(path = alt_dir_path, pattern = "\\.pdb$")
csp_data <- read.csv(paste0(CSP_Rank_Scores, "CSP_", tolower(pdb_id), "_CSpred.csv"))
chain_a_xyz <- list()
for (file in pdb_files) {
rows <- filter(csp_data, holo_model_path == file.path(path_to_pdb_files, file))
row <- rows[1, ]
if (!$F1)) {
pdb <- read.pdb(file.path(dir_path, file))
chain_to_analyze <- pdb
if (chain == 'A') {
chain_to_analyze <- trim.pdb(pdb, chain = "A")
} else if ( chain == 'B' ) {
chain_to_analyze <- trim.pdb(pdb, chain = "B")
chain_a_xyz[[file]] <- chain_to_analyze$xyz
for (file in alt_pdb_files) {
rows <- filter(csp_data, holo_model_path == file.path(path_to_alt_pdb_files, file))
row <- rows[1, ]
if (!$F1)) {
pdb <- read.pdb(file.path(alt_dir_path, file))
chain_to_analyze <- pdb
if (chain == 'A') {
chain_to_analyze <- trim.pdb(pdb, chain = "A")
} else if ( chain == 'B' ) {
chain_to_analyze <- trim.pdb(pdb, chain = "B")
chain_a_xyz[[file]] <- chain_to_analyze$xyz
special_pdb_file <- paste0('comp_', tolower(pdb_id), ".pdb")
special_pdb_file_dir <- paste0(PDB_FILES, 'computational_structures/')
# Construct the file path
pdb_file_path <- file.path(special_pdb_file_dir, special_pdb_file)
# Check if the file exists
if (file.exists(pdb_file_path)) {
# If the file exists, read the pdb file
pdb <- read.pdb(pdb_file_path)
chain_to_analyze <- pdb
if (chain == 'A') {
chain_to_analyze <- trim.pdb(pdb, chain = "A")
} else if ( chain == 'B' ) {
chain_to_analyze <- trim.pdb(pdb, chain = "B")
chain_a_xyz[[special_pdb_file]] <- chain_to_analyze$xyz
special_pdb_file <- paste0('exp_', tolower(pdb_id), ".pdb")
special_pdb_file_dir <- paste0(PDB_FILES, 'experimental_structures/')
pdb_file_path <- file.path(special_pdb_file_dir, special_pdb_file)
# Check if the file exists
if (file.exists(pdb_file_path)) {
pdb <- read.pdb(file.path(special_pdb_file_dir, special_pdb_file))
chain_to_analyze <- pdb
if (chain == 'A') {
chain_to_analyze <- trim.pdb(pdb, chain = "A")
} else if ( chain == 'B' ) {
chain_to_analyze <- trim.pdb(pdb, chain = "B")
chain_a_xyz[[special_pdb_file]] <- chain_to_analyze$xyz
pdb_files <- list.files(path = paste0(special_pdb_file_dir, tolower(pdb_id), '/'), pattern = "\\.pdb$")
for (file in pdb_files) {
pdb <- read.pdb(file.path(paste0(special_pdb_file_dir, tolower(pdb_id), '/'), file))
chain_to_analyze <- pdb
if (chain == 'A') {
chain_to_analyze <- trim.pdb(pdb, chain = "A")
} else if ( chain == 'B' ) {
chain_to_analyze <- trim.pdb(pdb, chain = "B")
chain_a_xyz[[file]] <- chain_to_analyze$xyz
# Function to compute Mahalanobis distances
compute_mahalanobis_distances <- function(pca_data) {
cov_matrix <- cov(pca_data)
mean_vector <- colMeans(pca_data)
distances <- apply(pca_data, 1, function(row) {
mahalanobis(row, mean_vector, cov_matrix)
get_pca <- function(data) {
pca_result <-
# Extract the first three principal components
pc1 <- pca_result$z[, 1]
pc2 <- pca_result$z[, 2]
pc3 <- pca_result$z[, 3]
# Create a data frame with the principal components
return(list(pca_data = data.frame(x = pc1, y = pc2, z = pc3), variance_explained = pca_result$sdev^2))
remove_outliers_pca <- function(data, pdb_files_names, threshold, max_iterations = 10) {
iteration <- 0
repeat {
# Get the PCA results
pca_result <- get_pca(data)
pca_data <- pca_result$pca_data
variance_explained <- pca_result$variance_explained
if (iteration >= max_iterations) {
# Compute Mahalanobis distances
distances <- compute_mahalanobis_distances(pca_data)
# Identify outliers
outliers <- distances > threshold
# Ensure rows with 'exp' or 'comp' in pdb_files_names are not removed
protected_rows <- grepl("exp|comp", pdb_files_names)
outliers <- outliers & !protected_rows
# Count the number of outliers
num_outliers <- sum(outliers)
# Print the iteration number and number of outliers removed
cat("Iteration:", iteration + 1, "- Number of outliers removed:", num_outliers, "\n")
# Break the loop if no outliers are detected or max iterations are reached
if (num_outliers == 0 || iteration >= max_iterations) {
# Remove outliers from data and pdb_files_names
data <- data[!outliers, ]
pdb_files_names <- pdb_files_names[!outliers]
iteration <- iteration + 1
return(list(final_data = data, final_pdb_files_names = pdb_files_names, pca_result = pca_data, variance_explained = variance_explained))
perform_analysis <- function(pdb_id, chain, max_clusters = 10, remove_outliers = TRUE) {
chain_a_xyz <- get_matrix(pdb_id, chain)
xyz_matrix <-, chain_a_xyz)
# Identify unique rows and their indices
unique_indices <- !duplicated(xyz_matrix)
xyz_matrix <- xyz_matrix[unique_indices, ]
# Create a data frame for PCA results
pdb_files_names <- names(chain_a_xyz)[unique_indices]
threshold <- qchisq(0.975, df = 3) # 97.5th percentile of Chi-squared distribution with 3 degrees of freedom
if (remove_outliers) {
result <- remove_outliers_pca(xyz_matrix, pdb_files_names, threshold)
} else {
result <- remove_outliers_pca(xyz_matrix, pdb_files_names, threshold, max_iterations = 0)
xyz_matrix <- result$final_data
pca_result <- result$pca_result
# Calculate variance explained by each PC
variance_explained <- result$variance_explained
total_variance <- sum(variance_explained)
proportion_variance_explained <- variance_explained / total_variance
# Print the variance explained by PC1 and PC2
pc1_variance_explained <- proportion_variance_explained[1]
pc2_variance_explained <- proportion_variance_explained[2]
pc3_variance_explained <- proportion_variance_explained[3]
print(paste("Proportion of variance explained by PC1:", pc1_variance_explained))
print(paste("Proportion of variance explained by PC2:", pc2_variance_explained))
print(paste("Proportion of variance explained by PC3:", pc3_variance_explained))
# Extract PC1 and PC2
pc1 <- pca_result$x
pc2 <- pca_result$y
pc3 <- pca_result$z
# Create a data frame for PCA results
output_df_pca <- data.frame(pdb_file = result$final_pdb_files_names, PC1 = pc1, PC2 = pc2, PC3 = pc3)
# Write PCA results to CSV
write.csv(output_df_pca, paste0(CLUSTERING_RESULTS, pdb_id, '_aligned_CSPRED', chain, '_PCA_chain_', chain, '_data_trimmed.csv'), row.names = FALSE)
chain <- 'A'
pdb_id <- 'RHOA_A161P'
perform_analysis(pdb_id, chain, remove_outliers = FALSE)
pdb_ids <- c('2nmb','2hug', '2nd1', '2jw1', '5m9d', '5xv8', '2lox', '2kwv')
chains <- c('B')
for (pdb_id in pdb_ids) {
for (chain in chains) {
print(paste0('Running ', pdb_id, ' with chain ', chain))
perform_analysis(pdb_id, chain)