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title: "DAR F24 Assignment 3 Notebook Template"
author: "Student Name"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
toc: yes
toc: yes
subtitle: "DAR Project Name: Mars"
* Use this notebook is a template for your assignment 03 notebook
* Use the sections starting with **BiWeekly Work Summary** as your outline for your submitted notebook.
* Summarize ALL of your work in this notebook; **if you don't show and/or link to your work here, it doesn't exist for us!**
1. Create a new copy of this notebook in the `Assignment03` sub-directory of your team's github repository using the following naming convention
* `rcsid_assignmentX.Rmd` and `rcsid_assignmentX.pdf`
* For example, `bennek_assignment03.Rmd`
2. Document **all** the work you did on your assigned project this week **using the outline below.**
3. You MUST include figures and/or tables to illustrate your work. *Screen shots are okay*, but include something!
4. You MUST include links to other important resources (knitted HTMl files, Shiny apps). See the guide below for help.
5. Commit the source (`.Rmd`) and knitted (`.html`) versions of your notebook and push to github
6. **Submit a pull request.** Please notify Dr. Erickson if you don't see your notebook merged within one day.
See the Grading Rubric for guidance on how the contents of this notebook will be graded on LMS or GradeScope.
For the rest of the class, each student will work on different research questions or aspects of the project with as individuals or small subgroups. You can propose ideas, show results, and get guideance from instructor and clients at the twice weekly breakout sessions. This notebook is documentation of whatever you are workinging. Makes sure to coordinate with your teammates to ensure you are working on different aspects of the project.
To get you thinking, here are some of the research questions that have been proposed for the Mars project so far.
![Dr. Roger's Mars Question on 9-4-24](../../Resources/MarsQuestions2024-09-04.png)
These are Dr. Bennett's Mars questions from Day 1 lecture plus so more
1) Whatever Dr. Roger’s wants.
2) develop new analyses/visualizations with an emphasis on integrative analysis of the different types of data (e.g. PIXL, SHERLOC, SuperCam/LIBS, and Lithology)
3) Incorporate these analysis into improved Campfire demo
4) Develop standalone "2D" app incorporating Campfire and enhanced analysis/visualization capabilities.
5) Understand LIBS and develop an insightful standalone Libs analysis.
6) Develop a deeper understanding of each dataset by looking at NASA sources and published papers. Our we missing data? Are we correctly integrating data? How does LIBS data correspond to samples?
Please put valuable resources (like websites and papers) on github Dr. Bennett has started this process by creating a wiki on DAR-MARS-F24 with short description and links to resources. Files (like letures are in DAR-Mars-F24/Resources. You can add more to the wiki and add files to the the Resources directory on github. You can edit the wiki too.
## BiWeekly Work Summary
**NOTE:** Follow an outline format; use bullets to express individual points.
* RCS ID: **Always** include this!
* Project Name: **Always** include this!
* Summary of work since last week
* Describe the important aspects of what you worked on and accomplished
* Summary of github commits
* include branch name(s)
* include browsable links to all external files on github
* Include links to shared Shiny apps
* List of presentations, papers, or other outputs
* Include browsable links
* List of references (if necessary)
* Indicate any use of group shared code base
* Indicate which parts of your described work were done by you or as part of joint efforts
* **Required:** Provide illustrating figures and/or tables
## Personal Contribution
* Clearly defined, unique contribution(s) done by you: code, ideas, writing...
* Include github issues you've addressed if any
## Analysis: Question 1 (Provide short name)
### Question being asked
_Provide in natural language a statement of what question you're trying to answer_
### Data Preparation
_Provide in natural language a description of the data you are using for this analysis_
_Include a step-by-step description of how you prepare your data for analysis_
_If you're re-using dataframes prepared in another section, simply re-state what data you're using_
```{r, result01_data}
# Include all data processing code (if necessary), clearly commented
### Analysis: Methods and results
_Describe in natural language a statement of the analysis you're trying to do_
_Provide clearly commented analysis code; include code for tables and figures!_
```{r, result01_analysis}
# Include all analysis code, clearly commented
# If not possible, screen shots are acceptable.
# If your contributions included things that are not done in an R-notebook,
# (e.g. researching, writing, and coding in Python), you still need to do
# this status notebook in R. Describe what you did here and put any products
# that you created in github. If you are writing online documents (e.g. overleaf
# or google docs), you can include links to the documents in this notebook
# instead of actual text.
### Discussion of results
_Provide in natural language a clear discussion of your observations._
## Analysis: Question 2 (Provide short name)
### Question being asked
_Provide in natural language a statement of what question you're trying to answer_
### Data Preparation
_Provide in natural language a description of the data you are using for this analysis_
_Include a step-by-step description of how you prepare your data for analysis_
_If you're re-using dataframes prepared in another section, simply re-state what data you're using_
```{r, result02_data}
# Include all data processing code (if necessary), clearly commented
### Analysis: Methods and Results
_Describe in natural language a statement of the analysis you're trying to do_
_Provide clearly commented analysis code; include code for tables and figures!_
```{r, result02_analysis}
# Include all analysis code, clearly commented
# If not possible, screen shots are acceptable.
# If your contributions included things that are not done in an R-notebook,
# (e.g. researching, writing, and coding in Python), you still need to do
# this status notebook in R. Describe what you did here and put any products
# that you created in github (documents, jupytor notebooks, etc). If you are writing online documents (e.g. overleaf
# or google docs), you can include links to the documents in this notebook
# instead of actual text.
### Discussion of results
_Provide in natural language a clear discussion of your observations._
## Analysis: Question 3 (Provide short name)
### Question being asked
_Provide in natural language a statement of what question you're trying to answer_
### Data Preparation
_Provide in natural language a description of the data you are using for this analysis_
_Include a step-by-step description of how you prepare your data for analysis_
_If you're re-using dataframes prepared in another section, re-state what data you're using_
```{r, result03_data}
# Include all data processing code (if necessary), clearly commented
### Analysis methods used
_Describe in natural language a statement of the analysis you're trying to do_
_Provide clearly commented analysis code; include code for tables and figures!_
```{r, result03_analysis}
# Include all analysis code, clearly commented
# If not possible, screen shots are acceptable.
# If your contributions included things that are not done in an R-notebook,
# (e.g. researching, writing, and coding in Python), you still need to do
# this status notebook in R. Describe what you did here and put any products
# that you created in github. If you are writing online documents (e.g. overleaf
# or google docs), you can include links to the documents in this notebook
# instead of actual text.
### Discussion of results
_Provide in natural language a clear discussion of your observations._
## Summary and next steps
_Provide in natural language a clear summary and your proposed next steps._