Database Management
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A benefit to using MongoDB is a product called MongoDB Compass. This is a tool designed by them which allows for the remote viewing and modification of a database. In this section, we will cover how to set up this tool for usage.
Step 1: Download MongoDB Compass
To start, we first need to download MongoDB Compass. The link to download it can be found here.
Once downloaded, setup, and opened the application should look as follows:
Step 2: Define the updated URI
Currently the URI shown in the middle of the screen is configured for a local database. However since our database is remote we need to modify this URI. Therefore we change it to:
We now can hit connect and should be brought to a screen that looks as follows:
Step 3: Accessing Data
On the left pane, we can see several databases listed. One of these is main-db
which is where the engine will push data. We can expand this pane and see all of the different collections listed. After selecting one it will bring up all the data stored within it and your screen should look similar to this:
Please note that auth-collection
is used by the engine to validate the connection to the database is active, please ignore it and do not modify it.