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import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import sys
from util import *
from Bio import PDB
from Bio.SVDSuperimposer import SVDSuperimposer
def calculate_gdt_ts(pdb_file1, pdb_file2, thresholds=[1, 2, 4, 8]):
parser = PDB.PDBParser(QUIET=True)
# Load the structures
structure1 = parser.get_structure('structure1', pdb_file1)
structure2 = parser.get_structure('structure2', pdb_file2)
# Extract the alpha carbons (CA atoms)
ca_atoms1 = [atom for atom in structure1.get_atoms() if atom.get_id() == 'CA']
ca_atoms2 = [atom for atom in structure2.get_atoms() if atom.get_id() == 'CA']
if len(ca_atoms1) != len(ca_atoms2):
raise ValueError("The two structures do not have the same number of CA atoms.")
# Extract the coordinates
coords1 = np.array([atom.get_coord() for atom in ca_atoms1])
coords2 = np.array([atom.get_coord() for atom in ca_atoms2])
# Initialize SVDSuperimposer
sup = SVDSuperimposer()
sup.set(coords1, coords2)
rms = sup.get_rms()
rot, tran = sup.get_rotran()
# Apply rotation and translation to the second set of coordinates
aligned_coords2 =, rot) + tran
# Calculate GDT_TS
gdt_scores = []
for threshold in thresholds:
distances = np.sqrt(np.sum((coords1 - aligned_coords2) ** 2, axis=1))
gdt_score = np.sum(distances <= threshold) / len(coords1)
gdt_ts = np.mean(gdt_scores)
return rms, gdt_ts
def create_scatterplot(csv_file, files_to_include, files_to_highlight, pdb_id):
# Extract pdb_id from the file name
# Read the CSV file
df = pd.read_csv(csv_file)
# Check if the necessary columns exist
# Extract the basename of the holo_model_path and filter based on files_to_include
df['basename'] = df['holo_model_path'].apply(os.path.basename)
df_filtered = df[df['basename'].isin(files_to_include)]
AFS_v21_points = df_filtered[~df_filtered['holo_model_path'].str.contains('exp|comp|v2|notemplate')]
AFS_v22_points = df_filtered[df_filtered['holo_model_path'].str.contains('v2')]
NMR_points = df_filtered[df_filtered['holo_model_path'].str.contains('exp')]
AF2_points = df_filtered[df_filtered['holo_model_path'].str.contains('comp')]
AFALT_points = df_filtered[df_filtered['holo_model_path'].str.contains('notemplate')]
print("number of AFS_v21 points = " + str(len(AFS_v21_points)))
print("number of AFS_v22 points = " + str(len(AFS_v22_points)))
print("number of NMR points = " + str(len(NMR_points)))
print("number of AF2 points = " + str(len(AF2_points)))
print("number of AFALT points = " + str(len(AFALT_points)))
def highlight_points(points, color, label, cat):
highlight = points['basename'].isin(files_to_highlight)
plt.scatter(points[cat][~highlight], 1 - points['consensus'][~highlight], c=color, label=label)
plt.scatter(points[cat][highlight], 1 - points['consensus'][highlight], c=color, edgecolor='black', linewidth=1.5)
if 'RMSD' in df.columns and 'consensus' in df.columns and 'holo_model_path' in df.columns:
# Plot points with highlighting
highlight_points(AFS_v22_points, 'cyan', 'AFS AF2 v2', 'RMSD')
highlight_points(AFS_v21_points, 'yellow', 'AFS AF2 v1', 'RMSD')
highlight_points(NMR_points, 'green', 'NMR', 'RMSD')
highlight_points(AF2_points, 'purple', 'Baseline AF2', 'RMSD')
highlight_points(AFALT_points, 'orange', 'AF Alt', 'RMSD')
# Add legend
# Plotting
#plt.scatter(df['rmsd'], 1 - df['consensus_comp'], c=colors)
plt.ylabel('1 - Consensus Score')
plt.title('Scatter Plot between RMSD and Consensus Score of ' + pdb_id)
save_file = '/home/tiburon/Desktop/ROT4/AFS_FINAL/' + pdb_id + '_funnel_RMSD'
print("Required columns ('RMSD', 'consensus', and 'holo_model_path') not found in the CSV.")
if 'GDT_TS' in df.columns and 'consensus' in df.columns and 'holo_model_path' in df.columns:
# Determine color based on the presence of 'exp' in 'holo_model_path'
#colors = ['green' if 'exp' in path else ('purple' if 'comp' in path else 'blue') for path in df['holo_model_path']]
highlight_points(AFS_v22_points, 'cyan', 'AFS AF2 v2', 'GDT_TS')
highlight_points(AFS_v21_points, 'yellow', 'AFS AF2 v1', 'GDT_TS')
highlight_points(NMR_points, 'green', 'NMR', 'GDT_TS')
highlight_points(AF2_points, 'purple', 'Baseline AF2', 'GDT_TS')
highlight_points(AFALT_points, 'orange', 'AF Alt', 'GDT_TS')
# Add legend
# Plotting
#plt.scatter(df['rmsd'], 1 - df['consensus_comp'], c=colors)
plt.ylabel('1 - Consensus Score')
plt.title('Scatter Plot between RMSD and Consensus Score of ' + pdb_id)
save_file = '/home/tiburon/Desktop/ROT4/AFS_FINAL/' + pdb_id + '_funnel_GDT'
print("Required columns ('GDT_TS', 'consensus', and 'holo_model_path') not found in the CSV.")
def get_points_in_final_ensemble(bound):
data_source_file = './CSP_'+bound+'_CSpred.csv'
parsed_data = parse_csv(data_source_file)
holo_model_files = [data['holo_model_path'][data['holo_model_path'].rfind('/')+1:] for data in parsed_data]
holo_model_files_raw = [data['holo_model_path'] for data in parsed_data]
consensus_scores = [float(data['consensus']) for data in parsed_data]
UMAP_file = './data/'+bound+'_aligned_CSPREDB_UMAP_chain_B_data.csv'
UMAP_data = parse_csv(UMAP_file)
UMAP_files = [ data['pdb_file'] for data in UMAP_data ]
UMAP_clusters = [ int(data['Cluster']) for data in UMAP_data ]
TSNE_file = './data/'+bound+'_aligned_CSPREDB_TSNE_chain_B_data.csv'
TSNE_data = parse_csv(TSNE_file)
TSNE_files = [ data['pdb_file'] for data in TSNE_data ]
TSNE_clusters = [ int(data['Cluster']) for data in TSNE_data ]
print("getting TSNE cluster scores")
TSNE_cluster_scores = {}
TSNE_cluster_files = {}
for i, pdb_file in enumerate(TSNE_files):
cluster_number = TSNE_clusters[i]
if cluster_number not in list(TSNE_cluster_scores):
TSNE_cluster_scores[cluster_number] = []
TSNE_cluster_files[cluster_number] = []
index = holo_model_files.index(pdb_file)
print("getting UMAP cluster scores")
UMAP_cluster_scores = {}
UMAP_cluster_files = {}
for i, pdb_file in enumerate(UMAP_files):
cluster_number = UMAP_clusters[i]
if cluster_number not in list(UMAP_cluster_scores):
UMAP_cluster_scores[cluster_number] = []
UMAP_cluster_files[cluster_number] = []
index = holo_model_files.index(pdb_file)
max_consensus_files = []
print("getting TSNE cluster medoid structures")
for cluster in list(TSNE_cluster_scores):
max_score = 0
max_score_itr = -1
for itr, score in enumerate(TSNE_cluster_scores[cluster]):
if score > max_score:
max_score = score
max_score_itr = itr
max_score_file = TSNE_cluster_files[cluster][max_score_itr]
print("Max consensus for TSNE cluster " + str(cluster) + ' = ' + str(max_score) + '. PDB file = ' + max_score_file)
print("getting TSNE cluster medoid structures")
for cluster in list(UMAP_cluster_scores):
max_score = 0
max_score_itr = -1
for itr, score in enumerate(UMAP_cluster_scores[cluster]):
if score > max_score:
max_score = score
max_score_itr = itr
max_score_file = UMAP_cluster_files[cluster][max_score_itr]
print("Max consensus for UMAP cluster " + str(cluster) + ' = ' + str(max_score) + '. PDB file = ' + max_score_file)
return max_consensus_files
def get_max_cons_pdb(pdb):
data_source_file = './CSP_'+pdb+'_CSpred.csv'
parsed_data = parse_csv(data_source_file)
bound_model_paths = [data['holo_model_path'] for data in parsed_data]
consensus = [data['consensus'] for data in parsed_data]
return bound_model_paths[consensus.index(max(consensus))]
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage: python <bound>")
pdb_id = sys.argv[1].lower()
exp_pdb = './experimental_structures/exp_'+pdb_id+'.pdb'
ref_pdb = exp_pdb
ref_pdb = get_max_cons_pdb(pdb_id)
print("reference pdb file for alignment = " + ref_pdb)
data_source_file = './CSP_'+pdb_id+'_CSpred.csv'
parsed_data = parse_csv(data_source_file)
bound_model_paths = [data['holo_model_path'] for data in parsed_data]
apos = [str(data['apo_bmrb']) for data in parsed_data]
i = 0
for pdb_file in tqdm(bound_model_paths):
AF2_RMSD, AF2_GDT_TS = calculate_gdt_ts(ref_pdb, pdb_file)
new_values = [AF2_RMSD, AF2_GDT_TS]
new_columns = ['RMSD', 'GDT_TS']
apo = apos[i]
holo = pdb_id
update_row(data_source_file, apo.upper(), pdb_file, new_values, new_columns)
i += 1
trimmed_source_file = './data/'+pdb_id+'_aligned_CSPREDB_PCA_chain_B_data_trimmed.csv'
parsed_data = parse_csv(trimmed_source_file)
files_to_include = [data['pdb_file'] for data in parsed_data]
files_to_highlight = get_points_in_final_ensemble(pdb_id)
create_scatterplot(data_source_file, files_to_include, files_to_highlight, pdb_id)