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114 lines (92 sloc) 4.31 KB
import pandas as pd
import os
from util import *
from Bio.PDB import PDBList, PDBParser, PPBuilder
print("Reading data from CSPRANK.csv")
csv_file_path = '/home/tiburon/Desktop/ROT4/CSP_Rank/CSPRANK.csv'
data = pd.read_csv(csv_file_path)
NMR_holo_structure_dir = '/home/tiburon/Desktop/ROT4/CSP_Rank/NMR_holo_structure_files/'
print(f"Creating directory {NMR_holo_structure_dir} if it does not exist")
if not(exists(NMR_holo_structure_dir)):
os.system('mkdir ' + NMR_holo_structure_dir)
print("Processing holo_pdb IDs")
for i, pdb_id in enumerate(data['holo_pdb']):
print(f"Downloading PDB file for holo PDB ID {pdb_id}")
get_pdb_file(pdb_id, output_dir=NMR_holo_structure_dir)
old_file_path = f'{NMR_holo_structure_dir}{pdb_id}.pdb'
print("Listing files in NMR_holo_structure_dir")
files = [f for f in os.listdir(NMR_holo_structure_dir)]
NMR_holo_pdb_split_dir = './NMR_holo_pdb_split_files/'
print(f"Creating directory {NMR_holo_pdb_split_dir} if it does not exist")
if not os.path.exists(NMR_holo_pdb_split_dir):
new_files = []
print("Expanding PDB files")
for file in files:
basename = os.path.basename(file)
stri = f"python3 {NMR_holo_structure_dir}{file} {NMR_holo_pdb_split_dir}"
new_files = [NMR_holo_pdb_split_dir + f for f in os.listdir(NMR_holo_pdb_split_dir) if f.endswith('.pdb')]
outdirect = NMR_holo_pdb_split_dir
print(f"Creating directory {outdirect} if it does not exist")
if not(exists(outdirect)):
os.system('mkdir ' + outdirect)
def renumber_pdb_residues(input_pdb, output_pdb):
Renumber residues for all chains in a PDB file so that each chain starts at residue 1
and increments sequentially.
input_pdb : str
Path to the input PDB file.
output_pdb : str
Path to the output PDB file.
# Data structures to keep track of renumbering
current_chain = None
current_res_label = None # A tuple (chain, old_resnum, iCode)
chain_res_map = {} # Maps (chain, old_resnum, iCode) to new resnum
chain_current_res_count = {}
with open(input_pdb, 'r') as infile, open(output_pdb, 'w') as outfile:
for line in infile:
record_type = line[0:6].strip()
# We will focus on ATOM/HETATM lines for renumbering
if record_type in ('ATOM', 'HETATM'):
chain_id = line[21].strip() # Chain identifier
old_resnum = line[22:26].strip() # Original residue number
iCode = line[26].strip() # Insertion code if present
# Check if chain changed or first time seeing this chain
if chain_id not in chain_current_res_count:
chain_current_res_count[chain_id] = 0
# Create a residue label tuple
res_label = (chain_id, old_resnum, iCode)
# If we encounter a new residue within the chain, increment the count
if res_label not in chain_res_map:
chain_current_res_count[chain_id] += 1
chain_res_map[res_label] = chain_current_res_count[chain_id]
# Get the new residue number
new_resnum = chain_res_map[res_label]
# Construct the new line with updated residue number
# Residue number occupies columns 23–26 in PDB format (1-based indexing)
# We must ensure correct formatting: right-justified in a width of 4
new_line = line[:22] + f"{new_resnum:>4}" + line[26:]
# Non-ATOM/HETATM lines are written unchanged
for file in tqdm(new_files):
new_file = file[:file.rfind('.')] + '_renumbered.pdb'
renumber_pdb_residues(file, new_file)
os.system('mv ' + new_file + ' ' + file)
if continue_prompt():
strings = []
for i, inf in tqdm(enumerate(listdir(outdirect))):
string = ""
string += 'load coo pdb ' + outdirect + inf + '\n'
string += 'to iupac\n'
string += 'write coo pdb ' + outdirect + inf + "\n"
with open('cmd.txt', 'w') as outf:
os.system('pdbstat -s < cmd.txt')