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from character import Character
def print_skill_info(character: Character):
"""Print all skill bonuses for the character"""
print("\nSkill Bonuses:")
# Group skills by ability
ability_groups = {
"Strength": ["athletics"],
"Dexterity": ["acrobatics", "sleight_of_hand", "stealth"],
"Intelligence": ["arcana", "history", "investigation", "nature", "religion"],
"Wisdom": ["animal_handling", "insight", "medicine", "perception", "survival"],
"Charisma": ["deception", "intimidation", "performance", "persuasion"]
for ability, skills in ability_groups.items():
print(f"\n{ability} Skills:")
for skill in skills:
bonus = character.get_skill_bonus(skill)
prof = "✓" if character.skill_proficiencies[skill] else " "
print(f"{skill.replace('_', ' ').capitalize():15} {prof} : {bonus:+2d}")
def roll_skill_check(character: Character, skill: str, advantage_status: str = 'n') -> None:
"""Roll a skill check with advantage/disadvantage"""
# Get ability for this skill
ability = character.skill_abilities[skill]
# Get rolls
total, base_roll, is_proficient = character.roll_skill_check(skill, advantage_status)
# Show roll details
if advantage_status == 'a':
roll2 = character.roll_skill_check(skill)[1] # Get another base roll
print(f"Rolling with advantage: {base_roll} and {roll2}, using {max(base_roll, roll2)}")
elif advantage_status == 'd':
roll2 = character.roll_skill_check(skill)[1]
print(f"Rolling with disadvantage: {base_roll} and {roll2}, using {min(base_roll, roll2)}")
print(f"Rolling: {base_roll}")
# Show modifier breakdown
ability_mod = getattr(character, f"{ability}_mod")
prof_bonus = character.proficiency_bonus if is_proficient else 0
print(f"Adding: {ability_mod:+d} {ability} modifier {prof_bonus:+d} proficiency bonus")
print(f"Final {skill.replace('_', ' ').capitalize()} check: {total}")
def main():
character = Character("Your Character")
while True:
print("\nAvailable commands:")
print("1. Show skill bonuses")
print("2. Roll a skill check")
print("3. Exit")
choice = input("\nEnter choice (1-3): ")
if choice == "1":
elif choice == "2":
print("\nChoose skill:")
skills = list(character.skill_abilities.keys())
for i, skill in enumerate(skills, 1):
print(f"{i}. {skill.replace('_', ' ').capitalize()}")
skill_choice = input(f"\nChoose skill (1-{len(skills)}): ")
skill_idx = int(skill_choice) - 1
if 0 <= skill_idx < len(skills):
skill = skills[skill_idx]
advantage = input("Roll with (a)dvantage, (d)isadvantage, or (n)ormal?: ").lower()
print() # blank line for readability
roll_skill_check(character, skill, advantage)
print("Invalid skill choice")
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input")
elif choice == "3":
print("Invalid choice")
if __name__ == "__main__":