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tejerr committed Jun 14, 2022
1 parent b8bcc39 commit dd6cdc51b9bb6b0804901b1bb9b3cc5a8a5a8cd4
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Showing 5 changed files with 213 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@

use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use strict ;

#print @ARGV ;

my $rdc="";

my $total ;
my $i ;
my $outD ;
my $pdbf ;

my $pdb = $ARGV[0] ;
my $total = $ARGV[1] ;
$pdb =~ s/\.pdb// ;

open(S,">$pdb.script") ;
print(S "load pdb $pdb.pdb\n");
print(S "to xplor\n");
print(S "split $pdb\n");
print(S "quit\n");
system("/opt/software/bin/pdbstat -s < $pdb.script > $pdb.script.out");
system("rm *Axis*");
my $id ;

my $Da_HN ;
my $Q ;
my $Rhomb ;
my $RMS ;
my $t1 ;
my $t2 ;

print(OU " Da_HN Rhomb Q RMS \n");
print(OU " ======= ====== ====== ===== \n");
for ($i = 1; $i <= $total; $i++ ) {
if ( $i < 10 ) {
$id = "0$i" ;
} else {
$id = "$i" ;
$pdbf = $pdb . "_" . $i . ".pdb" ;
$outD = $pdb . "_" . $id . "_" . $rdc . "_out" ;
system("/Users/tejerr/bin/DC -pdb $pdbf -inD $rdc -outD $outD") ;
while ( <F> ) {
next if $_ !~ /DATA Q_FAC|DATA Da_HN|DATA Rhomb|DATA RMS/ ;
($t1,$t2,$RMS) = split(' ',$_) if ( $_ =~ /RMS/ );
($t1,$t2,$Q) = split(' ',$_) if ( $_ =~ /Q_FACT/ );
($t1,$t2,$Da_HN) = split(' ',$_) if ( $_ =~ /Da_HN/ );
($t1,$t2,$Rhomb) = split(' ',$_) if ( $_ =~ /Rhomb/ );
print(OU " $Da_HN $Rhomb $Q $RMS \n") ;
exit ;
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@

use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use strict ;

my $inD = $ARGV[0] ;
my @family = ();

open(F,"<$inD") ;
while ( <F> ) {
next if ($_ =~ /^\s*$/);
next if ($_ =~ /Media/) ;
s/\[|\]//g ;
my @spl = split(' ', $_);
push(@family, [$spl[12],$spl[6], $spl[7]]);
my $i = 0;
foreach my $l (@family) {
$i++ ;
print(" @$l " );
#foreach (@$l) {
# print(" $_") ;

exit ;
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@

use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use strict ;

my $outD = $ARGV[0] ;

my $Da_HN ;
my $Q ;
my $Rhomb ;
my $RMS ;
my $t1 ;
my $t2 ;

print(OU " Da_HN Rhomb Q RMS \n");
print(OU " ======= ====== ====== ===== \n");
while ( <F> ) {
next if $_ !~ /DATA Q_FAC|DATA Da_HN|DATA Rhomb|DATA RMS/ ;
($t1,$t2,$RMS) = split(' ',$_) if ( $_ =~ /RMS/ );
($t1,$t2,$Q) = split(' ',$_) if ( $_ =~ /Q_FACT/ );
($t1,$t2,$Da_HN) = split(' ',$_) if ( $_ =~ /Da_HN/ );
($t1,$t2,$Rhomb) = split(' ',$_) if ( $_ =~ /Rhomb/ );
print(OU " $Da_HN $Rhomb $Q $RMS \n") ;
exit ;
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@

use strict;

my $rpf = $ARGV[0] ;
my @recall_s ;
my @precision_s ;
my @fmeasure_s ;
my @dp_s ;
my $i = 0 ;

my $recsum = 0 ;
my $precsum = 0 ;
my $fmsum = 0 ;
my $dpsum = 0 ;

# extract and write out RPF scores
if (open(SF, "<$rpf")) {
my ($recall_n, $precision_n, $f_measure_n, $dp_score_n) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
while (my $line_s = <SF>) {
next if $line_s !~ (/input query structures:/ || /DP-Score:/);
if ($line_s =~ /Final Recall-score for input query structures:\s*(\S+)/) {
$recall_n = sprintf "%.3f", $1;
push(@recall_s, $recall_n);
} elsif ($line_s =~ /Final Precision-score for input query structures:\s*(\S*)/) {
$precision_n = sprintf "%.3f", $1;
push(@precision_s, $precision_n);
} elsif ($line_s =~ /F-score of input query structures:\s*(\S+)/) {
$f_measure_n = $1;
push(@fmeasure_s, $f_measure_n);
} elsif ($line_s =~ /DP-Score:\s*(\S+)/) {
$dp_score_n = sprintf "%.3f", $1;
push(@dp_s, $dp_score_n);
# print "Recall: $recall_n, Precision: $precision_n, F-measure: $f_measure_n, DP-Score: $dp_score_n \n" ;
#print " Recall Precision F-measure DP-Score \n" ;
print " R P F DP \n" ;
foreach (@dp_s) {
printf " %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f \n", $recall_s[$i], $precision_s[$i], $fmeasure_s[$i], $dp_s[$i] ;
$i++ ;

exit ;

@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@

use strict;

my $rpf = $ARGV[0] ;
my @recall_s ;
my @precision_s ;
my @fmeasure_s ;
my @dp_s ;
my $i = 0 ;

my $recsum = 0 ;
my $precsum = 0 ;
my $fmsum = 0 ;
my $dpsum = 0 ;

# extract and write out RPF scores
if (open(SF, "<$rpf")) {
my ($recall_n, $precision_n, $f_measure_n, $dp_score_n) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
while (my $line_s = <SF>) {
next if $line_s !~ (/input query structures:/ || /DP-Score:/);
if ($line_s =~ /Final Recall-score for input query structures:\s*(\S+)/) {
$recall_n = sprintf "%.3f", $1;
push(@recall_s, $recall_n);
} elsif ($line_s =~ /Final Precision-score for input query structures:\s*(\S*)/) {
$precision_n = sprintf "%.3f", $1;
push(@precision_s, $precision_n);
} elsif ($line_s =~ /F-score of input query structures:\s*(\S+)/) {
$f_measure_n = $1;
push(@fmeasure_s, $f_measure_n);
} elsif ($line_s =~ /DP-Score:\s*(\S+)/) {
$dp_score_n = sprintf "%.3f", $1;
push(@dp_s, $dp_score_n);
# print "Recall: $recall_n, Precision: $precision_n, F-measure: $f_measure_n, DP-Score: $dp_score_n \n" ;
print " Recall Precision F-measure DP-Score \n" ;
foreach (@dp_s) {
print " $recall_s[$i] $precision_s[$i] $fmeasure_s[$i] $dp_s[$i] \n" ;
$i++ ;

exit ;

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