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418 lines (346 sloc) 17.5 KB
CSP_Rank_Scores <- './CSP_Rank_Scores/'
experimental_structures <- paste0(PDB_FILES, 'experimental_structures/')
computational_structures <- paste0(PDB_FILES, 'computational_structures/')
CS_Lists <- './CS_Lists/'
CS_Predictions <- './CS_Predictions/'
get_matrix <- function(pdb_id, chain) {
dir_path <- paste0(PDB_FILES, pdb_id, "_aligned")
path_to_pdb_files <- dir_path#paste0("./", pdb_id, "_aligned")
alt_dir_path <- dir_path
path_to_alt_pdb_files <- alt_dir_path#paste0("./", pdb_id, "_alt_aligned")
pdb_files <- list.files(path = dir_path, pattern = "\\.pdb$")
alt_pdb_files <- list.files(path = alt_dir_path, pattern = "\\.pdb$")
csp_data <- read.csv(paste0(CSP_Rank_Scores, 'CSP_', tolower(pdb_id), "_CSpred.csv"))
chain_a_xyz <- list()
for (file in pdb_files) {
rows <- filter(csp_data, holo_model_path == file.path(path_to_pdb_files, file))
row <- rows[1, ]
if (!$F1)) {
pdb <- read.pdb(file.path(dir_path, file))
chain_to_analyze <- pdb
if (chain == 'A') {
chain_to_analyze <- trim.pdb(pdb, chain = "A")
} else if ( chain == 'B' ) {
chain_to_analyze <- trim.pdb(pdb, chain = "B")
chain_a_xyz[[file]] <- chain_to_analyze$xyz
len_AFS <- length(chain_a_xyz)
for (file in alt_pdb_files) {
rows <- filter(csp_data, holo_model_path == file.path(path_to_alt_pdb_files, file))
row <- rows[1, ]
if (!$F1)) {
pdb <- read.pdb(file.path(alt_dir_path, file))
chain_to_analyze <- pdb
if (chain == 'A') {
chain_to_analyze <- trim.pdb(pdb, chain = "A")
} else if ( chain == 'B' ) {
chain_to_analyze <- trim.pdb(pdb, chain = "B")
chain_a_xyz[[file]] <- chain_to_analyze$xyz
if (len_AFS == length(chain_a_xyz)) {
print("DID YOU RUN")
special_pdb_file <- paste0('comp_', tolower(pdb_id), ".pdb")
special_pdb_file_dir <- paste0(PDB_FILES, 'computational_structures/')
pdb <- read.pdb(file.path(special_pdb_file_dir, special_pdb_file))
chain_to_analyze <- pdb
if (chain == 'A') {
chain_to_analyze <- trim.pdb(pdb, chain = "A")
} else if ( chain == 'B' ) {
chain_to_analyze <- trim.pdb(pdb, chain = "B")
chain_a_xyz[[special_pdb_file]] <- chain_to_analyze$xyz
special_pdb_file <- paste0('exp_', tolower(pdb_id), ".pdb")
special_pdb_file_dir <- paste0(PDB_FILES, 'experimental_structures/')
pdb <- read.pdb(file.path(special_pdb_file_dir, special_pdb_file))
chain_to_analyze <- pdb
if (chain == 'A') {
chain_to_analyze <- trim.pdb(pdb, chain = "A")
} else if ( chain == 'B' ) {
chain_to_analyze <- trim.pdb(pdb, chain = "B")
chain_a_xyz[[special_pdb_file]] <- chain_to_analyze$xyz
pdb_files <- list.files(path = paste0(special_pdb_file_dir, tolower(pdb_id), '/'), pattern = "\\.pdb$")
for (file in pdb_files) {
pdb <- read.pdb(file.path(paste0(special_pdb_file_dir, tolower(pdb_id), '/'), file))
chain_to_analyze <- pdb
if (chain == 'A') {
chain_to_analyze <- trim.pdb(pdb, chain = "A")
} else if ( chain == 'B' ) {
chain_to_analyze <- trim.pdb(pdb, chain = "B")
chain_a_xyz[[file]] <- chain_to_analyze$xyz
read_consensus_data <- function(pdb_id, pdb_files_names) {
# Remove entries from pdb_files_names containing the substring 'exp'
#pdb_files_names <- pdb_files_names[!grepl('exp', pdb_files_names)]
#pdb_files_names <- pdb_files_names[!grepl('comp', pdb_files_names)]
csv_path <- paste0(CSP_Rank_Scores,"CSP_", tolower(pdb_id), "_CSpred.csv")
csp_data <- read.csv(csv_path)
# Filter out rows without a value in 'Confidence'
#if (TRUE){
# csp_data <- csp_data[!$Confidence) & csp_data$Confidence != 0, ]
# }
# Extract the basename of holo_model_path for comparison
csp_data$basename_holo_model_path <- basename(csp_data$holo_model_path)
# Filter and ensure the order matches pdb_files_names
filtered_data <- csp_data %>%
filter(basename_holo_model_path %in% pdb_files_names)# %>%
#filter(!grepl('exp', basename_holo_model_path))
filtered_data <- filtered_data[match(pdb_files_names, filtered_data$basename_holo_model_path), ]
consensus_values <- filtered_data$consensus
filtered_data2 <- na.omit(filtered_data)
if (TRUE){
#consensus_values <- 2 * filtered_data$consensus * filtered_data$DP / (filtered_data$consensus + filtered_data$DP)
#consensus_values <- filtered_data$consensus * (filtered_data$DP - min(filtered_data2$DP)) / (max(filtered_data2$DP) - min(filtered_data2$DP))
consensus_values <- filtered_data$consensus * (filtered_data$RPF_RECALL - min(filtered_data2$RPF_RECALL)) / (max(filtered_data2$RPF_RECALL) - min(filtered_data2$RPF_RECALL))
#consensus_values <- filtered_data$DP
if (FALSE){
consensus_values <- filtered_data$consensus * (1 - filtered_data$Q_score)
confidence_values <- filtered_data$Confidence
plddt_values <- filtered_data$plddt
special_cases <- ifelse(grepl(paste0("exp_", tolower(pdb_id)), filtered_data$holo_model_path), "green",
ifelse(grepl(paste0("comp_", tolower(pdb_id)), filtered_data$holo_model_path), "cyan",
ifelse(grepl('v3_', filtered_data$holo_model_path) & grepl('dropout', filtered_data$holo_model_path), 'blue',
ifelse(grepl('v2_', filtered_data$holo_model_path) & grepl('dropout', filtered_data$holo_model_path), 'pink',
ifelse(grepl('dropout', filtered_data$holo_model_path), 'red',
ifelse(grepl('v2_', filtered_data$holo_model_path), "purple",
ifelse(grepl('notemplate', filtered_data$holo_model_path), "orange",
ifelse(grepl('multimer', filtered_data$holo_model_path), "yellow", "NA"))))))))
return(list(consensus = consensus_values, plddt = plddt_values, Confidence = confidence_values, special_cases = special_cases, basename_holo_model_path = filtered_data$basename_holo_model_path))
determine_optimal_clusters <- function(data, max_clusters = 20) {
wss <- sapply(1:max_clusters, function(k) {
kmeans(data, k, nstart = 10)$tot.withinss
elbow_plot <- qplot(1:max_clusters, wss, geom = "line") +
geom_point() +
ggtitle("Elbow Method for Optimal Clusters") +
xlab("Number of Clusters") +
ylab("Total Within-Cluster Sum of Squares")
silhouette_scores <- sapply(2:max_clusters, function(k) {
km <- kmeans(data, centers = k, nstart = 10)
ss <- silhouette(km$cluster, dist(data))
mean(ss[, 3])
silhouette_plot <- qplot(2:max_clusters, silhouette_scores, geom = "line") +
geom_point() +
ggtitle("Silhouette Method for Optimal Clusters") +
xlab("Number of Clusters") +
ylab("Average Silhouette Score")
optimal_clusters <- which.max(silhouette_scores) + 1
return(list(optimal_clusters = optimal_clusters,
elbow_plot = elbow_plot,
silhouette_plot = silhouette_plot))
plot_dimensional_reduction <- function(tsne_data, consensus_data, pdb_id, chain) {
# Remove rows in tsne_data where pdb_file contains the substring "exp"
#tsne_data <- tsne_data[!grepl('exp', tsne_data$pdb_file), ]
#tsne_data <- tsne_data[!grepl('comp', tsne_data$pdb_file), ]
special_cases <- consensus_data$special_cases
consensus_df <- data.frame(consensus_data)
print(consensus_df[consensus_df$special_cases == "cyan", ])
print(consensus_df[consensus_df$special_cases == "green", ])
consensus_values <- consensus_df$consensus
negative_consensus_indices <- which(consensus_values <= 0)
consensus_df <- consensus_df[-negative_consensus_indices, ]
consensus_values <- consensus_df$consensus
consensus_values <- ifelse(
consensus_data$special_cases == "green",
consensus_values <- ifelse(
consensus_data$special_cases == "cyan",
negative_consensus_indices <- which(consensus_values <= 0)
consensus_data$bayesian_values <- as.numeric(ifelse($Confidence) | consensus_data$Confidence == "", -1, consensus_data$consensus * consensus_data$Confidence))
consensus_data$bayesian_values <- ifelse(grepl('comp', consensus_data$basename_holo_model_path), 0, consensus_data$bayesian_values)
# Define the mapping for special cases
special_cases_mapping1 <- c("AFSample v2.2" = "purple", "AFAlt" = "orange", "AFSample v2.1" = "yellow", "AFSample2 v2.3" = "blue", "AFSample2 v2.1" = "pink", "AFSample2 v1" = "red", "NA" = "gray", "NMR Model" = "green", "AF2 Baseline" = "cyan")
special_cases_mapping2 <- c("purple" = "AFSample v2.2", "orange" = "AFAlt", "yellow" = "AFSample v2.1", "blue" = "AFSample2 v2.3", "pink" = "AFSample2 v2.1", "red" = "AFSample2 v1", "gray" = "NA", "green" = "NMR Model", "cyan"= "AF2 Baseline")
special_cases <- factor(special_cases, levels = names(special_cases_mapping2))
levels(special_cases) <- names(special_cases_mapping1)
# Assign colors to tsne_data$Special based on special_cases_mapping
tsne_data$Special <- special_cases
# Set consensus values for color mapping
tsne_data$Color <- consensus_values
if (FALSE){
tsne_data$Color <- consensus_data$bayesian_values
# t-SNE Plot 1: Clusters
tsne_plot_clusters <- ggplot(tsne_data, aes(x = TSNE1, y = TSNE2, color = Cluster, text = pdb_file)) +
geom_point() +
#ggtitle(paste("t-SNE Plot for PDB ID=", pdb_id)) +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
tsne_plotly_clusters <- ggplotly(tsne_plot_clusters, tooltip = "text")
# t-SNE Plot 2: Heatmap of consensus values
# tsne_data$Color <- ifelse(tsne_data$Color == -1, "green", tsne_data$Color)
# tsne_plot_heatmap <- ggplot(tsne_data, aes(x = TSNE1, y = TSNE2, color = Color, text = paste0("PDB File:", pdb_file, "\nCSPRank:", Color))) +
# geom_point() +
# scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red", name = "Posterior") +
# ggtitle(paste("Posteriors for ", pdb_id)) +
# theme_minimal()
tsne_plot_heatmap <- ggplot(tsne_data, aes(x = TSNE1, y = TSNE2, text = pdb_file)) +
# 1) Points where Color != -1 -> color by numeric Posterior
data = subset(tsne_data, Color > 0),
aes(color = as.numeric(Color)),
size = 2
) +
# 2) Points where Color == -1 -> use a special shape
data = subset(tsne_data, Color == -1),
aes(shape = "NMR models"), # map them to a discrete shape
color = "green", # color them green
size = 3
) +
# 3) Points where Color == -1 -> use a special shape
data = subset(tsne_data, Color == 0),
aes(shape = "AF2 model"), # map them to a discrete shape
color = "cyan", # color them green
size = 3
) +
# Set up shape legend for discrete “NMR models”
values = c("NMR models" = 19), # pick any shape code you like
name = "Model Type" # legend title for shape
) +
# Set up shape legend for discrete “NMR models”
values = c("AF2 model" = 19), # pick any shape code you like
name = "Model Type" # legend title for shape
) +
# Set up color gradient for numeric Posterior
scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red", name = "Posterior") +
ggtitle(paste("Posteriors for", pdb_id)) +
#tsne_plot_heatmap +
# guides(
# shape = guide_legend(title = NULL)#, # no title for shape legend
# #color = guide_colorbar(title = "Posterior")
# )
tsne_plotly_heatmap <- ggplotly(tsne_plot_heatmap, tooltip = "text")
# t-SNE Plot 3: Special cases
tsne_plot_special <- ggplot(tsne_data, aes(x = TSNE1, y = TSNE2, color = Special, text = pdb_file)) +
geom_point() +
scale_color_manual(values = special_cases_mapping1, name = "Model Source") +
ggtitle(paste("t-SNE for ", pdb_id)) +
tsne_plotly_special <- ggplotly(tsne_plot_special, tooltip = "text")
# Save static t-SNE plots
ggsave(filename = paste0(CLUSTERING_RESULTS, pdb_id, '_aligned_CSPRED', chain, '_tSNE_clusters_plot.png'), plot = tsne_plot_clusters)
ggsave(filename = paste0(CLUSTERING_RESULTS, pdb_id, '_aligned_CSPRED', chain, '_tSNE_heatmap_plot.png'), plot = tsne_plot_heatmap)
ggsave(filename = paste0(CLUSTERING_RESULTS, pdb_id, '_aligned_CSPRED', chain, '_tSNE_special_plot.png'), plot = tsne_plot_special)
return(list(tsne_plotly_clusters = tsne_plotly_clusters, tsne_plotly_heatmap = tsne_plotly_heatmap,
tsne_plotly_special = tsne_plotly_special))
plot_cluster_CSPRank_boxplot <- function(tsne_data, consensus_data, pdb_id, chain) {
# Match tsne_data$pdb_file to consensus_data$basename_holo_model_path
matched_data <- merge(tsne_data, consensus_data, by.x = "pdb_file", by.y = "basename_holo_model_path")
# Create the boxplot using ggplot2
#tsne_cluster_CSPRank_boxplot <- ggplot(matched_data, aes(x = as.factor(Cluster), y = bayesian_values, fill = as.factor(Cluster))) +
tsne_cluster_CSPRank_boxplot <- ggplot(matched_data, aes(x = as.factor(Cluster), y = consensus, fill = as.factor(Cluster))) +
geom_boxplot() +
labs(x = "Cluster", y = "metric", title = paste("t-SNE Cluster CSP Bayesian model selection metric")) +
theme_minimal() +
scale_fill_discrete(name = "Cluster")
# Save the t-SNE plot
ggsave(filename = paste0(CLUSTERING_RESULTS, pdb_id, '_', chain, '_tsne_boxplot.png'), plot = tsne_cluster_CSPRank_boxplot)
return(list(tsne_cluster_CSPRank_boxplot = tsne_cluster_CSPRank_boxplot))
# Function to read the output CSV file and trim the data
trim_data <- function(csv_file_path, xyz_matrix, pdb_files_names) {
# Read the CSV file
result_data <- read.csv(csv_file_path)
# Extract the pdb_file names from the result_data
remaining_pdb_files <- result_data$pdb_file # Assuming 'pdb_file' is the column in the CSV with the pdb file names
# Create a logical vector indicating which pdb_files_names are in the remaining_pdb_files
keep_indices <- pdb_files_names %in% remaining_pdb_files
# Trim the xyz_matrix and pdb_files_names using the logical vector
trimmed_xyz_matrix <- xyz_matrix[keep_indices, ]
trimmed_pdb_files_names <- pdb_files_names[keep_indices]
return(list(trimmed_xyz_matrix = trimmed_xyz_matrix, trimmed_pdb_files_names = trimmed_pdb_files_names))
perform_analysis <- function(pdb_id, chain, max_clusters = 10) {
chain_a_xyz <- get_matrix(pdb_id, chain)
xyz_matrix <-, chain_a_xyz)
# Identify unique rows and their indices
unique_indices <- !duplicated(xyz_matrix)
xyz_matrix <- xyz_matrix[unique_indices, ]
# Create a data frame for PCA results
pdb_files_names <- names(chain_a_xyz)[unique_indices]
# trim pdb_files_names and xyz_matrix to points which are not outliers in PCA space
#if (TRUE) {
if (FALSE) {
trimmed_pca_csv_file <- paste0(CLUSTERING_RESULTS, pdb_id, '_aligned_CSPRED', chain, '_PCA_chain_', chain, '_data_trimmed.csv')
results <- trim_data(trimmed_pca_csv_file, xyz_matrix, pdb_files_names)
pdb_files_names <- results$trimmed_pdb_files_names
xyz_matrix <- results$trimmed_xyz_matrix
# t-SNE Analysis
tsne_result <- Rtsne(xyz_matrix, dims = 2, perplexity = 100, verbose = TRUE, max_iter = 3000, partial_pca = TRUE)
tsne_data <- data.frame(pdb_file = pdb_files_names, TSNE1 = tsne_result$Y[, 1], TSNE2 = tsne_result$Y[, 2])
# Determine optimal clusters for t-SNE results
tsne_clusters_info <- determine_optimal_clusters(tsne_data[, c("TSNE1", "TSNE2")], max_clusters)
optimal_tsne_clusters <- tsne_clusters_info$optimal_clusters
optimal_tsne_clusters <- 20
print(paste("Optimal number of clusters for t-SNE:", optimal_tsne_clusters))
tsne_clusters <- kmeans(tsne_data[, c("TSNE1", "TSNE2")], centers = optimal_tsne_clusters)$cluster
tsne_data$Cluster <- factor(tsne_clusters)
# Save t-SNE cluster plots
ggsave(filename = paste0(CLUSTERING_RESULTS, pdb_id, '_aligned_CSPRED', chain, '_tSNE_Elbow_plot.png'), plot = tsne_clusters_info$elbow_plot)
ggsave(filename = paste0(CLUSTERING_RESULTS, pdb_id, '_aligned_CSPRED', chain, '_tSNE_Silhouette_plot.png'), plot = tsne_clusters_info$silhouette_plot)
# Write t-SNE results to CSV
write.csv(tsne_data, paste0(CLUSTERING_RESULTS, pdb_id, '_aligned_CSPRED', chain, '_TSNE_chain_', chain, '_data.csv'), row.names = FALSE)
# Read consensus data
consensus_data <- read_consensus_data(pdb_id, pdb_files_names)
# Plot the results
plots <- plot_dimensional_reduction(tsne_data, consensus_data, pdb_id, chain)
# Print interactive plots to display in R
max_clusters = 10
chain <- 'B'
pdb_id <- '7JYN'
perform_analysis(pdb_id, chain)