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use strict;
use warnings;
die "Usage: perl <path> <pdb_file> <QL_file>\n" if(scalar @ARGV < 3);
my ($path,$pdb_file,$ql_file) = @ARGV;
my $bg = '#EFF8FF';
my $but_bg = '#265580';
my $but_fg = $bg;
my $cbt_act = '#D1E4F2';
my $but_act = '#2D4455';
&calc_rasmol($pdb_file, $ql_file, 'summary');
sub calc_rasmol
my ($pdb_file, $ql_file, $key) = @_;
# my $basepath = Cwd::cwd;
print "calc_rasmol: pdb_file = $pdb_file, ql_file = $ql_file, key = $key\n";
unless (-f $pdb_file and -f $ql_file)
print ("Invalid file input for pdb and ql files\n");
my $filter = 'H';
my @count_array = &get_count_array($ql_file, $filter, $key);
#print "calc_rasmol: number of residues = $#count_array\n";
unless ($#count_array > 0)
print("Too few residues in ql file!\n");
#my $script_fname = &create_rasmol_script_filename($ql_file);
#print "calc_rasmol: creating script_fname = $script_fname\n";
# my $template = "rasmol_script";
# my $script_fname = getTempFileName($template);
my $script_fname = "precision_script.pml";
my $script = &create_pymol_script(\@count_array, $pdb_file );
my $write_success = &write_script_file($script_fname, $script);
sub create_pymol_script
my ($count_array_ref, $pdb_file ) = @_;
my @count_array = @$count_array_ref;
my $script = '';
my $label_s = '';
my $color;
my ($i, $j);
#options for rasmol
my $image_mode = "cartoon"; #trace or cartoons
my $RED = 370;
my $ORANGE = 268;
my $YELLOW = 165;
my $GREEN = 121;
my $BLUE_GREEN = 78;
my $BLUE = 35;
$script = $script."load $pdb_file\n";
$script = $script."hide everything, all\ndss\nset stick_transparency,0.6\nset cartoon_transparency,0.5\nshow $image_mode, all\nset bg_rgb, [1,1,1]\n";
$script = $script."color blue, all\n";
$script = $script."set label_color,black\nset label_font_id, 4\nset label_size,3\n";
#loop through count_array
for ($i = 0; $i<=$#count_array; $i++)
#print "count_array[$i] = $count_array[$i]\n";
next unless ($count_array[$i]);
my $count = $count_array[$i];
$label_s .= "label ${i}/ca,\"%s\" %(resi)\n" if($count >= $YELLOW);
#default is blue
next unless ($count > $BLUE);
if ($count >= $RED)
$color = "[255, 0, 0]";
$script = $script.&create_color_script($color, $i, 1);
elsif ($count >= $ORANGE)
my $green_component = (($RED - $count) * 128)/($RED - $ORANGE);
$green_component = sprintf("%.0f", $green_component);
$color = "[255, $green_component, 0]";
$script = $script.&create_color_script($color, $i, 1);
elsif ($count >= $YELLOW)
my $green_component = 127 + (($ORANGE - $count) * 128)/($ORANGE - $YELLOW);
$green_component = sprintf("%.0f", $green_component);
$color = "[255, $green_component, 0]";
$script = $script.&create_color_script($color, $i, 1);
elsif ($count >= $GREEN)
my $red_component = (($count - $GREEN) * 255)/($YELLOW - $GREEN);
$red_component = sprintf("%.0f", $red_component);
$color = "[$red_component, 255, 0]";
$script = $script.&create_color_script($color, $i, 0);
elsif ($count >= $BLUE_GREEN)
my $blue_component = (($GREEN - $count) * 255)/($GREEN - $BLUE_GREEN);
$blue_component = sprintf("%.0f", $blue_component);
$color = "[0, 255, $blue_component]";
$script = $script.&create_color_script($color, $i, 0);
elsif ($count > $BLUE)
my $green_component = (($count - $BLUE) * 255)/($BLUE_GREEN - $BLUE);
$green_component = sprintf("%.0f", $green_component);
$color = "[0, $green_component, 255]";
$script = $script.&create_color_script($color, $i, 0);
$script = $script . $label_s;
$script .= "orient\n";
$script = $script."ray 800,800\npng precision.png\nquit\n";
sub create_color_script
my ($color, $residue,$extra) = @_;
my $script = "set_color color${residue}, $color\n";
$script = $script."color color${residue}, resi $residue\n";
$script .= "show sticks, res $residue\n";
return ($script);
sub get_count_array
my ($file, $filter, $key) = @_;
# my $basepath = Cwd::cwd;
unless (-e $file)
my ($data_ref, $heading_ref, $residue_ref) = &parse_ql($file);
my @heading = @$heading_ref;
my @residue = @$residue_ref;
my @data = @{$data_ref};
#array of counts for each residue
my @count;
my $dummy = 0;
my $section = 1;
my ($i, $j, $first_atom, $second_atom);
#print "\n\ncalc_count: number of residues = $#residue\n";
for ($i=0; $i<=$#residue; $i++)
next unless $residue[$i];
#print "Residue[$i] = $residue[$i]\n";
$count[$i] = &getCount(\@data, $i, $residue_ref, $heading_ref, $filter, $key);
#print "get_count_array: Residue $i - $residue[$i], count is $count[$i]\n";
return (@count);
#given i, returns the count of residue i, exluding intra residue contacts
sub getCount
my ($data_ref, $i, $residue_ref, $heading_ref, $filter, $key) = @_;
my @data = @$data_ref;
my @residue = @$residue_ref;
my @heading = @$heading_ref;
my %dist_hash;
my $dist = 0;
my $count = 0;
#print "\n******getCount: getting count of residue $i*******\n";
my ($j, $i_atom, $j_atom, $k, $dist_hash_ref);
$dist_hash_ref = \%dist_hash;
#print "**Residue $i on left\n";
#Left residue = $i, Right residue = $j - loop
if ($key =~ /summary/i) #for the overal summary
for ($k = 0; $k<=$#heading; $k++)
#next if ($k == 1);
#next if ($k == 3);
&getLeftCountofi($data_ref, $i, $k, $filter, $dist_hash_ref, $residue_ref, 0); # 0 - no intra
for ($k = 0; $k<=$#heading; $k++)
#next if ($k == 1);
#next if ($k == 3);
&getRightCountofi($data_ref, $i, $k, $filter, $dist_hash_ref, $residue_ref, 0);
for (my $m = 0; $m<=$#heading; $m++) # for each peak list
if ($heading[$m] =~ /$key/)
$k = $m;
&getLeftCountofi($data_ref, $i, $k, $filter, $dist_hash_ref, $residue_ref, 0);
&getRightCountofi($data_ref, $i, $k, $filter, $dist_hash_ref, $residue_ref, 0);
#sum up all distances from dist_hash
my $key;
my $count = 0;
#clean-up by removing the non-symmetric ones
my %nonsym;
foreach $key (keys %$dist_hash_ref)
my ($a1, $a2) = split '\s', $key;
if ($dist_hash_ref->{$a2 . ' ' . $a1} != $dist_hash_ref->{$key})
$nonsym{$key} = 1;
foreach $key (keys %$dist_hash_ref)
next if ($nonsym{$key} == 1);
my $dist = $dist_hash_ref->{$key};
#$dist = 30000 * ($dist ** (-6))/2;
$dist = 15000 * ($dist ** (-6))/2; #devided by 2 - remove the symmetry one
$count = $count + $dist;
#print "total distance for residue $i is $dist\n";
#print "getCount: returning count of $i as $count\n";
return $count;
#filter is used in calc_rasmol analysis
#getRightCountofi (report x-i (x<i)
#getLeftCountofi (report i-x (x>=i))
#i-x (i<=x)
sub getLeftCountofi
my ($data_ref, $i, $k, $filter, $dist_hash_ref, $residue_ref, $i_atom_filter, $j_filter, $j_atom_filter, $distance_comp_filter, $distance_filter, $intra) = @_;
#print "getLeftCountofi: i = $i, k = $k, i_atom_filter = $i_atom_filter, j_filter = $j_filter, j_atom_filter = $j_atom_fitler, distance_comp_filter = $distance_comp_filter, distance = $distance_filter, filter = $filter\n";
my @residue = @$residue_ref;
my @data = @$data_ref;
my ($i_atom, $j, $j_atom);
foreach $i_atom (keys %{$data[$k][$i]})
if ($i_atom =~ /^$filter$/i)
#print "filtered i: $i-$i_atom\n";
for ($j = 0; $j<scalar(@{$data[$k][$i]{$i_atom}}); $j++)
next unless $residue[$j];
next if (($i == $j) && !$intra);
#next if (($i == $j));
if ($j_filter)
next unless ($j == $j_filter);
foreach $j_atom (keys %{$data[$k][$i]{$i_atom}[$j]})
if ($j_atom =~ /^$filter$/i)
#print "filtered j: $j-$j_atom\n";
#atom filter
if ($j == $i) #intra -
if ($j_atom_filter eq '')
$j_atom_filter = '\w';
if ($i_atom_filter eq '')
$i_atom_filter = '\w';
next unless ((($i_atom =~ /$i_atom_filter/i) && ($j_atom=~ /$j_atom_filter/i)) ||(($i_atom =~ /$j_atom_filter/i) && ($j_atom=~ /$i_atom_filter/i)));
} else
if (($j_atom_filter)) # j atom only
next unless (($j_atom =~ /$j_atom_filter/i));
if (($i_atom_filter)) # i atom only
next unless (($i_atom =~ /$i_atom_filter/i));
if ($distance_filter)
my $distance = $data[$k][$i]{$i_atom}[$j]{$j_atom};
#print "getLeftCountofi: distance = $distance, only distances $distance_comp_filter than $distance_filter. ";
if ($distance_comp_filter eq '=')
$distance_comp_filter = '==';
#print "distance_comp_filter is now $distance_comp_filter\n";
unless (eval("$distance $distance_comp_filter $distance_filter"))
#print "distance $distance filtered\n";
#print "residue $i on left - distance from $i-$i_atom to $j-$j_atom is $data[$i]{$i_atom}[$j]{$j_atom}\n";
$dist_hash_ref->{"$i-$i_atom $j-$j_atom"} = $data[$k][$i]{$i_atom}[$j]{$j_atom};
#print "getLeftCountofi: dist_hash_ref->{$i-$i_atom $j-$j_atom} = ".$dist_hash_ref->{"$i-$i_atom $j-$j_atom"}."\n";
#x-i, x < i
sub getRightCountofi
my ($data_ref, $i, $k, $filter, $dist_hash_ref, $residue_ref, $i_atom_filter, $j_filter, $j_atom_filter, $distance_comp_filter, $distance_filter, $intra) = @_;
#print "getRightCountofi: i = $i, k = $k, i_atom_filter = $i_atom_filter, j_filter = $j_filter, j_atom_filter = $j_atom_fitler, distance_comp_filter = $distance_comp_filter, distance = $distance_filter, filter = $filter\n";
my @residue = @$residue_ref;
my @data = @$data_ref;
my ($i_atom, $j_atom);
#print "**Residue $i on right\n";
#right residue = i, left residue = j
for (my $j = 0; $j<scalar(@{$data[$k]}); $j++)
next unless $residue[$j];
#next if ($i == $j);
next if (($i == $j) && !$intra);#remove repeat entry from getRightCountofI
if ($j_filter)
next unless ($j == $j_filter);
foreach $j_atom (keys %{$data[$k][$j]})
if ($j_atom_filter)
next unless ($j_atom =~ /$j_atom_filter/i);
if ($j_atom =~ /^$filter$/i)
#print "filtered j: $j-$j_atom\n";
foreach $i_atom (keys %{$data[$k][$j]{$j_atom}[$i]})
if ($i_atom_filter)
next unless ($i_atom =~ /$i_atom_filter/i);
if ($i_atom =~ /^$filter$/i)
#print "filtered i: $i-$i_atom\n";
if ($distance_filter)
my $distance = $data[$k][$j]{$j_atom}[$i]{$i_atom};
#print "getRightCountofi: distance $distance, only distances $distance_comp_filter than $distance_filter. ";
if ($distance_comp_filter eq '=')
$distance_comp_filter = '==';
#print "distance_comp_filter is now $distance_comp_filter\n";
unless (eval("$distance $distance_comp_filter $distance_filter"))
#print "distance $distance is filtered\n";
#next unless (eval("$distance $distance_comp_filter $distance_filter"));
#print "residue $i on right - distance from $j-$j_atom to $i-$i_atom is $data[$j]{$j_atom}[$i]{$i_atom}\n";
unless ($dist_hash_ref->{"$j-$j_atom $i-$i_atom"})
#$dist_hash_ref->{"$i-$i_atom $j-$j_atom"} = $data[$k][$j]{$j_atom}[$i]{$i_atom};
$dist_hash_ref->{"$j-$j_atom $i-$i_atom"} = $data[$k][$j]{$j_atom}[$i]{$i_atom};
#print "getRightCountofi: dist_hash_ref->{$i-$i_atom $j-$j_atom} = ".$dist_hash_ref->{"$i-$i_atom $j-$j_atom"}."\n";
sub write_script_file
my ($scr_fname, $script) = @_;
unless (open(FILE, ">$scr_fname"))
print("Cannot open Rasmol script file \"$scr_fname\" for writing\n");
return 0;
print FILE $script;
return 1;
sub parse_ql
my $file = shift;
#two dimensional array with each element as a hash having three keys - distance, residue number, and atom name
my @data;
#my $data_count = 0;
my $first_line_seen;
my $pair_seen;
my $section = -1;
my @section_heading;
my @atom;
my $count = 0;
my $other_first_line;
my ($first, $first_name, $second, $second_name, $distance);
my ($i, $j, $option);
unless (-e $file)
print "No QL file specified\n";
my $opened = open(QL, $file);
unless ($opened)
print "Cannot open QL file \"$file\"";
#read until first line
my $line;
while (chomp($line = <QL>))
if ($line =~ /missing/i)
$line =~ /missing .+ for (.+)$/i;
$section_heading[$section] = $1;
#$data_count = 0;
$first_line_seen = 0;
$other_first_line = 1;
$pair_seen = 0;
elsif ($line =~ /^atom/i)
#only look at first pair
if (!$pair_seen)
if (!$first_line_seen)
#first line
$line =~ /^atom:\s*\d+\s*(\d+)\w-(\w+)\s*.*/;
$first = $1;
$first_name = $2;
$first_line_seen = 1;
#second line
$line =~ /^atom:\s*\d+\s*(\d+)\w-(\w+)\s*.*/;
$second = $1;
$second_name = $2;
$pair_seen = 1;
#other lines
if ($other_first_line)
$line =~ /^atom:\s*\d+\s*(\d+)\w-(\w+)\s*.*/;
my $amb_atom = $2;
unless ($amb_atom eq $first_name)
$amb_atom =~ /(\w+)(\d)$/;
my $amb_num = $2;
my $amb_atm = $1;
$first_name =~ /(\w+)(\d)$/;
my $fir_num = $2;
my $fir_atm = $1;
if ($amb_num and $fir_num)
if (($amb_atm eq $fir_atm) and ($amb_num != $fir_num))
$first_name = $amb_atm."*";
$line =~ /^atom:\s*\d+\s*(\d+)\w-(\w+)\s*.*/;
my $amb_atom = $2;
unless ($amb_atom eq $second_name)
$amb_atom =~ /(\w+)(\d)$/;
my $amb_num = $2;
my $amb_atm = $1;
$second_name =~ /(\w+)(\d)$/;
my $sec_num = $2;
my $sec_atm = $1;
if ($amb_num and $sec_num)
if (($amb_atm eq $sec_atm) and ($amb_num != $sec_num))
$second_name = $amb_atm."*";
$other_first_line = !$other_first_line;
#store atom and number in number_to_atom array
$line =~ /^atom:\s*\d+\s+(\d+)([a-zA-Z])-.+/;
$atom[$1] = $2;
elsif ($line =~ /^::sumavg:\s*(.+)$/i)
$distance = $1;
$data[$section][$first]{$first_name}[$second]{$second_name} = $distance;
#print "parse_ql: data[$section][$first]{$first_name}[$second]{$second_name} = $distance\n";
#print "data[$section][$ql_data{'1-residue number'}]{$ql_data{'1-atom name'}}[$ql_data{'2-residue number'}]{$ql_data{'2-atom name'}} = $ql_data{'distance'}\n";
#print "data[$section][$ql_data{'2-residue number'}]{$ql_data{'2-atom name'}}[$ql_data{'1-residue number'}]{$ql_data{'1-atom name'}} = $ql_data{'distance'}\n";
$first_line_seen = 0;
$other_first_line = 1;
$pair_seen = 0;
return (\@data, \@section_heading, \@atom);