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Data Sources

Mayerhofer, Mia edited this page Dec 9, 2020 · 6 revisions

Safe Campus uses raw wireless access points (WAP’s) usage data for over 1300 locations in RPI's campus. WAP devices are physical devices that provide internet connection to wireless devices within the WAP’s range. This WAP data is collected every 30 minutes and stored in the raw data frame (rpi_wifi_last_seven_days.Rds) that is updated every two hours. The structure of this data frame is explained in more detail below.

Below is a cartoon showing that user and device count data is collected from every building on campus and compiled in the Vorhees Computing Center to create rpi_wifi_last_seven_days.Rds.

Campus WiFi Overview Menu

Initial Data Files and Sources

These files are not used in the actual app but are used to create the main data frames (combined_wap_data and rpi_wap_data) used in the app. They are used in Test_Wifi_overview_source.R, a test R script to create the main rds files used in the app located in both the COVID_RPI_WiFi_Data and IDEA-COVID-SafeCampus repositories.

1. apinfo.csv: This csv file contains the following information for each WAP device: WAP name, building, floor, room, longitude and latitude. It is missing several coordinate values which is why we use another csv file that contains all of the coordinates. This csv file may be found in the wap_data folder in the IDEA-COVID-ContactTracing repository.

2. allBuildingInfo.csv: This csv file contains the following information for each building: full building name, longitude, latitude, building type, and building abbreviation. This csv may be found in the some_test_files folder of the IDEA-COVID-SafeCampus repository.

3. Min_25_24_time.csv : This csv file contains 30 minute time intervals from 0:00 to 24:00. This csv file may be found in the RPIWiFiWatch folder in the IDEA-COVID-ContactTracing repository.

4. rpi_wifi_last_seven_days.Rds: This is the main source of raw WiFi Access Point usage across the RPI campus. It contains user count and MAC (device) count information from over 1300 locations in different buildings at RPI. This file may be found in the COVID_RPI_WiFi_Data repository.

Final Data Files and Sources

There are four main source and reference files used in the SafeCampus app. With the exception of building_info.R which is located in the IDEA-COVID-SafeCampus repository, the other three Rds files below may be found in the RPI_COVID_WiFi_Data repository.

1. building_info.R: This R script contains lists of building names and abbreviations for each of the five building types: academic, housing, greek, other on campus, and other off campus. These are compiled into one main list called alltype so this information can be easily accessed within the app. The custom color palette used for the leaflet bubble map visualization is also included in this script.

2. rpi_wap_raw.rds: This is an rds file of the prepared WAP data used in the majority of the app. This rds file is created in Test_WiFi_overview_source.R.

3. combined_wap_data.rds: This is an rds file similar to rpi_wap_raw.rds but is grouped differently to be used to plot the leaflet bubble map in the Campus WiFi Overview tab. It contains the sums of user counts and mac counts for each 30 minute interval. This file is also created in Test_WiFi_overview_source.R.

4. buildinginfo.rds: This is an rds file of the csv file allBuildingInfo.csv which contains the following information for every building: full building name, longitude, latitude, building type, and building abbreviation. This file is also created in Test_WiFi_overview_source.R and is used to create rpi_wap_raw.rds and combined_wap_data.rds with the correct information for all buildings on campus.