Installation and Running
Flynn, Conor edited this page Dec 4, 2022
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To install the DeFi-Data-Engine, you need to meet the following requirements:
- Installed and setup Java SE17 or later
- Installed and setup MongoDB
- Downloaded the two .jar executables found here
Meet the recommended minimum resources:
- 16gb RAM or more
- 4 core CPU or more
- Storage equivalent to the amount of data to be used
Once setup, you can follow the general steps below to run the program. We will also go over an in-depth example for Linux (Centos7) however these steps can be applied to any OS.
General Steps:
- Open two terminals (can be completed in 1 however it is easier in two).
- Navigate to the folder containing the two downloaded .jar files.
- Start the DeFi-Data-Engine.jar file using the following command:
java -jar DeFi-Data-Engine.jar
- You should see the following two lines (note the timestamps are arbitrary). These show that the engine is waiting for the REST API connection.
[2022-12-04 14:40:53.628349081] [Thread-0 ] PACKET - [COR -> ENG] [STRT] [{}]
[2022-12-04 14:40:53.629936024] [Thread-0 ] PACKET - [ENG -> OUT] [STRT] [{}]
- Start the rest-connection-4.3.3.jar using the following command:
java -jar rest-connection-4.3.3.jar
- The REST API should now show a generic spring bootup sequence. The engine should now print the following lines signifying the setup is complete:
[2022-12-04 14:41:38.623249482] [Thread-0 ] INFO - [Successfully connected to reserved socket. Key <rest-key-reserved>]
[2022-12-04 14:41:38.628060474] [Thread-0 ] RESPONSE - [200] [Successful Response.] []
[2022-12-04 14:41:38.628340861] [Thread-0 ] PACKET - [ENG -> LSH] [INIT] [{source=mongo_db}]
[2022-12-04 14:41:39.027234662] [Thread-0 ] RESPONSE - [200] [Successful Response.] []
[2022-12-04 14:41:39.027519057] [Thread-0 ] RESPONSE - [200] [Successful Response.] []
- Now disown the instances however your OS permits it.
- The engine is now successfully running and can be accessed as intended.