Explanation of Consistent Data Naming version 1
All data sets are reordered such that meta data is capitalized and at the front of the data frame and numeric data is at the end. Additionally, the order and names of elemental compound in PIXL/LIBS and minerals in Lithology/Sherloc have been made to match.
There is both meta data and feature data included in LIBS, since their are no other data sets that use match the targets and thus no point in separating it out.
Meta data:
- Target: Character, name of location the LIBS was taken.
- Point: Factor, intergers 1 through 28. The supercam is a semi-grid (28 dots, or "points", in rows of 6,5,6,5,6), and so for each target there are 28 "points" taken.
- Sol: Numeric, integers > 0. The Mars day (since start of mission) that the rover took the LIBS point was taken.
- Lat: Numeric. Part of the location data. Where the rover was when the LIBS point was taken.
- Lon: Numeric. Part of the location data. Where the rover was when the LIBS point was taken.
- Type: Character. What is it a scan of? (Earth calibration, Sample, other?)
- Earth_Sample: Binary, indicating whether the target is an earth sample (1) or not an earth sample (0).
Feature data (numeric) is the same as PIXL, concentration of elemental compounds, though without a few of the elemental compounds PIXL includes.
Main change made to the LIBS data set is that the elemental compounds originally had "o" (lowercase letter o) to represent "Oxygen" has been changed to "O" (uppercase letter O).
Libs Earth References
Same exact columns as the normal LIBS data frame, but only the "scct" targets. That is, only the earth references. Note that none of these earth references are in the normal LIBS data frame.
Sample data
Sample data is the data for the, currently 16, samples. There are four data frames for this.
Sample Meta
A data frame containing all the meta data for the samples. This can be appended to Pixl, Lithology, or Sherloc based on "Sample".
Sample: Integer, 1 through 24. The sample #, 1 through 16. Note that this sample number does not match the sample numbers in the analyst notebook and initial reports, because they also count witness blank (control) samples in their count (ex: our "16" is their "18" because they have two witness blank samples before it).
Name: Character, unique. Just what they decided to refer to the sample as. Also used in analyst notebook and initial reports.
Sol: Numeric, integers > 0. The Mars day (since start of mission) that the sample was taken
Lat: Numeric. Part of the location data. Where the sample was taken.
Lon: Numeric. Part of the location data. Where the smaple was taken.
Abrasion: Factor, some duplication. This is the name they give to the bit of rock they abraided, used to indicate when two samples came from the same spot.
Campaign: Factor, "Crater Floor" or "Delta Front". This indicates whether the sample location was in the crater floor or at the delta front.
Type: Factor, "Sedimentary" or "Igneous" (one case of "Atmospheric"). This indicates the type of rock the sample is.
SampleType: Factor, "rock core" or "regolith" (one case of "atmospheric"). This indicates whether the sample was rock obtained from drilling ("rock core"), rock that was loose on the ground ("regolith"), or just air ("atmoshperic").
Starts with the sample number. Following is all numeric elemental compound concentrations.
One change made to the PIXL data set is that the elemental compounds originally had "0" (zero) to represent "Oxygen" has been changed to "O" (uppercase letter O).
Starts with the sample number. Following columns are all factor data (binary 0 or 1) representing the presence or absence of minerals.
Main change to Lithology data set was the renaming and ordering of the minerals to match the sherloc data set.
Starts with the sample number. Following columns are all factor data representing the certainty in the presence of minerals. This is discrete data though, with the only options being "0" (No detection), "0.25" (Possible but not confirmed), "0.5" (Almost certain, working on confirming), "0.75" (?), and "1" (confirmed).
Main change made to the SHERLOC data set is that in v1 it has already been converted into the same data frame format as the other data sets.
LIBS to PIXL data set
Lists the LIBS targets/points and then the closest PIXL sample as well as some data relevant to each, and the distance between them.