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Dataset Description

Roberts, Dona edited this page Dec 15, 2024 · 90 revisions

For the Perseverance mission, we have two sources of data:

  1. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)
  2. Physical samples taken from the ground (Samples)

In addition to the data received from Perseverance, we have a dataset linking the LIBS data to the Sample data and we have a dataset detailing features of the various Minerals involved in the Sample data.

The following four sections will go into the details of the datasets involved in these groups. To see the process of creating these datasets look at v1_consistent_data_namind.Rmd. To see where the data came from and discussion on how to update or edit these data sets look at section 3 of roberd10_final.Rmd.


The LIBS data comes from Perseverance's SuperCam laser, which it points at rock and scans for the concentration of elemental compounds.

Of the LIBS data, we have two types.

  • LIBS scans of Mars rock
  • LIBS scans of Earth rock taken to Mars to be used for calibration (scct)

LIBS Scans

This is the LIBS scans of rock actually on mark, you can find this dataset on GitHub here v1_libs.Rds.

The v1_libs.Rds dataset consists of the following columns:

Col name: Data type: Levels: What:
Target Character Name of location the LIBS was pointed at
Point Factor 1 - 28 For each target, there are up to 28 "points"
Sol Numeric Int > 0 The Mars day (since start of mission) that the rover took the LIBS point
Lat Numeric Latitude of the rover when the LIBS point was taken
Lon Numeric Longitude of the rover when the LIBS point was taken
Type Character What is it a scan of? (Sample, AEGIS, other?)
Cluster Factor 1 - 4 What cluster the LIBS point is in in our most common clustering method
SiO2 Numeric Concentration of Silicon dioxide at target point
SiO2_stdev Numeric Standard deviation of concentration of Silicon dioxide
TiO2 Numeric Concentration of Titanium dioxide at target point
TiO2_stdev Numeric Standard deviation of concentration of Titanium dioxide
Al2O3 Numeric Concentration of Aluminum trioxide at target point
Al2O3_stdev Numeric Standard deviation of concentration of Aluminum trioxide
FeOT Numeric Concentration of Iron oxides at target point
FeOT_stdev Numeric Standard deviation of concentration of Iron oxides
MgO Numeric Concentration of Magnesium oxide at target point
MgO_stdev Numeric Standard deviation of concentration of Magnesium oxide
CaO Numeric Concentration of Calcium oxide at target point
CaO_stdev Numeric Standard deviation of concentration of Calcium oxide
Na2O Numeric Concentration of Sodium oxide at target point
Na2O_stdev Numeric Standard deviation of concentration of Sodium oxide
K2O Numeric Concentration of Potassium oxide at target point
K2O_stdev Numeric Standard deviation of concentration of Potassium oxide
Total Numeric The sum of concentrations of elemental compounds
distance_mm Numeric
Tot.Em. Numeric

The elemental compound concentration data for LIBS is the also in the Sample PIXL data, though LIBS lacks a few of the elemental compounds that PIXL gives concentrations for. This enables comparison of these particular elemental compounds between the SuperCam scans and the physical samples.

LIBS Earth References

The SuperCam also took scans of Earth rock that the rover carried with it. These scans had "scct" in their target name and have been separated out of the v1_libs.Rds dataset into their own data set called v1_libs_earth_references.Rds.

The v1_libs_earth_references.Rds dataset consists of the same data as v1_libs.Rds with the exception of the "Cluster" column:

Col name: Data type: Levels: What:
Target Character Name of location the LIBS was pointed at
Point Factor 1 - 28 For each target, there are up to 28 "points"
Sol Numeric Int > 0 The Mars day (since start of mission) that the rover took the LIBS point
Lat Numeric Latitude of the rover when the LIBS point was taken
Lon Numeric Longitude of the rover when the LIBS point was taken
Type Character What is it a scan of? (Sample, AEGIS, other?)
SiO2 Numeric Concentration of Silicon dioxide at target point
SiO2_stdev Numeric Standard deviation of concentration of Silicon dioxide
TiO2 Numeric Concentration of Titanium dioxide at target point
TiO2_stdev Numeric Standard deviation of concentration of Titanium dioxide
Al2O3 Numeric Concentration of Aluminum trioxide at target point
Al2O3_stdev Numeric Standard deviation of concentration of Aluminum trioxide
FeOT Numeric Concentration of Iron oxides at target point
FeOT_stdev Numeric Standard deviation of concentration of Iron oxides
MgO Numeric Concentration of Magnesium oxide at target point
MgO_stdev Numeric Standard deviation of concentration of Magnesium oxide
CaO Numeric Concentration of Calcium oxide at target point
CaO_stdev Numeric Standard deviation of concentration of Calcium oxide
Na2O Numeric Concentration of Sodium oxide at target point
Na2O_stdev Numeric Standard deviation of concentration of Sodium oxide
K2O Numeric Concentration of Potassium oxide at target point
K2O_stdev Numeric Standard deviation of concentration of Potassium oxide
Total Numeric The sum of concentrations of elemental compounds
distance_mm Numeric
Tot.Em. Numeric

Sample data

The Sample data is all of the data that comes from the physical samples Perseverance collects from the surface of Mars.

The Sample data is split into four datasets, though only the first three are actually used in the Mars Mission Minder.

  1. Meta Data
    • All the meta data related to the physical samples
  2. PIXL data
    • All the elemental compound concentration data related to the physical samples
  3. SHERLOC data
    • All the data relating to mineral presence at the physical samples
  4. Lithology data
    • Not used, since it is the binary representation of SHERLOC data. Proof of this can be found in section 5 of roberd10_final.Rmd.

Meta Data

v1_sample_meta.Rds is the data set containing all of the meta data relating to the physical samples. It can be connected to PIXL, Lithology, or SHERLOC data based on "Sample" number.

v1_sample_meta.Rds consists of the following data:

Col name: Data Type: Levels: What:
Sample Integer 1 - 24 Note that this sample number does not match the sample numbers in the analyst notebook and initial reports
Name Character Unique name given to each sample
Sol Numeric Int > 0 The Mars day (since the start of mission) that the sample was taken
Lat Numeric Where the sample was taken
Lon Numeric Where the sample was taken
Abrasion Factor The name of the bit of rock they abraided
Campaign Factor "Crater Floor" or "Delta Front" Indicates whether the sample location was in the crater floor or at the delta front
Type Factor "Sedimentary", "Igneous", or "Atmospheric" Indicates the type of rock the sample is.
SampleType Factor "rock core", "regolith", or "atmospheric" Indicates how the sample was obtained


v1_pixl.Rds is the dataset containing the elemental compound concentration data for all the physical samples collected by Perseverance. This dataset can be linked to all the other Sample data sets based on the "Sample" number.

v1_pixl.Rds contains the following data:

Col name: Data type: Levels: What:
Sample Integer 1 - 24 Note that this sample number does not match the sample numbers in the analyst notebook and initial reports
SiO2 Numeric Concentration of Silicon dioxide in sample
TiO2 Numeric Concentration of Titanium dioxide in sample
Al2O3 Numeric Concentration of Aluminum trioxide in sample
FeOT Numeric Concentration of Iron oxides in sample
MgO Numeric Concentration of Magnesium oxide in sample
CaO Numeric Concentration of Calcium oxide in sample
Na2O Numeric Concentration of Sodium oxide in sample
K2O Numeric Concentration of Potassium oxide in sample
P2O5 Numeric Concentration of Phosphorus pentoxide in sample
SO3 Numeric Concentration of Sulfur trioxide in sample
Cl Numeric Concentration of Chlorine in sample
Cr2O3 Numeric Concentration of Chromium oxide in sample
MnO Numeric Concentration of Manganese oxide in sample



Starts with the sample number. Following columns are all factor data representing the certainty in the presence of minerals. This is discrete data though, with the only options being "0" (No detection), "0.25" (Possible but not confirmed), "0.5" (Almost certain, working on confirming), "0.75" (?), and "1" (confirmed).

Col name: Data type: Levels:
Sample Integer 1 - 24
Plagioclase Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Sulfate Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Ca-sulfate Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Hydrated Ca-sulfate Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Mg-sulfate Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Hydrated Sulfates Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Hydrated Mg-Fe sulfate Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Perchlorates Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Na-perchlorate Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Amorphous Silicate Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Phosphate Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Pyroxene Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Olivine Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Carbonate Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Fe-Mg carbonate Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Hydrated Carbonates Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Disordered Silicates Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Feldspar Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Quartz Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Apatite Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
FeTi oxides Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Halite Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Iron oxide Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Hydrated Iron oxide Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Organic matter Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Sulfate+Organic matter Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Other hydrated phases Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Phyllosilicates Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Chlorite Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Kaolinite (hydrous Al-clay) Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Chromite Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Ilmenite Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Zircon/Baddeleyite Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Fe-Mg-clay minerals Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1
Spinels Factor 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1



Starts with the sample number. Following columns are all factor data (binary 0 or 1) representing the presence or absence of minerals.

Col name: Data type: Levels:
Sample Integer 1 - 24
Plagioclase Factor 0 or 1
Sulfate Factor 0 or 1
Ca-sulfate Factor 0 or 1
Hydrated Ca-sulfate Factor 0 or 1
Mg-sulfate Factor 0 or 1
Hydrated Sulfates Factor 0 or 1
Hydrated Mg-Fe sulfate Factor 0 or 1
Perchlorates Factor 0 or 1
Na-perchlorate Factor 0 or 1
Amorphous Silicate Factor 0 or 1
Phosphate Factor 0 or 1
Pyroxene Factor 0 or 1
Olivine Factor 0 or 1
Carbonate Factor 0 or 1
Fe-Mg carbonate Factor 0 or 1
Hydrated Carbonates Factor 0 or 1
Disordered Silicates Factor 0 or 1
Feldspar Factor 0 or 1
Quartz Factor 0 or 1
Apatite Factor 0 or 1
FeTi oxides Factor 0 or 1
Halite Factor 0 or 1
Iron oxide Factor 0 or 1
Hydrated Iron oxide Factor 0 or 1
Organic matter Factor 0 or 1
Sulfate+Organic matter Factor 0 or 1
Other hydrated phases Factor 0 or 1
Phyllosilicates Factor 0 or 1
Chlorite Factor 0 or 1
Kaolinite (hydrous Al-clay) Factor 0 or 1
Chromite Factor 0 or 1
Ilmenite Factor 0 or 1
Zircon/Baddeleyite Factor 0 or 1
Fe-Mg-clay minerals Factor 0 or 1
Spinels Factor 0 or 1

LIBS to PIXL distances


Col name: Data type: Levels: What:
Target.libs Character Name of location the LIBS was taken
Point.libs Factor 1 - 28
Sol.libs Numeric Int > 0 The Mars day (since start of mission) that the rover took the LIBS point was taken
Lat.libs Numeric Where the rover was when the LIBS point was taken
Lon.libs Numeric Where the rover was when the LIBS point was taken
Distance Numeric > 0 How far the nearest sample is from this LIBS scan
Abrasion.pixl Factor The name of the nearest abrasion to this LIBS scan
Campaign.pixl Factor "Crater Floor" or "Delta Front" Campaign of the nearest abrasion to this LIBS scan
Lat.pixl Numeric Where the nearest abrasion is
Lon.pixl Numeric Where the nearest abrasion is
SiO2.libs Numeric
TiO2.libs Numeric
Al2O3.libs Numeric
FeOT.libs Numeric
MgO.libs Numeric
CaO.libs Numeric
Na2O.libs Numeric
K2O.libs Numeric

Mineral types


Col name: Data type: Levels: What:
Mineral Character List of minerals from SHERLOC
common_mineral Character What type of mineral is it? (Sulfate, Carbonate, Quartz, etc.)
aqueous Numeric 0 or 1 Binary true (1) or false (0)
formula Character The chemical formula for the mineral