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american fuzzy lop - debug / error handling macros
Written and maintained by Michal Zalewski <>
Copyright 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#ifndef _HAVE_DEBUG_H
#define _HAVE_DEBUG_H
#include <errno.h>
#include "types.h"
#include "config.h"
* Terminal colors *
#ifdef USE_COLOR
# define cBLK "\x1b[0;30m"
# define cRED "\x1b[0;31m"
# define cGRN "\x1b[0;32m"
# define cBRN "\x1b[0;33m"
# define cBLU "\x1b[0;34m"
# define cMGN "\x1b[0;35m"
# define cCYA "\x1b[0;36m"
# define cLGR "\x1b[0;37m"
# define cGRA "\x1b[1;90m"
# define cLRD "\x1b[1;91m"
# define cLGN "\x1b[1;92m"
# define cYEL "\x1b[1;93m"
# define cLBL "\x1b[1;94m"
# define cPIN "\x1b[1;95m"
# define cLCY "\x1b[1;96m"
# define cBRI "\x1b[1;97m"
# define cRST "\x1b[0m"
# define bgBLK "\x1b[40m"
# define bgRED "\x1b[41m"
# define bgGRN "\x1b[42m"
# define bgBRN "\x1b[43m"
# define bgBLU "\x1b[44m"
# define bgMGN "\x1b[45m"
# define bgCYA "\x1b[46m"
# define bgLGR "\x1b[47m"
# define bgGRA "\x1b[100m"
# define bgLRD "\x1b[101m"
# define bgLGN "\x1b[102m"
# define bgYEL "\x1b[103m"
# define bgLBL "\x1b[104m"
# define bgPIN "\x1b[105m"
# define bgLCY "\x1b[106m"
# define bgBRI "\x1b[107m"
# define cBLK ""
# define cRED ""
# define cGRN ""
# define cBRN ""
# define cBLU ""
# define cMGN ""
# define cCYA ""
# define cLGR ""
# define cGRA ""
# define cLRD ""
# define cLGN ""
# define cYEL ""
# define cLBL ""
# define cPIN ""
# define cLCY ""
# define cBRI ""
# define cRST ""
# define bgBLK ""
# define bgRED ""
# define bgGRN ""
# define bgBRN ""
# define bgBLU ""
# define bgMGN ""
# define bgCYA ""
# define bgLGR ""
# define bgGRA ""
# define bgLRD ""
# define bgLGN ""
# define bgYEL ""
# define bgLBL ""
# define bgPIN ""
# define bgLCY ""
# define bgBRI ""
#endif /* ^USE_COLOR */
* Box drawing sequences *
# define SET_G1 "\x1b)0" /* Set G1 for box drawing */
# define RESET_G1 "\x1b)B" /* Reset G1 to ASCII */
# define bSTART "\x0e" /* Enter G1 drawing mode */
# define bSTOP "\x0f" /* Leave G1 drawing mode */
# define bH "q" /* Horizontal line */
# define bV "x" /* Vertical line */
# define bLT "l" /* Left top corner */
# define bRT "k" /* Right top corner */
# define bLB "m" /* Left bottom corner */
# define bRB "j" /* Right bottom corner */
# define bX "n" /* Cross */
# define bVR "t" /* Vertical, branch right */
# define bVL "u" /* Vertical, branch left */
# define bHT "v" /* Horizontal, branch top */
# define bHB "w" /* Horizontal, branch bottom */
# define SET_G1 ""
# define RESET_G1 ""
# define bSTART ""
# define bSTOP ""
# define bH "-"
# define bV "|"
# define bLT "+"
# define bRT "+"
# define bLB "+"
# define bRB "+"
# define bX "+"
# define bVR "+"
# define bVL "+"
# define bHT "+"
# define bHB "+"
#endif /* ^FANCY_BOXES */
* Misc terminal codes *
#define TERM_HOME "\x1b[H"
#define TERM_CLEAR TERM_HOME "\x1b[2J"
#define cEOL "\x1b[0K"
#define CURSOR_HIDE "\x1b[?25l"
#define CURSOR_SHOW "\x1b[?25h"
* Debug & error macros *
/* Just print stuff to the appropriate stream. */
# define SAYF(x...) printf(x)
# define SAYF(x...) fprintf(stderr, x)
#endif /* ^MESSAGES_TO_STDOUT */
/* Show a prefixed warning. */
#define WARNF(x...) do { \
SAYF(cYEL "[!] " cBRI "WARNING: " cRST x); \
SAYF(cRST "\n"); \
} while (0)
/* Show a prefixed "doing something" message. */
#define ACTF(x...) do { \
SAYF(cLBL "[*] " cRST x); \
SAYF(cRST "\n"); \
} while (0)
/* Show a prefixed "success" message. */
#define OKF(x...) do { \
SAYF(cLGN "[+] " cRST x); \
SAYF(cRST "\n"); \
} while (0)
/* Show a prefixed fatal error message (not used in afl). */
#define BADF(x...) do { \
SAYF(cLRD "\n[-] " cRST x); \
SAYF(cRST "\n"); \
} while (0)
/* Die with a verbose non-OS fatal error message. */
#define FATAL(x...) do { \
cBRI x); \
SAYF(cLRD "\n Location : " cRST "%s(), %s:%u\n\n", \
__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
exit(1); \
} while (0)
/* Die by calling abort() to provide a core dump. */
#define ABORT(x...) do { \
cBRI x); \
SAYF(cLRD "\n Stop location : " cRST "%s(), %s:%u\n\n", \
__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
abort(); \
} while (0)
/* Die while also including the output of perror(). */
#define PFATAL(x...) do { \
fflush(stdout); \
cBRI x); \
SAYF(cLRD "\n Stop location : " cRST "%s(), %s:%u\n", \
__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
SAYF(cLRD " OS message : " cRST "%s\n", strerror(errno)); \
exit(1); \
} while (0)
/* Die with FAULT() or PFAULT() depending on the value of res (used to
interpret different failure modes for read(), write(), etc). */
#define RPFATAL(res, x...) do { \
if (res < 0) PFATAL(x); else FATAL(x); \
} while (0)
/* Error-checking versions of read() and write() that call RPFATAL() as
appropriate. */
#define ck_write(fd, buf, len, fn) do { \
u32 _len = (len); \
s32 _res = write(fd, buf, _len); \
if (_res != _len) RPFATAL(_res, "Short write to %s", fn); \
} while (0)
#define ck_read(fd, buf, len, fn) do { \
u32 _len = (len); \
s32 _res = read(fd, buf, _len); \
if (_res != _len) RPFATAL(_res, "Short read from %s", fn); \
} while (0)
#endif /* ! _HAVE_DEBUG_H */