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#Reading in the data and necessary libraries and data for RPI StudySafe App
#Created by Kara Kniss
#load the packages if they are not already loaded
packages <- c("shiny", "shinydashboard", "shinyjs", "ggplot2", "shinyWidgets", "tidyverse", "tidyr",
"lubridate", "plyr", "scales", "zoo", "ggalt", "leaflet", "plotly", "wesanderson", "reactable")
new.packages <- packages[!(packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if (length(new.packages) > 0) {
#rpi_wap_raw(one month): Min_30, devname, maccount, usercount, datetime, date_time, Date, Building, Floor, Room, latitude, longitude, buldingType, abbrev, time
rpi_wap_raw <- readRDS("../COVID_RPI_WiFi_Data/rpi_wap_raw.rds")
#combined_wap_data(one month): building, time, Date, latitude, longitude, buildingType, abbrev, users, macs,
combined_wap_data <- readRDS("../COVID_RPI_WiFi_Data/combined_wap_data.rds")
#rpi_wap_stats: devname, Day, maccount_mean, maccount_med, maccount_max, usrecount_mean, usercount_med, usercount_max
rpi_wap_stats <- readRDS("../COVID_RPI_WiFi_Data/rpi_wifi_semester_day_summary.rds")
#rpi_wap_week(whole semester): devname, maccount, usercount, datetime, date_time, Date, Day
#rpi_wap_week <- readRDS("../COVID_RPI_WiFi_Data/rpi_wifi_semester_extended.rds")
#buildinginfo: Building, latitude, longitude, buildingType, abbrev
buildinginfo <- readRDS("../COVID_RPI_WiFi_Data/buildinginfo.rds")
#rpi_wap_raw: devname, users, Date, Building, Hour, lat, lng, BuildingType
rpi_wap_raw <- rpi_wap_raw %>% mutate(Hour = hour(as.POSIXct(time))) %>% select(devname, usercount, Date, Building, Hour, latitude, longitude, buildingType)
colnames(rpi_wap_raw) <- c('devname', 'users', 'Date', 'Building', 'Hour', 'lat', 'lng', 'BuildingType')
remove_list <- c("SAE, 12 Myrtle Ave off Pawling Ave", "Peoples Ave #1002", "Peoples Ave #1516", "Peoples Ave #901", "Peoples Ave #907", "President's House")
rpi_wap_raw <- rpi_wap_raw %>% filter(BuildingType != "housing" & BuildingType != "greek") %>%
filter(!(Building %in% remove_list))
#combined_wap_data: Building, Hour, lat, lng, BuildingType
rpi_wap_last7 <- combined_wap_data %>% mutate(Hour = hour(as.POSIXct(time))) %>% select(Building, users, Date, Building, Hour, latitude, longitude, buildingType)
rpi_wap_last7 <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% group_by(Building, Date, Hour, latitude, longitude, buildingType) %>% summarise_all(funs(max)) %>% ungroup()
colnames(rpi_wap_last7) <- c('Building', 'Date', 'Hour','lat','lng', 'BuildingType', 'users' )
rpi_wap_last7 <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(BuildingType != "housing" & BuildingType != "greek") %>%
filter(!(Building %in% remove_list))
rpi_wap_last7$weekday <- weekdays(rpi_wap_last7$Date)
#bldgs(getting buildings to append to devnames): devname, Building
bldgs <- rpi_wap_raw %>% filter(Date == min(rpi_wap_last7$Date)+1) %>% filter(Hour==12) %>% select(devname, Building)
# hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max(getting maximum number of users for each building): Building, capacity
hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max <- merge(rpi_wap_stats, bldgs, by.x= "devname", by.y="devname")
hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max <- hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max %>% group_by(devname, Building, Day) %>% summarise_all(funs(max)) %>% ungroup() %>% select(devname, Day, usercount_max, Building)
hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max <- hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max[,2:ncol(hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max)]
hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max <- hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max %>% group_by(Building, Day) %>% summarise_all(funs(sum)) %>% ungroup()
hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max <- hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max %>% group_by(Building) %>% summarise_all(funs(max)) %>% ungroup() %>% select(Building, usercount_max)
colnames(hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) <- c('Building', 'capacity')
#Setting Colors
lightcolor <- "#ff2500"
darkcolor <- "#9a1600"
#creating a time list for the graphs so they aren't in military time
time <- list('12:00am'= 0,'1:00am'=1, '2:00am'=2, '3:00am'=3, '4:00am'=4, '5:00am'=5, '6:00am'=6, '7:00am'=7, '8:00am'=8, '9:00am'=9, '10:00am'=10, "11:00am"=11, "12:00pm"=12, "1:00pm"=13, "2:00pm"=14, "3:00pm"=15, "4:00pm"=16, "5:00pm"=17, "6:00pm"=18, "7:00pm"=19, "8:00pm"=20, "9:00pm"=21,"10:00pm"=22, "11:00pm"=23)
Time_num <- c(0:23)
Time_AMPM <- c('12am', '1am', '2am', '3am', '4am', '5am', '6am', '7am', '8am', '9am', '10am', '11am', '12pm', '1pm', '2pm','3pm', '4pm', '5pm', '6pm', '7pm', '8pm', '9pm', '10pm', '11pm' )
Time_noLabel <- c(12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) <- data.frame(Time_num, Time_AMPM, Time_noLabel, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#defining the max date and min date info
min_date <- min(rpi_wap_last7$Date)
max_date <- max(rpi_wap_last7$Date)
max_time_of_max_date <- max(rpi_wap_last7[rpi_wap_last7$Date == max(rpi_wap_last7$Date),]$Hour)+1
min_time_of_min_date <- min(rpi_wap_last7[rpi_wap_last7$Date == min(rpi_wap_last7$Date),]$Hour)+1
date_app <- reactiveValues(date = max_date) # Remember the input date for future use
time_app <- reactiveValues(time = 0) # Remember the input time for future use
building_selected <- reactiveValues(building = 'Amos Eaton') # Remember the name of selected building for future use
data <- reactiveValues(clickedMarker=NULL)
map_latitude <- reactiveValues(lat=0)
map_longitude <- reactiveValues(lng=0)
hr <- as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H"))
hr_now <- reactiveValues(time=hr)
map_click <- reactive({"Amos Eaton"})
#weekday information
#getting selected weekday
day <- c("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" )
dayVal<- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
weekpair <- data.frame(day,dayVal, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#weekly3_stats(Getting average users of the last three weeks by day): Building, Hour, users, dayVal
weekly3_stats <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(Date >= min_date -21) %>% mutate(dayVal = wday(Date)) %>% select(Building, Hour, users, dayVal)
weekly3_stats <- weekly3_stats %>% group_by(Building, dayVal, Hour) %>% summarise_all(funs(mean)) %>% ungroup()
weekly3_stats$users <- round(weekly3_stats$users)
## Activity Tagging
#Student Favorites
Favorites <- c('CII',
'Folsom Library',
'Rensselaer Union',
'Voorhees Computing Center')
#Grab a Bite to Eat: places to get food and drinks
Food <- c('Moes, College Ave',
'Commons Dining Hall',
'Russell Sage Dining Hall',
'Blitman Commons')
#Wellness: gyms, activity areas
Wellness <- c('ASRC',
'ECAV arena',
'ECAV stadium',
'Houston Field House',
'Fitness Center',
'87 Gym',
'Robison Pool')
#Student Resources, lounges, etc
Resources <- c("15th St #1528, Grad Ed",
"ASRC auto shop",
"ASRC garage",
"East Campus Community Center",
"Off Campus Commons, 1525 15th St",
"Visitor Information Center, Public Safety")
#Academic: Academic buildings
Academic <- c('Academy Hall',
'Amos Eaton',
'Carnegie Building',
'Greene Building',
'Lally Building',
'Pittsburgh Building',
'Sage Lab',
'Science Center',
'Winslow Building',
'Ricketts Building',
"West Hall")
#Research Buildings and Centers
Research <- c('Materials Research Center',
'LINAC/NES, Tibbits Ave',
'Polymer Center',
'Watervliet Facility, 805 25th St, Watervliet',
'DFWI, Lake George',
'Jordan Road #405, Tech Park, CCI',
'Jordan Road #465, Tech Park',
'Cogswell Lab')
#Other Resources/ Administrative Buildings
Admin <- c('J Building, Peoples Ave',
# "President's House",
"Proctors Building, downtown",
"Service Building, Peoples Ave",
"Troy Building",
"Walker Lab",
"Gurley Building, downtown",
"H Building")
#Other Buildings, off and near Campus
Other <- c("City Station South",
"City Station West",
"College Ave #90, EMPAC resident artists",
"College Ave #92, RPI Ambulance",
"Old Bumstead Garage, behind Colonie Apts",
# "SAE, 12 Myrtle Ave off Pawling Ave",
"Rensselaer at Hartford")
# "Peoples Ave #1002",
# "Peoples Ave #1516",
# "Peoples Ave #901",
# "Peoples Ave #907")
#Sleep: Housing
# Sleep <- unique((rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(BuildingType %in% c('housing')) %>% select(Building))$Building)
# Sleep <- unique((rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(BuildingType %in% c('housing', 'greek')) %>% select(Building))$Building)
# filter <- c(Favorites, Food, Wellness, Resources, Academic, Research, Admin, Other)
# Sleep <- Sleep[which(!Sleep %in% filter)]
#List for selectInput
byCat_single <- list(
"Academic" = as.vector(unique((rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(BuildingType=='academic') %>% select(Building))$Building)),
"Other On Campus" = as.vector(unique((rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(BuildingType=='otherOnCampus') %>% select(Building))$Building)),
"Other Off Campus" = as.vector(unique((rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(BuildingType=='otherOffCampus') %>% select(Building))$Building))
# "Greek" = as.vector(unique((rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(BuildingType=='greek') %>% select(Building))$Building)),
# "Housing" = as.vector(unique((rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(BuildingType=='housing') %>% select(Building))$Building))
byCat_multi <- list(
"Nothing Selected" = as.vector('None'),
"Academic" = as.vector(unique(rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(BuildingType=='academic') %>% select(Building))$Building),
"Other On Campus" = as.vector(unique(rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(BuildingType=='otherOnCampus') %>% select(Building))$Building),
"Other Off Campus" = as.vector(unique(rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(BuildingType=='otherOffCampus') %>% select(Building))$Building)
# "Greek" = as.vector(unique(rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(BuildingType=='greek') %>% select(Building))$Building),
# "Housing" = as.vector(unique(rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(BuildingType=='housing') %>% select(Building))$Building)
byAct_single <- list(
"Common Favorites" = as.vector(Favorites),
"Academic Buildings" = as.vector(Academic),
"Food and Drinks" = as.vector(Food),
"Wellness" = as.vector(Wellness),
"Student Resources" = as.vector(Resources),
"Administration" = as.vector(Admin),
"Research Facilities" = as.vector(Research),
"Other" = as.vector(Other)
byAct_multi <- list(
"Nothing Selected" = as.vector('None'),
"Common Favorites" = as.vector(Favorites),
"Academic Buildings" = as.vector(Academic),
"Food and Drinks" = as.vector(Food),
"Wellness" = as.vector(Wellness),
"Student Resources" = as.vector(Resources),
"Administration" = as.vector(Admin),
"Research Facilities" = as.vector(Research),
"Other" = as.vector(Other)
####################################### Function for new version of app #################################################
sun_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Sunday")
mon_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Monday")
tue_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Tuesday")
wed_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Wednesday")
thu_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Thursday")
fri_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Friday")
sat_dat <- rpi_wap_last7 %>% filter(weekday == "Saturday")
# Function to get map information for leaflet map
get_map_info <- function(dat, hour, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max) {
map_info <- dat %>% filter(Hour==hour) %>%
select(lat, lng, BuildingType,Building, users) %>%
group_by(lat, lng, BuildingType,Building) %>%
dplyr::summarise(totalusers = sum(users))
map_info <- merge(map_info, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max, by.x= "Building", by.y="Building")
# Function to get marker color on leaflet map
getColor <- function(dat) {
mapply(function(totalusers, capacity) {
if(totalusers <= 0.25*capacity) {"darkblue"}
else if(totalusers <= 0.5*capacity) {"lightblue"}
else if(totalusers <= 0.75*capacity) {"lightred"}
else {"red"}},
dat$totalusers, dat$capacity)
# Function to create icon on leaflet map
getIcon <- function(dat){
icons <- awesomeIcons(
icon = 'ios-close',
iconColor = 'black',
library = 'ion',
markerColor = getColor(dat))
# Function to generate leaflet map
get_map <- function(dat, lat, lng) {
leaf_map <- leaflet(dat) %>%
addAwesomeMarkers(icon=getIcon(dat)) %>%
addTiles() %>%setView( lng = lng, lat = lat, zoom = 16 ) %>%
addLegend(position = "topleft", colors = c("#235878", "#65b7de", "#f28e80", "#c44130"), labels = c("0% ~ 25%", "25% ~ 50%", "50% ~ 75%", "75% ~ 100%"))
# Function to generate comments on how busy the building is
busy_text <- function(dat, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max){
building_select_cap <- subset(hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building == building_select)
cap <- dat$users / building_select_cap$capacity
if(cap <= .25){busy_summary <- "usually not busy"}
else if(cap <= .5 & cap > .25){busy_summary <- "usually not too busy"}
else if(cap <= .75 & cap > .5){busy_summary <- "usually a bit busy"}
else {busy_summary <- "usually as busy as it can get"}
# Function to generate capacity line on bar plot
capacity_intercept <- function(capacity){
c1 <- capacity * .25
c2 <- capacity * .5
c3 <- capacity * .75
cut <- c(c1, c2, c3, capacity)
# Function to make bar plot
make_plot <- function(dat, time_now, building_select, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max){
building_select_cap <- subset(hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max, hits_per_wap_semester_by_building_max$Building == building_select)
cap_line <- capacity_intercept(building_select_cap$capacity)
ggplot(dat, aes(x=factor(Hour), y=users, fill=(Hour==time_now))) +
geom_bar(stat="identity") +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("skyblue3","mediumvioletred")) +
geom_vline(xintercept = as.integer(time_now)+1, linetype = "dotted") +
geom_hline(yintercept = cap_line, linetype = "dotted") +
scale_x_discrete(labels= Time_AMPM) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = cap_line, labels = c("25%", "50%", "75%", "100%")) +
ylab("Building Capacity") +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank(),
plot.background = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
icon <- awesomeIcons(icon = 'ios-close', iconColor="black", library='ion', markerColor="green")