The campfire wall displays a 360-degree panoramic photo of the user’s tour location choice. Overlaid on top are histogram plots which display the building density for a 24-hour period, the amount of which is defined by the user on the controller. The mechanism behind this is contingent upon the “Tourspots” dataframe. This takes a simple .csv file which includes the following: Location Name Longitude Latitude Image file name From this, a function computes the radial distance between the photograph position and each building on campus, in order of ascending distance. From here, the position of the building is mapped onto an x-coordinate location for the campfire wall. Likewise, the distance also determines the factor by which the size of the graph is scaled. With this information, the “Tourspots” rds file also includes a nested tibble data structure, which, for every tour location, includes the following characteristics for each building: Relative Lng ( Building Longitude minus Spot Longitude ) Relative Lat ( Building Latitude minus Spot Latitude ) Distance ( Direct distance between buildings in units of degrees ) Scaling Factor ( The multiplicative factor by which the graph is scaled by, such that a scaling factor of 1 is the maximum size) X location ( The exact coordinate location of the building in question ) Grob min x ( The beginning of the graph in the X - plane ) Grob max X ( The end of the graph in the X - plane ) When the app is building the wall, one must also take into account the y-dimension. In order to better accommodate dense grouping of plots, the y-offset is done as a sequence, where, starting from the lowest x value in working upwards, the building is assigned a y offset such that plot overlap is less common. Likewise, the Y-axis is also scaled in a similar pattern to the x axis. Finally, preventative measures are taken such that the graphs are not broken by the “seam” in the 360-degree panoramic photo.