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#use helper functions (DPandEO) to calculate the values of DP and EO for - GENDER
```{r, eval=FALSE}
# Read the file with machine learning and GPT outcomes.
#MLresult <- readRDS("~/LLM_Fairness_Fall_2023/StudentNotebooks/Assignment07/german_MLresult.rds")
#print(MLresult) #wG&A1c
# calculate DP and EO for lda
df_lda <- get_subgroup_measures(MLresult$actualResult,
MLresult$LDA_result, german_800$Gender)
DP_lda <- demographic_parity_difference(df_lda)
EO_lda <- equalized_odds_difference(df_lda)
# calculate DP and EO for xgboost
df_xgboost <- get_subgroup_measures(MLresult$actualResult,
MLresult$XGBoost_result, german_800$Gender)
DP_xgboost <- demographic_parity_difference(df_xgboost)
EO_xgboost <- equalized_odds_difference(df_xgboost)
# calculate DP and EO for logistic regression
df_lr <- get_subgroup_measures(MLresult$actualResult,
MLresult$LR_result, german_800$Gender)
DP_lr <- demographic_parity_difference(df_lr)
EO_lr <- equalized_odds_difference(df_lr)
# calculate DP and EO for naive bayes
df_nb <- get_subgroup_measures(MLresult$actualResult,
MLresult$NB_result, german_800$Gender)
DP_nb <- demographic_parity_difference(df_nb)
EO_nb <- equalized_odds_difference(df_nb)
# calculate DP and EO for gpt model
df_gpt <- get_subgroup_measures(MLresult$actualResult,
german_800$predictResult, german_800$Gender)
DP_gpt <- demographic_parity_difference(df_gpt)
EO_gpt <- equalized_odds_difference(df_gpt)
DPEO_df_german <- data.frame(LDA = c(DP_lda, EO_lda),
row.names = c('Demographic Parity Difference (DP)',
'Equalized Odds (EO)'))
DPEO_df_nhanes$XGboost <- c(DP_xgboost, EO_xgboost)
DPEO_df_nhanes$lr <- c(DP_lr, EO_lr)
#DPEO_df_nhanes$rf <- c(DP_rf, EO_rf)
DPEO_df_nhanes$nb <- c(DP_nb, EO_nb)
DPEO_df_nhanes$gpt <- c(DP_gpt, EO_gpt)
saveRDS(DPEO_df_nhanes, "~/LLM_Fairness_Fall_2023/StudentNotebooks/Assignment07/DPEO_df_nhanes_Gender.rds")