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Campus WiFi Dashboard

Van Hal, Christina edited this page Nov 30, 2020 · 4 revisions

Campus WiFi Dashboard View

The Campus Wifi Dashboard tab provides an overview of the WiFi access on campus via WAP devices in 30-minute intervals. Users can customize their searches using the 5 selections. Based on the user's selection, the main panel will display 4 plots showcasing: a main heatmap displaying the WiFi access per WAP device at every 30 minutes interval, two aggregate bar plots showing the WiFi access per WAP device and per 30 minutes interval, and a plot of the WiFi access at each 30 minutes interval modeled by a polynomial function.


Input selection

Users customize their searches using the following 5 selections:

  1. View the WiFi access via user count or MAC count
  2. Select a specific date within the last 7 days
  3. Refine their searches by only selecting from specific building types
  4. Select a specific building
  5. Specific the interval they wish to view the information

Main heatmap

Campus WiFi Dashboard Dropdown

To get to our Campus WiFi Dashboard page, we select it in the dropdown.

Campus WiFi Dashboard Menu

For the graphics shown, we can select options: returning to a different page (red circle), choosing devices or users (blue square), date (orange triangle), building type (yellow trapezoid), floor (green diamond), building (purple pentagon), and time range (black brain).

Campus WiFi Dashboard Graphics

Our graphics (explained above) should change to reflect our selections. Here we have an example bar graph of users by hour (red circle) and a line graph of users by hour (blue square).

Campus WiFi Dashboard Error Message

Above shows what happens if we select a time period for which there is no data for our combination of conditions. Try widening the time range or selecting a different floor or building.