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from typing import List
from dataclasses import dataclass
import random
class DamageRoll:
num_dice: int
dice_sides: int
modifier: int = 0
def roll(self, is_critical: bool = False) -> tuple[int, list[int]]:
# On a critical hit, roll dice twice but only add modifier once
num_rolls = self.num_dice * (2 if is_critical else 1)
dice_results = [random.randint(1, self.dice_sides) for _ in range(num_rolls)]
return sum(dice_results) + self.modifier, dice_results
class DamageType:
SLASHING = "slashing"
PIERCING = "piercing"
BLUDGEONING = "bludgeoning"
FIRE = "fire"
COLD = "cold"
LIGHTNING = "lightning"
THUNDER = "thunder"
POISON = "poison"
class Effect:
def __init__(self, name: str, duration: int = None): = name
self.duration = duration
def apply_to_damage(self, damage: int, weapon: 'Weapon', is_critical: bool = False) -> tuple[int, str, list[int]]:
return damage, None, []
def apply_to_attack(self, bonus: int, weapon: 'Weapon') -> int:
return bonus
class Rage(Effect):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__("Rage", duration=10) # 10 rounds
self.rage_damage = 2 # This could scale with barbarian level
def apply_to_damage(self, damage: int, weapon: 'Weapon', is_critical: bool = False) -> tuple[int, str, list[int]]:
if weapon.is_strength_based:
return damage + self.rage_damage, weapon.damage_type, []
return damage, weapon.damage_type, []
def apply_to_attack(self, bonus: int, weapon: 'Weapon') -> int:
if weapon.is_strength_based:
return bonus + 2 # Advantage handled separately
return bonus
def start_rage(self):
if not self.is_raging():
self.has_advantage_on_strength_checks = True
self.has_advantage_on_strength_saves = True
def end_rage(self):
self.has_advantage_on_strength_checks = False
self.has_advantage_on_strength_saves = False
def get_ability_check_status(self, ability: str = None) -> str:
"""Determine if ability checks should have advantage, disadvantage, or neither"""
if ability and ability.lower() == "strength" and self.is_raging():
if self.has_disadvantage_on_ability_checks:
return 'n' # Advantage and disadvantage cancel out
return 'a'
if self.has_advantage_on_ability_checks and self.has_disadvantage_on_ability_checks:
return 'n' # They cancel out
elif self.has_advantage_on_ability_checks:
return 'a'
elif self.has_disadvantage_on_ability_checks:
return 'd'
return 'n'
def get_saving_throw_status(self, ability: str) -> tuple[str, bool]:
"""Determine saving throw status and if it should auto-fail
Returns (advantage_status, auto_fail)"""
auto_fail = False
advantage_status = 'n'
if ability.lower() == "strength":
if self.auto_fail_strength_saves:
auto_fail = True
elif self.has_advantage_on_strength_saves:
advantage_status = 'a'
elif ability.lower() == "dexterity":
if self.auto_fail_dexterity_saves:
auto_fail = True
elif self.has_advantage_on_dex_saves and self.has_disadvantage_on_dex_saves:
advantage_status = 'n'
elif self.has_advantage_on_dex_saves:
advantage_status = 'a'
elif self.has_disadvantage_on_dex_saves:
advantage_status = 'd'
return advantage_status, auto_fail
class ElementalWeaponEffect(Effect):
def __init__(self, element_type: str):
super().__init__(f"Elemental Weapon: {element_type}", duration=10)
self.element_type = element_type
self.elemental_damage = DamageRoll(1, 6) # 1d6 elemental damage
def apply_to_damage(self, damage: int, weapon: 'Weapon', is_critical: bool = False) -> tuple[int, str, list[int]]:
# Pass the is_critical flag to roll() so dice get doubled on crit
damage, dice_rolls = self.elemental_damage.roll(is_critical)
return damage, self.element_type, dice_rolls
class Weapon:
def __init__(self, name: str, damage_roll: DamageRoll, attack_bonus: int,
damage_type: str = DamageType.SLASHING, is_strength_based: bool = True): = name
self.damage_roll = damage_roll
self.attack_bonus = attack_bonus
self.damage_type = damage_type
self.is_strength_based = is_strength_based
self.effects: List[Effect] = []
def add_effect(self, effect: Effect):
def remove_effect(self, effect_name: str):
self.effects = [e for e in self.effects if != effect_name]
def roll_attack(self, advantage_status: str = 'n', character: 'Character' = None) -> tuple[int, list[int], bool]:
roll1 = random.randint(1, 20)
roll2 = random.randint(1, 20) if advantage_status in ['a', 'd'] else None
# Calculate base attack bonus including effects
bonus = self.attack_bonus
if character:
for effect in character.active_effects + self.effects:
bonus = effect.apply_to_attack(bonus, self)
# Determine final roll and check for critical
if advantage_status == 'a':
base_roll = max(roll1, roll2)
print(f"Attack rolls: {roll1} and {roll2}, using {base_roll} (advantage)")
elif advantage_status == 'd':
base_roll = min(roll1, roll2)
print(f"Attack rolls: {roll1} and {roll2}, using {base_roll} (disadvantage)")
base_roll = roll1
print(f"Attack roll: {base_roll}")
print(f"Adding {bonus} to hit")
is_critical = base_roll == 20
attack_roll = base_roll + bonus
return attack_roll, [roll1, roll2] if roll2 else [roll1], is_critical
def roll_damage(self, character: 'Character' = None, is_critical: bool = False) -> tuple[int, dict[str, tuple[int, list[int]]]]:
# Initialize damage breakdown with both total and individual rolls
base_damage, base_rolls = self.damage_roll.roll(is_critical)
modifier = self.damage_roll.modifier
print(f"\n{} damage:")
print(f"Rolled {base_rolls} + {modifier} {self.damage_type}")
# Calculate total base damage (sum of rolls + modifier)
total_base = sum(base_rolls) + modifier
damage_breakdown = {self.damage_type: (total_base, base_rolls)}
# Apply effects from both character and weapon
if character:
all_effects = character.active_effects + self.effects
for effect in all_effects:
additional_damage, damage_type, dice_rolls = effect.apply_to_damage(0, self, is_critical)
if additional_damage > 0 and damage_type:
if dice_rolls: # Only print if there were actual dice rolled
print(f"Effect {}: Rolled {dice_rolls} {damage_type}")
if damage_type == self.damage_type:
# Add to existing damage of same type
current_damage, current_rolls = damage_breakdown[damage_type]
damage_breakdown[damage_type] = (current_damage + additional_damage, current_rolls)
# New damage type
damage_breakdown[damage_type] = (additional_damage, dice_rolls)
# Print damage totals by type
print("\nDamage Totals:")
for damage_type, (damage, _) in damage_breakdown.items():
print(f"{damage_type}: {damage}")
print(f"Total damage: {sum(damage[0] for damage in damage_breakdown.values())}")
return sum(damage[0] for damage in damage_breakdown.values()), damage_breakdown
class Character:
def __init__(self, name: str): = name
self.weapons: List[Weapon] = []
self.active_effects: List[Effect] = []
self.attacks_per_turn = 2
self.raging_bonus = 2
# Base stats
self.proficiency_bonus = 3 # Assumes level 5-8
# Ability score modifiers
self.strength_mod = 4 # 19 Strength
self.dexterity_mod = 2 # 14 Dexterity
self.constitution_mod = 3 # 16 Constitution
self.intelligence_mod = -1 # 8 Intelligence
self.wisdom_mod = 0 # 10 Wisdom
self.charisma_mod = 0 # 10 Charisma
# Saving throw proficiencies (True if proficient)
self.saving_throws = {
"strength": True, # Barbarian is proficient in Str saves
"dexterity": False,
"constitution": True, # Barbarian is proficient in Con saves
"intelligence": False,
"wisdom": False,
"charisma": False
# Saving throw advantages
self.saving_throw_advantages = {
"strength": False,
"dexterity": True, # Your character has advantage on Dex saves
"constitution": False,
"intelligence": False,
"wisdom": False,
"charisma": False
# Skill proficiencies (True if proficient)
self.skill_proficiencies = {
# Strength skills
"athletics": True,
# Dexterity skills
"acrobatics": False,
"sleight_of_hand": False,
"stealth": True,
# Intelligence skills
"arcana": False,
"history": False,
"investigation": False,
"nature": False,
"religion": False,
# Wisdom skills
"animal_handling": False,
"insight": False,
"medicine": False,
"perception": False,
"survival": False,
# Charisma skills
"deception": True,
"intimidation": True,
"performance": False,
"persuasion": False
# Map skills to their ability scores
self.skill_abilities = {
# Strength skills
"athletics": "strength",
# Dexterity skills
"acrobatics": "dexterity",
"sleight_of_hand": "dexterity",
"stealth": "dexterity",
# Intelligence skills
"arcana": "intelligence",
"history": "intelligence",
"investigation": "intelligence",
"nature": "intelligence",
"religion": "intelligence",
# Wisdom skills
"animal_handling": "wisdom",
"insight": "wisdom",
"medicine": "wisdom",
"perception": "wisdom",
"survival": "wisdom",
# Charisma skills
"deception": "charisma",
"intimidation": "charisma",
"performance": "charisma",
"persuasion": "charisma"
# Status effect tracking
self.status_effects = set()
self.has_advantage_on_attacks = False
self.has_disadvantage_on_attacks = False
self.has_advantage_on_ability_checks = False
self.has_disadvantage_on_ability_checks = False
self.auto_fail_strength_saves = False
self.auto_fail_dexterity_saves = False
self.has_advantage_on_dex_saves = False
self.has_disadvantage_on_dex_saves = False
self.ac_bonus = 0
self.speed_multiplier = 1
def get_saving_throw_bonus(self, ability: str) -> int:
"""Calculate saving throw bonus for a given ability"""
ability_map = {
"strength": self.strength_mod,
"dexterity": self.dexterity_mod,
"constitution": self.constitution_mod,
"intelligence": self.intelligence_mod,
"wisdom": self.wisdom_mod,
"charisma": self.charisma_mod
base_bonus = ability_map.get(ability.lower(), 0)
if self.saving_throws.get(ability.lower(), False):
base_bonus += self.proficiency_bonus
return base_bonus
def roll_saving_throw(self, ability: str) -> tuple[int, int, bool]:
"""Roll a saving throw for the given ability
Returns (total, roll, proficient)"""
roll = random.randint(1, 20)
bonus = self.get_saving_throw_bonus(ability)
is_proficient = self.saving_throws.get(ability.lower(), False)
return roll + bonus, roll, is_proficient
def add_weapon(self, weapon: Weapon):
def get_weapon(self, weapon_name: str) -> Weapon:
for weapon in self.weapons:
if == weapon_name.lower():
return weapon
raise ValueError(f"No weapon named {weapon_name} found")
def add_effect(self, effect: Effect):
def remove_effect(self, effect_name: str):
self.active_effects = [e for e in self.active_effects if != effect_name]
def is_raging(self) -> bool:
return any(isinstance(effect, Rage) for effect in self.active_effects)
def start_rage(self):
if not self.is_raging():
def end_rage(self):
def add_elemental_effect(self, weapon_name: str, element_type: str):
weapon = self.get_weapon(weapon_name)
# Remove any existing elemental effects
weapon.effects = [e for e in weapon.effects if not isinstance(e, ElementalWeaponEffect)]
# Add new elemental effect
print(f"Added {element_type} damage to {weapon_name}")
def add_rage_elemental_effect(self, weapon_name: str, element_type: str):
"""Add elemental damage to a weapon while raging. Only one weapon can have elemental damage."""
if not self.is_raging():
print("Must be raging to add elemental damage!")
# Remove any existing elemental effects from all weapons
for weapon in self.weapons:
weapon.effects = [e for e in weapon.effects if not isinstance(e, ElementalWeaponEffect)]
# Add new elemental effect to specified weapon
weapon = self.get_weapon(weapon_name)
print(f"Added {element_type} damage to {weapon_name}")
def handle_rage_options(self):
"""Handle rage-related options including elemental damage"""
rage_status = input("Are you raging? (y/n): ").lower()
if rage_status == 'y':
# Ask about elemental damage
elemental = input("Add elemental damage? (y/n): ").lower()
if elemental == 'y':
print("\nAvailable elements:")
print("1. Fire")
print("2. Cold")
print("3. Lightning")
print("4. Thunder")
element_choice = input("Choose element (1-4): ")
element_map = {
"1": DamageType.FIRE,
"2": DamageType.COLD,
"3": DamageType.LIGHTNING,
"4": DamageType.THUNDER
if element_choice in element_map:
# Get the active weapon (most recently added)
if self.weapons:
self.add_rage_elemental_effect(self.weapons[-1].name, element_map[element_choice])
def get_skill_bonus(self, skill: str) -> int:
"""Calculate bonus for a skill check"""
if skill not in self.skill_abilities:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown skill: {skill}")
ability = self.skill_abilities[skill]
ability_mod = getattr(self, f"{ability}_mod")
if self.skill_proficiencies.get(skill, False):
return ability_mod + self.proficiency_bonus
return ability_mod
def roll_skill_check(self, skill: str, advantage_status: str = 'n') -> tuple[int, int, bool]:
"""Roll a skill check
Returns (total, roll, proficient)"""
roll1 = random.randint(1, 20)
roll2 = None
if advantage_status in ['a', 'd']:
roll2 = random.randint(1, 20)
base_roll = max(roll1, roll2) if advantage_status == 'a' else min(roll1, roll2)
base_roll = roll1
bonus = self.get_skill_bonus(skill)
is_proficient = self.skill_proficiencies.get(skill, False)
return base_roll + bonus, base_roll, is_proficient
def add_status(self, status: str) -> None:
"""Add a status effect and its corresponding modifiers"""
if status == "blinded":
self.has_disadvantage_on_attacks = True
elif status == "invisible":
self.has_advantage_on_attacks = True
elif status == "paralyzed":
self.auto_fail_strength_saves = True
self.auto_fail_dexterity_saves = True
elif status == "petrified":
self.auto_fail_strength_saves = True
self.auto_fail_dexterity_saves = True
elif status == "poisoned":
self.has_disadvantage_on_attacks = True
self.has_disadvantage_on_ability_checks = True
elif status == "prone":
self.has_disadvantage_on_attacks = True
elif status == "restrained":
self.has_disadvantage_on_attacks = True
self.has_disadvantage_on_dex_saves = True
elif status == "stunned":
self.auto_fail_strength_saves = True
self.auto_fail_dexterity_saves = True
elif status == "unconscious":
self.auto_fail_strength_saves = True
self.auto_fail_dexterity_saves = True
elif status == "hasted":
self.ac_bonus += 2
self.has_advantage_on_dex_saves = True
self.speed_multiplier = 2
elif status == "lethargic":
self.cannot_take_actions = True
self.cannot_move = True
def remove_status(self, status: str) -> None:
"""Remove a status effect and its corresponding modifiers"""
if status in self.status_effects:
if status == "blinded":
self.has_disadvantage_on_attacks = False
elif status == "invisible":
self.has_advantage_on_attacks = False
elif status == "paralyzed":
self.auto_fail_strength_saves = False
self.auto_fail_dexterity_saves = False
elif status == "petrified":
self.auto_fail_strength_saves = False
self.auto_fail_dexterity_saves = False
elif status == "poisoned":
self.has_disadvantage_on_attacks = False
self.has_disadvantage_on_ability_checks = False
elif status == "prone":
self.has_disadvantage_on_attacks = False
elif status == "restrained":
self.has_disadvantage_on_attacks = False
self.has_disadvantage_on_dex_saves = False
elif status == "stunned":
self.auto_fail_strength_saves = False
self.auto_fail_dexterity_saves = False
elif status == "unconscious":
self.auto_fail_strength_saves = False
self.auto_fail_dexterity_saves = False
elif status == "hasted":
self.ac_bonus -= 2
self.has_advantage_on_dex_saves = False
self.speed_multiplier = 1
elif status == "lethargic":
self.cannot_take_actions = False
self.cannot_move = False
def get_attack_roll_status(self) -> str:
"""Determine if attack rolls should have advantage, disadvantage, or neither"""
if self.has_advantage_on_attacks and self.has_disadvantage_on_attacks:
return 'n' # They cancel out
elif self.has_advantage_on_attacks:
return 'a'
elif self.has_disadvantage_on_attacks:
return 'd'
return 'n'
def get_ability_check_status(self, ability: str = None) -> str:
"""Determine if ability checks should have advantage, disadvantage, or neither"""
if ability and ability.lower() == "strength" and self.is_raging():
if self.has_disadvantage_on_ability_checks:
return 'n' # Advantage and disadvantage cancel out
return 'a'
if self.has_advantage_on_ability_checks and self.has_disadvantage_on_ability_checks:
return 'n' # They cancel out
elif self.has_advantage_on_ability_checks:
return 'a'
elif self.has_disadvantage_on_ability_checks:
return 'd'
return 'n'
def get_saving_throw_status(self, ability: str) -> tuple[str, bool]:
"""Determine saving throw status and if it should auto-fail
Returns (advantage_status, auto_fail)"""
auto_fail = False
advantage_status = 'n'
if ability.lower() == "dexterity":
if self.auto_fail_dexterity_saves:
auto_fail = True
elif self.has_advantage_on_dex_saves and self.has_disadvantage_on_dex_saves:
advantage_status = 'n'
elif self.has_advantage_on_dex_saves:
advantage_status = 'a'
elif self.has_disadvantage_on_dex_saves:
advantage_status = 'd'
elif ability.lower() == "strength" and self.auto_fail_strength_saves:
auto_fail = True
return advantage_status, auto_fail
def get_current_ac(self) -> int:
"""Get current AC including status effect modifiers"""
base_ac = 10 + self.dexterity_mod # Modify this based on your AC calculation
return base_ac + self.ac_bonus