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167 lines (140 sloc) 6.47 KB
from weapons.registry import WeaponRegistry
from character import Character
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pathlib import Path
from executive_greatsword import create_executive_greatsword
from javelin_of_lightning import create_javelin_of_lightning
from poison_dagger import create_poison_dagger, PoisonEffect
import os
import random
from regular_javelin import create_regular_javelin
from improvised_weapon import create_improvised_weapon
from tavern_brawler import create_tavern_brawler_strike
from boomerang import create_boomerang
def simulate_attacks(weapon, character, ac: int, save_mod: int = None, n_trials: int = 10000):
"""Simulate n_trials attacks against a target with given AC and saving throw modifier"""
hits = 0
crits = 0
damages = []
for _ in range(n_trials):
# Roll attack
attack_roll, _, is_critical = weapon.roll_attack('n', character)
# Check if hit (either critical or beats AC)
if is_critical or attack_roll >= ac:
hits += 1
if is_critical:
crits += 1
# Roll damage
total_damage, damage_breakdown = weapon.roll_damage(character, is_critical)
# Handle special weapon effects
if save_mod is not None:
if "Poison Dagger" in
# DC 15 Constitution save for poison
save_roll = random.randint(1, 20) + save_mod
if save_roll < 15: # Failed save
poison_effect = PoisonEffect()
poison_damage, _ = poison_effect.poison_damage.roll(is_critical)
total_damage += poison_damage
elif "Javelin of Lightning" in
# DC 13 Dexterity save for lightning
save_roll = random.randint(1, 20) + save_mod
lightning_damage = 4 * random.randint(1, 6) # 4d6 lightning
if save_roll < 13: # Failed save
total_damage += lightning_damage
else: # Successful save
total_damage += lightning_damage // 2
return {
'hits': hits,
'crits': crits,
'misses': n_trials - hits,
'damages': damages
def plot_results(results, weapon_name: str, ac: int, save_mod: int = None):
"""Create and save visualizations for the simulation results"""
# Create figures directory if it doesn't exist
# Calculate statistics
mean_damage_when_hit = np.mean(results['damages']) if results['damages'] else 0
std_damage_when_hit = np.std(results['damages']) if results['damages'] else 0
# Calculate overall statistics (including misses as zeros)
all_damages = results['damages'] + [0] * results['misses']
mean_damage_overall = np.mean(all_damages)
std_damage_overall = np.std(all_damages)
# Pie chart of hit/crit/miss
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
labels = ['Hits', 'Crits', 'Misses']
sizes = [
(results['hits'] - results['crits']) / 10000,
results['crits'] / 10000,
results['misses'] / 10000
plt.pie(sizes, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%')
plt.title(f'Attack Results vs AC {ac}')
# Histogram of damage
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.hist(results['damages'], bins=20, edgecolor='black')
plt.title('Damage Distribution on Hits')
# Add statistics text
stats_text = (f'When Hit:\n'
f' Mean: {mean_damage_when_hit:.1f}\n'
f' Std: {std_damage_when_hit:.1f}\n'
f' Mean: {mean_damage_overall:.1f}\n'
f' Std: {std_damage_overall:.1f}')
plt.text(0.98, 0.95,
bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.8))
# Add overall title with save modifier if applicable
title = f'{weapon_name} Analysis'
if save_mod is not None:
save_type = "Con" if "Poison" in weapon_name else "Dex"
title += f' (Save mod: {save_mod:+d} {save_type})'
# Save figure with more specific save type in filename
filename = f'{weapon_name.replace(" ", "_")}_AC{ac}'
if save_mod is not None:
if "Poison" in weapon_name:
filename += f'_consave{save_mod:+d}'
elif "Lightning" in weapon_name:
filename += f'_dexsave{save_mod:+d}'
def main():
character = Character("Test Character")
# Get all registered weapons
weapons = WeaponRegistry.get_all_weapons()
for weapon in weapons:
print(f"\nAnalyzing {}...")
# Determine if we need to test different save modifiers
save_mods = range(-1, 4) if ("Poison" in or "Lightning" in else [None]
for ac in range(11, 22):
for save_mod in save_mods:
mod_str = f" (Save mod: {save_mod:+d})" if save_mod is not None else ""
print(f"Simulating vs AC {ac}{mod_str}...")
# Run simulation with 10000 trials
results = simulate_attacks(weapon, character, ac, save_mod, n_trials=10000)
# Create and save plots
plot_results(results,, ac, save_mod)
# Calculate statistics
hit_rate = (results['hits'] / 10000) * 100
crit_rate = (results['crits'] / 10000) * 100
avg_damage_when_hit = np.mean(results['damages']) if results['damages'] else 0
all_damages = results['damages'] + [0] * results['misses']
avg_damage_overall = np.mean(all_damages)
# Print summary statistics
print(f"AC {ac}:")
print(f"Hit rate: {hit_rate:.1f}%")
print(f"Crit rate: {crit_rate:.1f}%")
print(f"Average damage when hit: {avg_damage_when_hit:.1f}")
print(f"Average damage overall: {avg_damage_overall:.1f}")
if __name__ == "__main__":