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function [] = variable_hclust(dirstring, labels, c, Xc, pc, beh_type)
% This function performs Ward Hierarchical cluastering on the data
% and takes as paramters:
% dirstring: string indicating the directory
% labels: in the order that they are in the dataset
% c: clock to help save out this figure's unique string
% Xc: the cleaned predictor variable matrix for the population
% pc: the (numeric) IDs for each person
% beh_type: the type of behavior (AGG, SIB, or BOTH)
% Figure setup - 1/3 of screen size
screen_size = get(0, 'Screensize');
screen_size(4) = screen_size(4) / 3;
FigH = figure('Position', screen_size);
e1 = load(strcat(dirstring,'/',beh_type,'people2.mat'));
e1 = e1.eligible_people;
e2 = load(strcat(dirstring,'/',beh_type,'people2_highacc.mat'));
e2 = e2.high_accs;
% Run the clustering for only the high-accuracy individuals
data = Xc(ismember(pc,e1),:);%(e2)),:);
% Z-score this subpopulation
X0 = zscore(data);
% Get linkage matrix and plot dendrogram
Z = linkage(X0','ward');
[H, p, outperm] = dendrogram(Z,0);
% Set axis labels and parameters
ax = gca;
ax.XAxis.TickLength = [0 0];
ax.FontSize= 12;
title(strcat(" Ward Variable Hierarchical Clustering of data,", ...
" >80% BCR for ",beh_type))
set(gca,'TickLabelInterpreter', 'none');
% Set the x labels to the permutation from the clustering
% Save out figure
fig = 0;
set( findall(fig, '-property', 'fontname'), 'fontname',...
'Palatino Linotype')
saveas(FigH, strcat(dirstring,'/',beh_type,c,'_hclust.png'),'png');